Do you thin water aerobics is enough

I go to water aerobics 5 times a week 2 classes each day. for a total of 10 hours of exersise.. DO you think this is enough , do you think I should do other things.. They do a different work out every day so I am doing different exersises in the water daily but should I be doing other stuff.. I dont feel like im loosing enough    — Catherine B (posted on June 23, 2003)

June 23, 2003
catherine, i think a key question is how hard you feel you're working in the H2O classes. if you feel your exertion levels are high enough, and given the fact that all the classes are not identical, then i can't see why you need to do something else -- especially since water classes give you both a cardio and toning workout. if you enjoy what you're doing, you're more likely to stick with it -- so go for it!
   — carolsaunders

June 23, 2003
I think you are doing GREAT!!! Did you realize that because of the water resistance that 1/2 in the pool is equal to an hour on land. I love swimming and working out in a pool.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 24, 2003
YOU are doing GREAT!! I'm a water exercise instructor at our local Y so I know the benefit you are getting by doing the classes especially of you are doing shallow(for weight bearing and cardio) and deep (muscle strength and building, and cardio)...If you feel like you might need to add something I would go to the weight room and do a light full body routine to begin with then increase as you need to. I think you are getting PLENTY of cardio in the pool and you might need some more weight bearing exercise as well but, you might as well do something that will build muscle in your whole body. Weight lifting is not just for the BOYS!!! It is really great for bone health and of course lean muscle burns fat 24/7!!! Keep up the GREAT work!!!
   — Deanna_K

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