How much is

I am struggling to find a protein powder that works for me - my stomach was extremely torn up after having a powdered protein that had 5 gms of sugar in it - I'm now in search of a sugar-free protein that doesn't taste as bad as the others I've had. Water seems to help after having stomach troubles but what have you found to be "too much" sugar content. I've noticed that the Tylenol or other things my doc has prescribed for me has small amounts of sugar...why doesn't that effect me like these crummy shakes do? Also - why is it that some people were told a higher amount of protein to have then others? I was told 40 gms. per day - I've seen others who had 60 gms a day. What's the diff?    — Lisa J. (posted on April 24, 2002)

April 24, 2002
I have read on this site about several proteins from GNC that are suppose to be very good. You may want to call GNC and ask them on the phone about this. My dietician said the most carbs that should be in your protein supplement is 30grams or below. 30 being the absolute most. I know Carnation has 7grams of sugars but they are from lactose, a natural milk sugar(not added for flavor) On to the question about amounts of protein. I am 5ft 2" and weigh 251. My goal is 65 grams of protein aday. Right now I only have to try for 50 until I start eating more. Protein is determined by your weight and height and I believe what your goal weight is. By the way, I had an open RNY 1 week ago. I think I have called my dietician 4 times already with questions. They are a great source of info with these types of questions. Good luck.
   — Jennifer F.

April 24, 2002
Every doctor seems to have his/her own protocol when it comes to nutrition and protein. My surgeon requires that we get a minimum of 40g a day - preferably more, but he wants us to eat other foods also - just always remember, protein first, then vegetables, then fruit. I can't stand any of the protein drinks. I have a protein bar - Pure Protein by Sports Nutrition each morning for breakfast (they have from 19 - 21 g of protein, depending on the flavor) and then get the rest of my protein from food. I usually have cottage cheese once a day (14 g) and I have one or two ounces of jerky everyday to supplement the protein. I find that most days I have no trouble getting 55 -70 g of protein and still have vegetables with my meals. Hope this helps.
   — Patty_Butler

April 24, 2002
Are you sure it ws the sugr in the drink? It is possible that is was something else- possible a reaction to soy or milk- I have been having a terrible time with the protein drink-yesterday (4 1/2 m post op) was the first time I drank 4 oz that didn't send me to the potty :) Good Luck
   — ~~Stacie~~

April 24, 2002
Yes you have to be careful because a lot of protien drinks can be very high in sugar. I would recommend one of the low carb diet powders. Personally I use carb solutions (available at walmart). It tastes better to me than anything else I have tried.
   — Dell H.

April 24, 2002
I use Pro Complex(chocolate is the best) it has 2 g sugar, 3g carbs and 55 g protein, I only make half of that but I add a banana and ice and it really tastes great. I look forward to drinking it each morning. The best prices I've found are at
   — Rachel M.

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