At 6-7 weeks out, how much exercise did you do?

I have been pretty much bed-ridden due to surgical complications from my open rny. I am trying to slowly build up to walking more and using the elliptial trainer. Anyone else start with a four or five week slow start? How much were you able to do minutes-wise at 6-7 weeks after 5-6 weeks of bedrest? Your help is always a comfort. Thanks.    — Mary Ann B. (posted on January 12, 2003)

January 11, 2003
I had vritually no complications so I was back in the pool as soon as my incision healed-- 2 weeks after my open RNY. I did 60 minutes of water aerobics 5 days a week. Water e3xercise is a good way to go because it puts so little strain on your joints. I have had arthritis since I was a teenager and the stress of walking even on my hips and ankles at 286# was impossible to bear. In the water I could actually move all those joints and get the extra benefit of the water's resistance. Now 135# lighter, I can walk for hours at a time and I still prefer swimming and water aerobics for the bulk of my exercise.
   — phoebe

January 11, 2003
After my Lap RNY on 10/15/02, I kept busy, but didn't formally exercise. I had planned on it, but just didn't have the motivation. Then at 6 weeks out, doctors discovered I had a benign ovarian tumor that had to come out. So another major surgery and out of work for 6 more weeks. I have just started exercising. I am not feeling guilty about it or trying to catch up with where I think I should be. I am just walking as I can (which is only about 1 mile on the treadmill) and doing some light weight lifting (5 pound weights) and leg lifts. I have started doing about 20 stomach crunches only because I can't stand my belly, though my surgeon wouldn't be thrilled to know this (2 major surgeries in 2 months!). I'm sorry you are having complications and hope you feel better soon.
   — Yolanda J.

January 11, 2003
From the time I came home from the hospital, I was walking 2 miles per day. 1 mile in the morning and then another in the evening. I think I was still doing that at 6-7 weeks post op. I really bumped it up at a few months post op though and when I started using the eliptical trainer I had already lost a significant amount of weight. Anyway, good luck to you. Take it slow and you will still get there, just keep up as best you can. Even if it is just 5-10 minutes at first it will help you build your endurance and you will be able to do more later. 9 months post op- weigh 136 @ 5'4"
   — A. S.

January 11, 2003
Sweetheart--I too wasn't able to excercise post-op due to my wound opening up. I am 8 weeks out now and my MD has said to just start w/ powerwalking--until my next visit in a month. He just wants to start the aerobic stuff--to hold off on the strengthening and toning--fine w/ me. Good Luck
   — Wannabe A.

January 11, 2003
Mary Ann, I would check with your dtr, it takes a full 2months for your muscles and incision to heal. I wouldn't be on the eliptical trainer yet. And, i defintly would not have been in the pool at 2wks....Check with your dtr, walking is a good start, so is the treadmill. Again, check with your dtr. I live in NYC and was very active prior to surgery, however my dtr didn't want me to over exert myself ( i even lived in a 4th flr walk up) and I wasn't cleared to get in the pool for 3 months. Good Luck Heather (8/15 - 305/224/150).
   — heathercross

January 11, 2003
I had my surgery in the month of November, 2001...just in time for cold weather. I "exercised" byn walking around my house (inside), I must've looked like one of those lab rats or the gerbils in those crazy little maze things...I went up and down my stairs...and I did the same thing when I went back to work...stopped using the elevator and used the stairs. I did some working out with my Tony Little gazelle, but unfortunately that is in the basement right now, with no where to put it where it can be of any use to me...gosh I need to clean out my basement. Just getting up and moving about was enough for me at that point. And by the time the warmer weather came about, I was able to walk 2 miles a day which DH and I did every evening after dinner. Now that it is cold again, I am doing that same thing...although now I am a much skinnier lab rat/gerbil LOL Good Luck and have a Sparkling Day!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

January 11, 2003
The only exercise that I did for the first 8 weeks was walking around the house, or small trips to the grocery store. I am 11 weeks post-op and just beginning a semi-formal exercise program. Best of luck.
   — GPoynor

January 12, 2003
I'm 5 weeks out from an open RNY. Of course, I didn't have complications like you did. I do 30 minutes of walking on a treadmill just about every day. Then, every other day, I do the weight training circuit at my YMCA. I just avoid any abdominal exercise. I find that the elliptical trainer is more strenuous than the treadmill. Maybe you should just walk on the treadmill and go at a comfortable pace for you.
   — Michele C.

January 12, 2003
I had complications too. I waited 2 months untill I could get off liquids to soilds to really start to exercie.
   — sheri B.

January 12, 2003
The only complication I had was arthritis in my knees and I had a bad flare up with it while in the hospital. The only exercise I hav done exercycle riding and some walkin and band exercises for my upper body. I was cleared for water aerobics at 10 weeks but didn't have access to any classes. Because of the arthritis, I have not be able to do any floor exercises and I have an huge hernia which precludes ab exercises. I am waiting for insurance approval for my tummy tuck and hernia repair now. Open RNY 11/29/01 -160 pounds
   — Patty_Butler

January 12, 2003
Hi there, Mary Ann! I had complications also, the most exercise I could do was walking around the block the first 2 months( which was only about 5 minutes, for most, took me 30 min. because of the pain I was in) . After my second trip to the hospital, I increased how much I walked, but I didn't do more than that until my doctor gave me the all-clear. Now that it's cold, I do some walking and I have an exercise bike that I use as well. Like others have said, just make sure you clear it with your surgeon first. Be well, Vi. open RNY 9/23/02 down 87 lbs.
   — Vi F.

January 13, 2003
I have been going to Curves 4-5 times a week since 11/22/02. My Doc cleared me for exercise at my 1 month appointment (11/21/02). Good luck!
   — Jessica D

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