any advice about feeling not big enough to be obese and small enough to be skinny?
I just moved to a new state and nobody knows what I used to look like.(308pds to 180pds) At my new job I was joking with a coworker about staying late and told him I would have to start charging him. He answered with "ha ha, I'll buy you lunch one day, oh on second thought It might be cheaper just to pay you." When I went home on a visit about two months later, alot of people were like eeww you look gross, you have no shape anymore, your like a ruler. I feel so umcomfortable wearing clothes that actually fit,I feel umcomfortable wearing clothes that are too big for me..please help.. — ami B. (posted on September 8, 2002)
September 8, 2002
Pay no attention to Shallow Hal--some people are just not in charge of
their mouth when they are speaking---you have done a great job with your
loss--keep up the good work--and hey--you did this for yourself NO ONE
else---don't worry bout it---go girl
— Linda L.
September 8, 2002
Ami- Often times people don't know how to accept other people's
accomplishments without comparing them to their own. Unfortunately, if
they feel inferior they don't have any other way to cope but to belittle
other people. It's sad but true. So...."pay no attention to the man
behind the curtain" and know that what you have accomplished has
hindered peoples better judgement!! Be've done an amazing job!
— denisel
September 8, 2002
Ami, congratulations first of all. Secondly, for heavens sake, ignore this
jerk. On the other hand, you are losing weight quickly and this may be
your last chance to file a discrimination charge. Soon you will be too
thin for anyone to believe you :-). It's too bad that people think that
they are the gift to the world and have no faults. It's these same people
who have so many. I KNOW that you are a strong person just for doing what
you have already done. Hang in there and know that just because we lose
weight, it doesn't mean we don't have to still deal with idiots in life.
Hugs, Barb
— Barbara H.
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