
I had my surgery on 03/04/02 and today I lost 100 pounds altogether. However, the friends that I had when I was heavier no longer exist. I had lots of so called friends, I had friends who I dieted with and friends who I worked out at health clubs with also. I am hurting inside because I can no longer share my success stories with my old friends and I cannot share positive things that I encounter since losing the weight either. I tried to make friends with WLS people in my hometown and they seem to be extremely busy or have no room in their life for new friendships. I know that I am a down to earth person with a pleasant personality, so I don't feel that my lack of friends has anything to do with my personality. However, I did have depression problems because of the obesity that I suffered with for so many years. Since losing the weight I don't suffer from depression anymore. I do feel melancholy sometimes because my old friends dismissed me from their life after I lost the weight. Do anyone have any suggestions, advice or comments to offer me? I feel that I need to be able to communicate with other WLS people on the telephone or through email, but I can't seem to meet WLS people whom I can offer support to or vis versa! It seems that people only call me when they want something from me, people don't seem to want honesty or true friendship anymore. I am going to start going to support meetings when the weather get better and hopefully I can meet other WLS people and we can share eating tips and WLS stories, etc. Thanks for sharing and good luck to you all. S.M.    — Shirley M. (posted on November 26, 2002)

November 26, 2002
Shirley, I am so sorry that your friends have done you this way. Now you know who your TRUE friends are. My situation is totally different, my friends have been WONDERFUL, it is my family (parents and siblings) and my husbands siblings and their wives that have given me "hell". They talk about me behind my back, tell me I am so gross looking, and some even comment that I'm going to be dead within a few months. I am more than a year post op now, have lost 135 lbs, and weigh in about 120, I feel GREAT and thought I looked great also (Compared to what I did look like) I have met some wonderful people on this site and I have made some wonderful friends, so please don't get discouraged. If you ever want to chat or e-mail me feel free, I love to talk:) I know I'm not close to you, but I could be your long distance pen pal.
   — Lynda T.

November 26, 2002
I haven't expirienced any of this either, friends (large and small) and still here as well as family....
   — Karen R.

November 26, 2002
I havn't had my surgery yet, it's scheduled for december 10, but I have told a few of my "so called" friends about the surgery several months back and I barely even hear from them anymore. They are overweight aswell and when i do talk to them on occasion they mention the surgery and how I'm gonna be a diffrent person and want nothing to do with them! Can you believe that! I'm not having this surgery to become skinny and popular, I'm doing it for my health. I think they must be very jealous. It hurts my feelings to know that I have always been honest and down to earth with these girls for them to only be just the opposite and not be true to me. I'm not gonna worry about them and you shouldn't either. If you need anyone to talk to, I'm always here~! Love, k
   — Karen W.

November 26, 2002
I haven't had surgery yet, but I have a feeling when I do and start to lose alot of weight fast I too will be losing some co-worker friends that I have known for years. My family is still against me having the I am still trying to educate them on the surgery. My husband will be attending Baylor's WLS Seminar 12/12/02 with me so I hope this will help him see how much this will help my health. It sounds like we both will need some support. I would love to keep in contact with you and be a new friend!
   — babrewer

November 26, 2002
I am preop and as I go through the journey of the wls, I am finding that I am reluctant to tell alot of people. I find there is a freedom in not being under performance pressure from those that know of it. This has prevented them from being threatened by a change in our relationship either.I plan on losing a certain amount of weight and then, as normal inquires come forward, I will chose whether to tell or not.I think this will keep my friendships in tact alittle better.I won't be putting them on the defensive by my having gone on the offensive by taking such a strong method of weight loss.I say this because I have lost large amounts of weight in the past and they did not handle it well. Jealousy. Pure and simple. Nothing lacking in me or anything I did to cause a withdrawal of friendship.Stay strong in your desire for weight loss and don't worry about these so called friends. I would be more than happy to have an additional friend to talk about wls with.Email me if you like. It is a good idea to check out those support meetings.I go to one and it makes a big difference. Good luck. Leslie Elwood
   — Leslie E.

November 26, 2002
I believe that your journey has made you a much stronger individual. It is difficult to remain friends with people who are not supportive. Maybe these individuals couldn't handle the attention that you were getting. I think you have a wonderful heart and NO ONE should deter you from being YOU! If you think these friendships are worth saving, than talk to these so called "friends" and find out why they are so distant. If they truly value you as a person they will savor your friendship. If they don' need to move on. There are plenty of wonderful people in this world who are NOT SELF CENTERED! I have found some absolutely wonderful friendships through my WLS research! Life is full of wonderul suprises! Please know that there are people in this world that would love to have a person like you on their team. I wish you all of the LOVE and LUCK in the world. My world is never too small for new friendships...please email me!
   — Jennifer O.

November 26, 2002
Like in any relationship, friends, children, lover, partner...when you change the music...the dance has to change (if that makes sense). People become used to us being a certain way, and may become intimidated, threatened , whatever...its not our problem. Just like the stats are high for divorce followng WLS, i must also assume the likelihood that you will lose so called friends is high as well. when one person matter how, those closest to them must change as well ...or leave. I am sorry you are feeling this way. But there is lots of support around you. Drop me an email..I would love an out of state penpal to share this journey with since I am only 42 days out . Take care, Aloha Keniki
   — Keniki B.

November 26, 2002
I am so sorry that things are not working out for you. It must be sad to feel as if your friends are no longer there for you. Why not invite them for coffee and flat out ask them what they think of your friendship. Maybe they are just tired of talking/hearing about WLS, maybe they are jealous or envious. Maybe they feel like they can't be themselves around you anymore because they are thinking you have changed on the 'inside' as well as the 'outside'.Sit back and analyze what your actions are when you all are together, analyze you last conversation. Did you act interested in them? These are just suggestions-not accusations. I am not trying to be mean-just up front. Good Friends are hard to find. I am sure they love you. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Ask them what is up-make sure to do it in a 'non-blaming' way and with a open mind and heart. Good Luck.
   — Jan S.

November 26, 2002
hi there shirley. im sorry for what you are going through.ive noticed through the years in many different type situations, so called "friends" have a hard time with others success. be it the purchase of a nice house, the promotion at work, getting a new car. and yes, even weight loss. its so weird the way it works. im in illinois to, west of aurora. if you ever need a listening ear. im here. email anytime [email protected]
   — carrie M.

November 26, 2002
shirley....I wish so much that you lived closer to me. I too would cherrish a friend right now. I have come to realize that the friends I had before surgery were only using me for whatever they might have needed at that moment. If you ever just want to chit chat send an e-mail and I would love to talk. Donna Open RNY 7/5/2002 -75lbs
   — DRutherford

November 27, 2002
I cherish my friends dearly, and if they stopped speaking or became jealous or resentful because I looked better and felt better than they did then, oh well...I would try to reconcile with them to find out why they felt that way, but quite frankly, I wouldn't let them put a guilt trip on me and try to impede my progress. That would let me know then that they wasn't a friend to begin with...
   — yourdivaness

November 27, 2002
I can feal your pain..but I didnt lose my friends, I lost my husband. After I had lost over 100 pounds he leaves me for a younger woman who is heavier then me now.
   — Rhonda T.

November 27, 2002
I too experienced loss of frienships after my surgery. It is easy for someone to say well you know who your true freinds are now and to say oh well, they couldn't have been that good of friends. The truth is, it hurts alot. I haven't lost all of my friends, but 2 people that i grew up with. I have been obese all my life and when the weight started to come off, they called less and less. I asked my other friends and even my family if I changed(personality wise, attitude wise) and they all said i am just more happy. I think of these 2 friends as a loss to them, and to me, these are the people i wanted to share these good memories with. Apparently my being happy made them unhappy, but I have other friends and i talk to them about this and they help me not to dwell on it. By the way, one of these "friends" tried her best to talk me out of this, before the surgery, she was very negative from the start. All I can say is hang in there. It does get better.
   — stacey1273

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