Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 6 years, 4 months ago

Surgiversary post!
13 years ago, I got my virgin (open) DS. It's been a wild ride with an incredible learning curve, but thankfully for you all today, a group such as this exists to keep us all healthy. Back when I got mine, we ha

Valerie G. wrote 13 years Surgiversary 6 years, 4 months ago

Surgiversary post!
13 years ago, I got my virgin (open) DS. It's been a wild ride with an incredible learning curve, but thankfully for you all today, a group such as this exist...

Valerie G. uploaded a new photo 6 years, 4 months ago

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 7 years, 5 months ago

I come out here every couple of days and scroll through this page, the general page and the VSG page. I helped fill the void with the VSG page when it first started and there weren't as many sleeve patients to answer questions. It pleases me today that

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 7 years, 5 months ago

I remember when this forum started, and VSG was just getting respect from the insurance companies. It wasn't a very active forum yet, but there were several people who had a lot of questions, but not many to answer them. That's why you'll see me and a

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 7 years, 9 months ago

I had an interesting experience that I'm compelled to share with y'all. My zinc levels are always low, no matter what I try. I found a zinc/copper combination that made me very happy, and I've been taking it since it arrived. I also added one more zinc

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 8 years, 7 months ago

I feel great!

I just went for a physical today (first in 4 yrs because I couldn't afford "Affordable Healthcare" - now I have a job w/insurance), and it has been nearly a year since I weighed myself, and I'm happy to report that my weight is ex

rustimart wrote 9 years, 4 months ago
Hi Valerie, Congrats on your 10 year surgiversary! Hope you are doing well!

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
This is really bugging me...a rant - I'm seeing more and more posts here and elsewhere of people asking just a week or so out of surgery why they are so tired. It seems that because the hospital has deemed you fit to...

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
9 years - mine to claim! - Just like my birthday, I’ve been claiming my surgiversary for about a month now. Today officially marks 9 years post-op from the Duodenal Switch. I have regained only 14% bac...

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 4 months ago
9 years - now it's really mine to claim. - Just like my birthday, I’ve been claiming my surgiversary for about a month now. Today officially marks 9 years post-op from the Duodenal Switch. I have regained only 14% bac...

Valerie G. wrote a blog post 10 years, 4 months ago
9 years - now it's mine to claim. - Just like my birthday, I’ve been claiming my surgiversary for about a month now. Today officially marks 9 years post-op from the Duodenal Switch. I have regained only 14% bac...

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
Wardrobe changes easily while losing - Hi guys, I discovered this site that rents clothing!  I wish they had this when I was losing.  I think its perfect for people in the professional world to keep up appearances. Gwi...

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 7 months ago
Yes, your stomach will stretch - realistic expecta - I've seen way too many posts about sleevers freaking out because they can eat more food this year than they could last year or when they were a new post-op.  Perhaps the lack of ol...

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 10 months ago
Share your gas triggers for th newbies - I'm coming up fast on my 9th surgiversary, and I still discover new things that give me gas as I am more in-tune with my body.  I still see so many questions about gas, I thought I...

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 11 years ago
Beware - it's cookie time!!!! - I'm more than 8 years out, so I cannot tell you why in my pea-sized-head I must buy a box of girl scout cookies and see if anything has changed over the last year.  My fav's are  t...

Valerie G. wrote a blog post 11 years ago
8 Plus years Post op - update - Yeah, I let some time go by, but I still poke in here from time to time.  Over the last couple of years I finally stopped fighting my body to remain a size 8 and allowed myself to ...

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 11 years, 1 month ago
I made something yummy! - This is good enough that i have to share with y'all. I've always touted the wonders of ricotta and all of it's protein value.  Today I had a cup of ricotta left in my contai...

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 11 years, 2 months ago
Great DS Addiction - Uncle Bud's Deep Fried peanuts - you eat them shell and all.  A 7oz bag has 56g of protein and they are salty heaven.

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 11 years, 4 months ago
8 years post-op - My Surgiversary came and went over Halloween, and I'm still the same ol me.  Life has a way of happening, and I try my best to continue paying it forward by coming here and a co...

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 11 years, 9 months ago
Boobies boobies boobies - As we shrink, so many don't realize how frumpy a poor fitting bra can be, because we've always been frumpy.  Give yourself the benefit of looking fabulous as you lose and check ...

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 11 years, 11 months ago
Looking for discount lab offers - Hi everyone, I'm starting a new job next week as a sub-contractor, which means no insurance.  I was wondering who has the 411 on lab discount offers?

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 11 years, 12 months ago
Good snack I found - I found a snack that I actually don't have to become "accustomed to" for taste, etc.   Nature Valley now has protein bars.  I've been turning to these when craving sweets.  ...

Valerie G. posted a comment 12 years ago
I, too, am a huge fan of thrift and consignment shopping. As I was...

Valerie G. posted a discussion topic 12 years ago
Found solution to strong greek yogurt aftertaste - I've become accustomed to greek yogurt, and its aftertaste, but its strong to many.  I had some leftover whipped cream that I'd made over the weekend and added my yogurt to it, ...
About Me
Northwest Mountains, GA
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2004
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Friends 289

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Annual Encore of my favorite recipes
My 3 yr surgiversary
So, how healthy is malabsorption? Let me show you!
So, how important are vitamins?
Hmmm, about surgery types...
