Need neck help! Any specialists out there?

I have been getting horrible neck and shoulder aches for the last couple of months. I don't have a clue why. I believe I may be sleeping funny. Maybe because I am smaller I am sleeping in a different position. Anyhow, I was wondering if anyone had any advice on something I can do to help this. Is there a wonderful pillow out there I can buy or something. I keep hearing about those foam things that form to your body. Do they really help? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am posting this on the question and message board to get as many opinions as I can. I'm ready to get a neck brace to sleep in.    — lindadougherty (posted on October 7, 2004)

October 7, 2004
Hi Linda, Due to my former MO size, my old mattress had ditch in the middle. All of the flipping and turning never could fix that. I didn't notice the ditch until I lost about 50lbs, my body sank into the "divit" in the bed. I would awake with shoulder neck and hip pain. We bought a nautilus bed to replace the old bed. It's similar to the sleep comfort bed. I love it. I sleep better and rarely wake up with neck or shoulder pain anymore. It adjusted with me as I lost weight so my spine stayed in alignment. The new matress is terrific! Best wishes, Maggie B.
   — M B.

October 7, 2004
You could be right on, I am 14 months post-op and I had to buy a new mattress because of the groove made when I was 332 lbs. We have a King size bed, it sure seems so much bigger than it use, I was having neck, shoulder and upper back pain from my hanging breast. I had a breast reduction two months ago, the ps took off 2.5 lbs of hanging skin and took my breast from a 34ddd to a 34C, the weight off of my back took away so much neck, back and shoulder pain, I almost feel like I can fly. Don't know if you might be having neck, back pain from hanging skin.
   — cindy

October 7, 2004
Hello. I am a massage therapist working for a chiropractor in California and I think that yes, you may be sleeping funny now because you and your body was used to a nice cushioned body. I would suggest some therapy-such as a massage- and maybe some new pillows. I also don't know how long you have had your mattress (if it's old or new) but that may also be a reason why your neck may be hurting. It's not only your neck that may be off but it could be your mid and low back as well. Trust me, I know alot about pain in the back. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to e-mail me.
   — Michelle M.

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