Need advice dealing with

I had my lap rny on 12-13-02 and am down around 115bs and went to a consult with a Michigan Plastic surgeon on 8/16 who recommended a TT. No problem there, I have FABULOUS insurance and while this should be simple it isn't becuase the surgeon works in a large practice and has his own office assistant who is never at her phone and after leaving her all my insurance info 4 times via voicemail it appears as if she still hasn't had the surgeon write his letter to my insurance company. THis surgeon is AWESOME, however how to I handle this situation delicately? I've consulted with 6 other Michigan surgeons and this is the only one who specializes with weightloss patients.I'm feeling rather unsure of what to do next if anyone has ideas please toss them out. Thank You. ELizabeth lap rny 12-13-02 268/154    — E M. (posted on September 3, 2003)

September 3, 2003
I am so sorry about your problem, but the best advice I can give is show up in person with your request in writing. That way you have less chance of her forgeting you. Or better yet send your request via certified mail that way they have to sign that they recieved it. But I would only do this as a last resort. Good luck and God bless you on your journey.
   — Debby M.

September 3, 2003
Call the office manager - tell her the situation and ask her to help you out. Make sure you come across as patient but needing help - being aggressive will backfire. In a really large practice, there is a manager over the nurses so you can ask the office manager if she supervises the nurses or if there is someone else you should be talking to. Also bear in mind, even awesome doctors are not necessarily interested in taking care of the paperwork - she may be hard to reach, but she may just be avoiding you because the doc hasn't done his part. So, it might not be the nurse's fault, even though it looks that way at first glance.
   — bethybb

September 3, 2003
I agree with the two previous posts. Call again, but ask for a manager. If you can't get one, GO IN PERSON AND COMPLAIN PROFESSIONALLY. Never give up!
   — Michele B.

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