I am way off track please help

My period just went off, and before the start of my cycle, I started craving sweets, so I went an purchased Smart Ones English Toffee popsicles, and some sugerfree butter cookies, since I started that, I have gotten off of my eating regiem. It has only been 3 days, but to me it is 3 days lost. I am only 10 weeks post-op and I don't want to ruin all that I have gone through to loose weight. I have released 57 lbs so far. Please help, I need to get back on track........    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 3, 2001)

October 3, 2001
I have been there! I am 10 weeks and have lost 72 pounds. For one week I only lost a pound, because i got off. I had to make myself get right. First of all anything i really liked I got rid of it. My thing was peanut butter. I found myself eating it out the jar one week. My lil sis was on the phone with me and said "throw it out). I did and yes i fished it back out of the trash. hey the top was on it! I started back the next day. Finally my sis found out agin. I took the lint from the laundry and crammed it in the PB. Then I did that to everything I could potentially gorge on. i made it all unedible. I felt motivated. Trus the next day I was wondering if i could just pick around the lint, LOL, but I didnt. I now REFUSE to buy any food i really, really, love. No temptation in my home. That way I have to stay pretty much on track. Alot of people may disagree, but this first 6 months is our window. Screw good food for now, lets get healthy first. Another tip--dont buy anything with over 12 carbs. I mean no raisins, no to certain fruits. Keep it away from you! Think of it as a game. Just six months, then maybe you can ween yourself on it. But think how many weeks you can waste if you dont. Good luck! Courtney lap rny july 23, 2001 370-298
   — Courtney W.

October 3, 2001
i am now eight weeks post op and going through the "pre-menstrual" need to eat. Its driving me crazy..i have not craved anything until now. Hopefully it goes away when "it" does *L*
   — paula B.

October 3, 2001
I guess the first step to getting back on track is to get rid of the trigger foods. Maybe do some meal planning for the next few days until you feel more stable and motivated. The wonderful thing about this is that you have not lost ground, only a little time. You don't have to punish yourself for a few indescretions. Also, put it into perspective. you have had a few treats, but I bet it was nothing compared to 'the good old days'. So don't dwell on this, don't turn it into a catastrophe, this is a learning experience. You will do fine, just go get rid of the bad stuff for a while. It is not a final farewell, just a break from it. Good Luck to you.
   — Cara S.

October 3, 2001
I did throw away a perfectly good protein source, because i could not handle it. i gorged myself. Of course you can say, "hey its not as bad as it used to be" and be fine with that. I, however, encourage people to maximize this surgery. You know you have windows. I think its true we dont want to diet for the rest of our lives, but to me, I think that learning to give up a few things for a few months is a great way to lose even more. Its fine to eat the cookies, but you said you felt out of control. Dont have things like that around, you know yourself better than anyone. Trust me, you will feel much better losing a lot and NOT eating cookies, rather than eating them, and not losing the weight you want. Cookies or lose more weight? I pick lose more weight. Especially since the surgery as enabled us to eat so much less and actually really lose weight. Despite the last post, I say streamline your tempting foods and stick to your plans. I am sure the anonymous post is anon. for a reason. Remember your focus is to lose weight, not to satsify sweet urges. Good luck!
   — Courtney W.

October 3, 2001
Hey, be gentle with yourself! To speak from my own experience, beating myself up with my failures only triggered more bad feelings, and more bad feelings triggered more errors in eating. Let the past go, focus on the next minute, the next hour, the next day. I found it the only way to get on with it.
   — Marjorie B.

October 4, 2001
Here's how I judge whether to "beat myself up" or not. A nutritionist once told me, "Eat whatever you want, but make sure it is because you PLANNED to eat it, not because you are OUT OF CONTROL." Only you know what you can have around the house and still feel in control. If you feel out of control, get rid of it. I'll bet farther along post you'll have a greater feeling of control. Hang in there, you've done great so far!
   — blank first name B.

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