Can anyone give me tips on how to achieve the best weight loss results?

I am a little over 1 month post-op RNY. Just wondering if anyone had some tips on what made them sucessful with their weight loss. Certain foods you eat, or stayed away from, any proteins or drinks that helped, certain exercises you did, the way you did it or how many times you did it a week, etc. I tend to graze unfortunately, any tips on how to stay away from that? I really don't eat as much as I am suppose to come meal time because I'm afraid of getting sick so I just eat a little here and there through out the day which I know isn't good. I want to lose about 150 LBS total. Do you think this is a realistic goal?    — Allison T. (posted on May 14, 2002)

May 14, 2002
I have a solution to your grazing that worked for me. Tell yourself it is ok to graze however what you graze on must be very high in protein. I had no problems with my meals, I just wanted something to chew on all the time. So I got some low sugar protein bars. I warn you, they are not the best tasting things on earth, but thats the good part. It would take me all morning to eat just one. And sometimes I couldnt eat it all and would save it for the afternoon. Boom, there is one of your protein supplements for the day and you got to eat all morning! haha. This also works well with beef jerkey. Just be careful with the sodium, and it tends to taste better so you eat more of it. :( But again, its a good source of protein. I dont usually graze anymore, it lost its appeal with the protein bars. Best of luck to you!!!
   — RebeccaP

May 15, 2002
I have to admit that I was so busy going to school and working full time that I didnt follow the suggestions that everyone else was giving. If I had only known then what I know now, I probably would have lost almost all of my weight by now. The first 6 months are the time to lose fast. I suggest trying to maximize the weight loss during this time. I have found that if I keep up with my water and protein I dont feel the need to snack as much. Every once in a while I let myself have one snacky day. I think sometimes we need that to keep our metabolism from shutting down. I buy protein bars, some are low carbs some are not. If I eat one with more carbs, I let this be my only source of carbs for the day. I cut out all breads, crackers, pasta (all those hidden sources). I dont eat the whole bar in one sitting. If I am feeling snacky, I eat a few bites of the protein bar and drink a bunch of water. It really helps. This way 1 or 2 bars lasts me all day and doesnt add a bunch of calories to my diet. I have heard from many others that to maximize weight loss, change your workout routine around. If you mix things up, your body doesnt get used to it. Like I said, I am not the model child for doing things right. I learned the hard way that just eating whatever was handy made me lose very slowly, but I am on the right track now and losing at a great rate now. Best of luck to you!!!
   — Cory F.

May 16, 2002
I lost 150#, so it must be possible! LOL! What I think makes me keep it off 8 yrs (was 262, now about 110#)? 1) type of surgery I had 2) lots of protein supps 3) no milk, no sugar 4) small pouch, which was not stretched until goal wt (6 - 1-2 oz meals per day) 5) staying well supplemented so that there were no nutritional shortages 6) frequent labs 7) support groups 8) knowing that I have a fatal disease & I've taken a very radical treatment. I can work with the treatment to keep my disease in remission OR I can go back the way I was
   — vitalady

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