How long until you could truly eat meat and nausea/vomiting passed?
I'm about 11 weeks from my open rny. I cannot tolerate any meat products. I thought this would pass faster, but I'm still only able to eat baby bites of cottage cheese, cheese, sometimes a cracker. Protein drinks sometimes are tolerated. I talked to my doctor and dietician. They now say this is fairly common. ICK! For those of you who had the sensitive pouches, how long does this phase last? (It's hard to get in the protein, and I'm starting to fear eating due to nausea and vomiting!) — Mary Ann B. (posted on February 16, 2003)
February 16, 2003
Try cutting meat into pencil eraser sized bits or smaller to see if this
— bob-haller
February 16, 2003
May Ann~~About your new pouch....every day is new adventure!!!!! What goes
down fine one week will make you sick the next that is how I was. I did do
pretty well with ground turkey(I don't eat beef or pork) and vegetarian fat free beans. I was always
able to tolerate low fat cheese and you really won't believe this I can eat
Turkey Jerky(you can get it at Costco) of all things...many of my friends
do too. It has 14 grams of protein per ounce which is a lot. I also
survived off non fat milk in the beginning because it has a decent amount
of protein and I could drink more than I could eat. If you need any other
specific information feel free to email me [email protected] Wendi
Open RNY 9/19/02 down 96lbs
— lovemonterey
February 16, 2003
I had trouble with meat for about 3.5 months. I also had problems drinking
water - it hurt as it went down and made me want to throw up. I persevered,
though, and can now eat meat with no problem and chug water like a pre-op!
— JoAnn B.
February 16, 2003
Our bariatric program does not allow red meat or pork for six months
because it is hard to tolerate. that said, I ate and tolerated red meat
much sooner than I could chicken.
At 11 weeks your insides are still very much healing- concentrate on softer
foods, white fish, salmon, tuna, shrimp,..if you absolutly hate seafood,
try chicken or turkey, or try cooking you meat in a crock pot-
The moister the meat the(hopefully) easier it will be to eat.
Itty bitty bites and chew well.
— ~~Stacie~~
February 16, 2003
I am over 2 years post op and I still eat my meat in some type of sauce. I
avoid any dry meat. I don't think much about it, but that is what I do. If
I have turkey, it is with lots of gravy. Chicken breast must be in some
sort of sauce. I can not even imagine eating dry chicken. Try your meat
moist and wet. This makes it easier. Shelley
— Shelley.
February 16, 2003
I'm 14 weeks out and have been able to eat chicken for about 6 weeks (even
for breakfast as a way to get protein in). I couldn't tolerate any other
meat until about a week ago. I also thought the icky phase would last
forever but I'm slowly starting to feel a difference. Hang in there!
— Donna B.
February 18, 2003
I hated all meat until I was 4 or 5 months post op. It does pass. Now I
can eat a steak no problem. That's why I go into the protein drinks so
much. I just drank a Real Meals everday and that gave me a full day's
— Linda A.
February 18, 2003
Mary Ann, I am 15 months post op and I still can't tolerate any meat except
for ground chuck. Chicken, steak, pepperoni, pork, they all make me sick
still. My pouch is VERY sensitive though, almost anything I put in my mouth
makes me nauseous to some extent. I know exactly how your feeling. I hope
everything gets better for you:)
— Lynda T.
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