I need motivation to exercise. help!

I know that I need to exercise but when I get home from work (I work full-time) I am so tired and I have to think about supper for the kids, etc. In the mornings I usually oversleep and end up having to rush around so there's no time then either. I am a single parent of a 11 & 12 yr old and so they really can't take care of making their own meals, etc. I need motivation to get me going. I'm afraid that if I don't exercise then I will stop losing. I've lost 55 lbs in 3months so far. Any suggestions?    — Peggy D. (posted on June 25, 2002)

June 24, 2002
Noone can motivate you - you have to do it yourself! I have the same problem. Right after surgery I was booming with energy but now that I'm 4 months post op (-71lbs since surgery, 121lbs total) I find myself feeling dizzy, light-headed and just plain tired all of the time. I work 8 hours a day, and go work out for an hour after work 4 times a week. Somethings that help me find the time to excercise are to make meals ahead of time. For example, I'll have Lean Cuisine or Weight Watcher meals for dinner. But my big motivation is looking at those fat picture of myself from before and scaring myself into never wanting to be like that again! Good Luck.
   — Angie B.

June 24, 2002
I, too struggle with finding time to exercise. I have three kids, a husband, a dog, a bird and a stray cat! I work 50 hours a week or so and am tired when I get home. But, one thing that does work for me is to walk with the kids. It gives time for bonding, talking and sharing without the distraction of the TV or the computers and is good for all of us. Try may find that your kids enjoy it as much as you do.
   — Sharon L.

June 24, 2002
True, No one can motivate you but yourself. I am 6 months post-op, down 84 lbs and just started to exercise to get the best of the time I have left to lose weight. I hate exercising...I tried everything..nothing kept me interested for more than a few days. I finally realized that exercising does not have to be fun and interesting for me..If it is that is a plus, but I need to exercise for my health, period! I have been doing the Walk away the pounds for Abs by Leslie Sansome..the set comes with a 15 minute 1 mile tape, a 30 min 2 mile tape and a 45 min 3 mile tape and a belt with bands attached to work the abs and arms and back, etc..I have been doing the mile everymorning for almost 2 weeks..It is quick and easy..a nice workout..this week I am adding on another mile in the evening...then moving on to the 2 mile in the a.m. and the 1 mile in the p.m. Really, I am the anti-exerciser! this is working for me..I hope you find something that works for you!
   — Patricia R.

June 25, 2002
I was so like you...way too tired to exercise in the evenings after work. I knew the only time I actually could do it, would be early mornings. It has taken me a very long time, but I set my alarm for 4:45am (don't even need the alarm anymore, automatically wake up now) and was out the door by 5:00 to walk for 45 min. giving me plenty of time to get back, have some coffee and quiet time, before hitting the shower and getting everyone around here moving. I now love my walks, watching the world wake up, hearing the birds, just enjoying time for ME!!! It has taken me a long time to get to this point, it's a matter of taking one day at a time. good luck to you (((hugs))) and smiles =)))...get outta bed and GO!! just do it!!
   — DebPKansas

June 25, 2002
Peggy, like yourself, I'm pretty worn out after a day's work. I must admit most of my work is mental, but by the time I run errands, investigate customer service complaints, do research on various illness for my reseach investigators (I work with GI, Medicine, Cardiology and Endocrine docs in Primary Care). I'm running ALL day, it's rough, but I have to push myself-and I usually do this on the weekends. I'd be interested in what some of the other AMOS members recommend or suggest.
   — yourdivaness

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