Having trouble putting in quanties of food for Any suggestions?

I'm starting to use The only problem I am having is putting in the quanity of food I eat. For example I had a few stuffed mushrooms with crabmeat for dinner. I know I had 3 mushrooms but not sure how much crabmeat was in it. Or I had a few crackers & cheese spread. I know I ate about 4 crackers but not sure how much cheese spread I ate with it? How do I quantify that or keep track of those things that are hard to keep track of? Also I noticed if you try to change the quanity the lowest amount is oz. Us WLS patients sometimes only eat a few bites of things. How do you enter a few bites of a sandwich for example? How many oz is that? LOL?? Any suggestions?    — Allison T. (posted on September 24, 2002)

September 23, 2002
You can enter in decimal amounts. Bread is probably quantified by the slice. If you only use one slice of bread and only eat 1/2 of it, then enter in 0.5 for quantity. Ditto for oz. You can enter 0.5, 1.5, 2.1 as appropriate. <p> As far as the amount of crabmeat or cheese spread or your sandwich filling goes, you will have to guesstimate it. Remember those medicine cups in the hospital? They hold 2 tablespoons - that's equivalent to 1 oz (volume, not weight). Many of the foods on have volume measurements (cup) and weight measurements (oz). If they have the volume measurement, then try to imagine the amount of the crabmeat, spread, etc in that medicine cup. <p> If it would fill the medicine cup once (1 oz or 2 Tbsp), then you would enter .125 for the quantity of the cup measurement. If it would fill up two of them, then enter .25, etc. <p> Hope this helps...JR (open RNY 07/17 -83 pounds)
   — John Rushton

September 23, 2002
I usually have to guesstimate when I enter some food quantities on and I do over-estimate sometimes because I tend to be unreallistic about the quantity of food I eat. Now once I am a post-op I expect all that will change.
   — Linda B.

September 23, 2002
You have to guess, or measure your food. For me... it works to measure anything that I can. I know most people have an aversion to this, they think its too much like dieting. For me, its about making sure I get the right amounts of things and I don't short change myself on protein or get more of something else that I don't need.<br><br>As to the amounts, you can put in .25 in the quantity, and if the smallest is an ounce that you have specified, it will do 1/4 of an ounce... If I have a few bites.. I think about how much of a piece of bread that is, how much turkey that is.. and estimate from there... fitday will be as exact as you let it.
   — Lisa C.

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