Renee K. 18 years, 6 months ago

Hey Michelle, First of all, I would like to say lets pray for a safe return home for your friend....second, I want to thank you for your support that really means alot to me, and third, I just want to support you also and pray that the good Lord above will help you on your way to a better life that you and I both dont have to become a thanks again and good luck with your path and I hope that your friend comes home....

GingerGRL 18 years, 6 months ago

Hey! Thank you so very much for your posting. I hope that you will get through things soon and be able to have the proceedure that you want. I congratulate you on making the choice to get healthier. It is a much tougher decision than people make it out to be. I will be thrilled to hear that you got a date! Please keep us all posted. I have about 33 hours until surgery...can you tell that I am excited? I go in at 615 AM Tuesday. Good luck to you! Lee L.

HeatherD 18 years, 6 months ago

Michelle , thank you for your kind words. I to have struggled with the idea of wls. I weighted 414 pounds and am only 32 years old with two wonderful children. It is a tough decesion, and I am not going to tell you that it will be easy,for I am in pain just because my body has went through so much. You will do fine. I will keep you in my prayers and you have God. Message me anytime you need.

PinkARinTX 18 years, 6 months ago

Michelle, You are so kind! Thanks to you and the others on this website I am able to cope with the feelings and emotions involved with WLS. I can't wait until you have a DATE! I'll be praying for you and your family. My husband's name is Joe also and he too helped me alot with the finances of the surgery with no hesitation. We are truly blessed. Let me know how things work out for you. Take care, Jessie

coolguy_m33 18 years, 7 months ago

Hi Michelle.. Thank you for your kind words for my surgery.. I've left myself on the hands of my surgeon, wife, friends and family. I'm thinking my sirgeons extertise and prayers of everyone else (including you) will help me glide thru this surgery. In my mind i'm going on a trip where all the arrangements will be made by others and i just need to show up tomorrow morning and feel like i'm surrounded by loving and caring people and leave the rest to whoever has planned the upcomming journey. Knowing myself, i have confidence i'll do very good and am looking forward to do everything i can do, to be the best candidate of the day, if not the month :). I hope the above helps you glide thru the journey also. best of luck
About Me
Philadelphia, PA
Surgery Date
Jan 24, 2006
Member Since

Friends 7
