Allergic Reaction to Internal Sutures??
I had breast reduction surgery on 8/16. I love the way I look but am having lots of redness and soreness in the tissue above the incisions at the base of my breasts. My incisions are completely healed and look great. At first my surgeon thought it was a bacterial infection; however, after six weeks of antibiotics he and a colleague have determined that it's quite possibly an allergic reaction to the internal sutures. Have any of you experienced this? If so, can you tell me what you've done or have you just waited it out until the sutures have dissolved? Thanks so much for your response. Deanna -90 lbs and down to a 38C! :-) — Deanna C. (posted on October 4, 2004)
October 4, 2004
This isn't WLS/PS related, but I will share my experience with you anyway.
I am allergic to certain internal sutures but the kind used for repairing
tendons. I suffered a severe hand injury many years ago and about 6 weeks
after one of my many hand surgeries, my hand suddenly swelled up to the
size of a boxing glove - NO exageration. They tried antibiotics, but I had
an opening in the incision that wouldn't heal. My body was trying to rid
itself of these sutures. I had to have the sutures replaced with a
different kind as my body just wouldn't process them. Hopefully you will
have a different resolution.
— Yolanda J.
October 4, 2004
If your incisions were perfectly ehaled and then had pimple-like sores that
broke open and drianed and left raw spots, it could be a suture
granuloma...a reaction to the dissolving stitches. As they dissolve, it
usually clears up. They can get infected so antibiotics and cleaning may
help. Vicryl and Dexon sutures are the most common culprits.
— DrL
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