Getting the run-around from the surgeons office... ARGH!

Here's the deal- my surgeons office was supposed to submit the required information to my insurance company for approval approximately three weeks ago. I have been calling my insurance company to make sure they have received the information, and to check the status of it for the past three weeks, and finally found someone with information. As it turns out, my surgeons office has been sitting on information to turn in, and when I called today to see if they had sent it in, I got a curt "no." I was also told that she would call me, and not to call her. The nurse I spoke with at the insurance company was friendly, cooperative and helpful. Any suggestions on how to deal with this when it's the surgeons office giving you the run-around?    — Jess S. (posted on October 25, 2002)

October 25, 2002
Jess, I had a very similar problem with the surgeon I chose. The explanation was that the doctor was very busy and he had to write the "perfect" letter so it would be approved. Well, all my insurance wanted was my BMI, height, weight and blood pressure. As long as I was at least 100 pounds overweight, it was automatically approved. After dealing with this runaround from August to October 15, I switched surgeons. I had to go out of town, but I saw the new surgeon October 30 and had surgery November 29. It was the best decision I ever made - not only having the surgery but switching doctors. I am so thankful that the other surgeon's office procrastinated because I believe I ended up going to a much better surgeon. I do know the one I finally used had much more experience with bariatric surgery and a much better track record than the first. Good luck to you. Open RNY 11/29/01 -151+ pounds
   — Patty_Butler

October 25, 2002
I had a similar experience only longer and worse. I called many different surgeons but mine was the only one who did it laproscopically. I also had a lap band that was causing me to throw up for 10 months and needed it removed. No other surgeon wanted to touch me because I was a problem case. If you can get the same procedure done somewhere else do it. I think it is appalling that doctor's put up with incomptent and rude help and if they lose enough patients they will change things. Good luck.
   — a C.

October 25, 2002
I had the same problem. After reading many of the posts on this site, I was sure I had to harp on the office staff to get the info out to the insurance company. My consultation was August 2nd but my paperwork was not put in until mid-September! I was sure I was going to miss my deadline. However, they explained to me that in August they are working on Aug. and Sept. forms. In September they were working on Sept and Oct. forms. I calmed down, gave it a few weeks and called my insurance again. It took only 2 weeks for my insurance to approve. I've got 2 more weeks to wait for WLS on 11/11! It's rough dealing with the waiting. Believe me, I know! Perhaps your Dr's office has a process they are following. Call them and ask. Good luck with everything. Take deep breaths! This time will pass quickly!
   — Colleen S.

October 25, 2002
I had my first consult on May 31, 2002, completed all the necessary appointments by June 18 and waited all summer for the doctor to write the letter. I called my doctor's office every week and got answers like, he is busy...he is reviewing the letter..always an excuse. When I made my weekly phone call the first part of September, I was informed by his nurse that his program was put on hold. I had to start over, try and get my medical records and find a new doctor. My advice is be PROACTIVE. This is your life and you need to control what you can. I would also advise you to be nice and courteous with everyone you speak with. When you do that, they are more likely to be cooperative. If you come to the conclusion that you need to change doctors...then DO deserve the BEST!!
   — Lynda D.

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