clbnest 19 years, 5 months ago

Mary...your amazing! I saw you at the support group, but didnt get a chance to introduce myself. I read your profile and I was amzed at your transfermation. I hope I will do as well. My surgery is on 4-25. Keep up the good work! Carol

clbnest 19 years, 5 months ago

Mary...your amazing! I saw you at the support group, but didnt get a chance to introduce myself. I read your profile and I was amzed at your transfermation. I hope I will do as well. My surgery is on 4-25. Keep up the good work! Carol

Tessy716 20 years, 2 months ago

<b>"In Loving Memory of Paula Bazan AMOS's MOMMA ANGEL"........</b>Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. Best of luck. ****Loving Father, I entrust my AMOS friend to your care this day; guide with wisdom and skill the minds and hands of the medical people who minister in your Name, and grant that every cause of illness be removed, that they may be restored to soundness of health and learn to live in more perfect harmony with you and with those around them. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.*** ~~T

ErikaL 20 years, 2 months ago

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers! I wish you a speedy recovery and continued success with your journey!!! God Bless, Erika L

Irene S. 20 years, 2 months ago

Just wanted to wish you the best for an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. See you on the losing side!

ReneeJune03 20 years, 2 months ago

Hi Mimi, I'd say don't be nervous but heck, I was nervous. Of course it was all for nothing because my surgery went just fine. For me, the week before surgery was harder than the week after just because of those pesky nerves. Right after surgery I had soreness galore but no terrible pain. Remember to keep it positive. That means only positive/supportive people around you. The negative ones are just ill-informed. I hope all your health and weight-loss dreams come true!

Frayer T. 20 years, 2 months ago

My prayers are with you for an easy surgery and speedy recovery. God bless, Frayer

nonamedamet 20 years, 2 months ago

Mimi, Wishing you all the best on your journey to a happy and healthier life. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May God's healing hand be on you and may He guide all of your medical providers. Hugs and prayers, Theresa

Christine B. 20 years, 2 months ago

Hi Mimi!..I just wanted to wish you much luck on your upcomming surgery!..I pray your surgery is uneventful and smooth and your recovery is speedy!...please keep us up to date on how your doing when you feel up to it!...Just remember...were all here cheering you on!...Take care and God Bless you!...*hugs*...Christine

1800Bev 20 years, 2 months ago

Hi and welcome to OH. We're glad your here. Stop by the CA message board to meet some local siblings. I wish you Godspeed on your Journey.
About Me
Neverland, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 13, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Morning of Surgery - July 09, 2004
408 lbslbs
Taken on July 12, 2005 (1 year post-op)
203 lbslbs

Friends 17
