I am 7 weeks Post-op & I have not been able to eat or drink for 3 days...

I called my surgeon and made an appointment for dialation. Today while in the car I was so thirsty, I took a small drink of my moms Ginger ale. It made me sick, so I quickly grabbed a cup...BUT when I threw up there was several tiny pieces of meat in the cup (sorry so graphic) I have not eaten meat for 4-5 days!!!! So I took a bigger drink of the Ginger ale...and when it came up there was a BIG piece of meat(by big I'd say 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch)!! Could I have had a blockeage all this time?!?! I have not tried drinking or eating yet.    — August S. (posted on December 7, 2001)

December 7, 2001
This sounds EXACTLY like what happened to me the first time I needed an endoscopic dilation. I too didn't have meat for DAYS and it came back up. What happened was my stoma narrowed, and the food got into the stomach, but couldn't get out into the intestines. It sounds to me that this is your problem. The dilation should fix you right up. It was a godsend to me! Feel free to read my profile for my experience. And don't pain with this procedure. Funny thing is, this must be getting really common. This is the third question that I answered on the board related to this today. I guess we're all just such great healers. We should get medals. Hehe. Best of luck.
   — Tracy L.

December 7, 2001
So how do you feel now that you've been able to get that big piece up? Make sure when you do eat meat, that you chew it completely to a pulvarized state (almost liquid) or else it will get stuck and you're going to feel miserable until it dislodges. Also, the ginger ale has lots of carbonation in it and that will also fill up your pouch too much to the point of pain and pressure. If you do drink ginger ale, make sure it is dead (no fizz).
   — trtorrey

December 7, 2001
A narrowed stoma is a very common complication which can be cured very simply and painlessly. Read my profile for the full story, and best wishes.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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