Melanie J. 22 years ago

I would like to nominate Krista Angel of the year. This morning when my 9/17 surgery was cancelled...she jumped right into action...finding me another surgeon...encouraging me that this was going to be okay....I could not have asked for a better friend..better Angel ! I thank GOD that I have her in my corner !

Krista S. 22 years, 1 month ago

Hi all - it is I, Krista, back from the "big salad toss" and YES, I made it to see the other side of this transformation! I just got home, today, and first thing in order that I need to do is to give MY ANGEL - MELANIE JORDAN a BIG HEARTFELT THANK YOU! She is the best and is such a beautiful person, inside and out! I will always be in her corner for anything she decides to take on in her life. I feel bad I cannot respond to the many wonderful and supportive emails that I received from many of your out there -- so many that I know and don't know. Just know that I love you and I'll be getting back into the swing of things slowly. The ride home from the hospital took a lot out of me, so I am recooperating from that, but I will talking with many of you === soon!!!!!!! Thanks from the bottom of my heart also for the prayers and well wishes, they kept me feeling like I had a halo of angels all around in all of my experiences thus far. :o) LOVE TO ALL! -- Krista

Melanie J. 22 years, 1 month ago

A Proud Angel Update - Krista S is coming along wonderfully. Her doctors are sending her home... tomorrow ! YEAH ! She sounded like her old self when I spoke to her this morning. She passed the leak test...and the NG tube has been removed ( Yeah !). Krista would like to thank all of you for your phone calls, cards and good wishes... It has meant that world to know that she has so much support. Congratulations Krista- we are so proud of you !

Melanie J. 22 years, 1 month ago

Proud Angel Reporting In ! Our friend Krista doing well...she is very tired..and still coping with some pain, especially after walking the halls . But all in all - she is happy to be "on the other side" Her DH-Jason slept at her bedside last night...HE is the greatest ! Thanks to all who sent her encouragments and blessings...They helped her tremendously... Krista - We all love you and can't wait for you to start feeling better soon ! Your proud - Angel-Melanie! " Love bears all things, Love believes all things, Love hopes all things, Love endures all things... Love never ends>"

kylakae 22 years, 1 month ago

Krista, congratulations on making a safe journey to the losing side. Get plenty of rest now and take good care of yourself and your new pouch! Don't forget to take time to celebrate your every victory. I look forward to watching your progress!

Melanie J. 22 years, 1 month ago

Angel Getting her wings today ! Our courageous friend, Krista S had her surgery this morning. And she is doing Beautifully..there were no complications. She was moved up on the schedule..because the first surgery patient ( did not show up). So Krista's surgery was at 7:30 am.... She is resting...and the nurses will get her up soon begin that all important WALKING !!! I spoke to her Hubby-Jason and he is so proud of her...He would like to thank everyone on the site for their support....I will call Krista - later tonight- and will report back.

mary D. 22 years, 1 month ago

god bless you .by the grace of God you will be on the losing side soon . you are in my thoughts and prayers

Ellen H. 22 years, 1 month ago

Krista, good afternoon. Just to let you know you are in my thoughts as you prepare for your upcoming life-changing surgery tomorrow! Please take good care of yourself and keep us updated as to your progress. Hugs from sunny South Florida!

Sally S. 22 years, 1 month ago

Great letter to "food." :) Good luck to you!! :)

Melanie J. 22 years, 1 month ago

Angelreporting - Krista S leaves today for her surgery on Monday with cute Dr.Perez in Fort Lauderdale. Please visit her page..and wish her well... Krista wrote a farewell to Food..that I thought should be shared with everyone...SHe has a great way with words ! Dear Food: When I first discovered you, you were so sweet (literally). You appealed to me in my weak moments, and offered a temporarily relief from my cares. You would make me feel full, nourished and cared for; albeit your charm never lasted long, and I always needed you again, and moreso after each time I depended on you. Not long after I met you, hunger became my constant companion, and it didn't take long before my physical appearance changed in the mirror, but at that time, I was so dependent on you, that I needed *you* more than I needed to approve of my reflection, so I chose you over everything else, and we stayed "happily" and sloppily married this way for several years. These years were not easy years, and when I look back now in hindesight, I can see that you caused me as much pain as I thought you were chasing away. You were a clever illusion, all smoke and hand gestures, keeping my eyes on you and promising a cure, all the while robbing me blind. And in my pursuit of you, I lost contact with my true sustainer, my Body, and abused myself mercilessly, allowing my body it to be overrun and crippled. So, I am here today to tell you, Food, that we are through. Like a bad romance, I am ready to put you behind me and shed you like a second skin. I'm ready to say goodbye to your chains and not look back. I will spend no more time lamenting over the time you have robbed from me. I am getting back together with my Body, as it is my priority now. Don't bother knocking, because I won't forget the end result of our love affair. I won't be changing my mind. I sing the body electric (!!!!!) and I crave nothing more than to wrap my arms around my Body and feel my own arms hugging me back. And so, Food, although you will always be a part of my life, it will no longer be a part that is in control and calling the shots. I'm taking back that control now, and guess what??? It feels damn good! Sincerely, Krista-the-Free
About Me
Palm Coast, FL
Surgery Date
Jul 22, 2002
Member Since

Friends 1
