
Hello all

Jan 27, 2008

 well hello all  it is jan 27th and that means I'm about 12 -13 weeks out from surg. I'm down 56 pounds and feeling ok I seem to get nause when i eat sometimes and that bothers me because i have to go lay down to get  to feeling better.. Not good when your at work. I have made a few changes to my career for the near future and at this time Ill leave that off. I haven't done measurements yet probley in feb. which is right around the corner......... wow jan went fast.. i was hoping to be down 60 pounds by now but I think i need to work out more to bring my wgt lose up. take care and have a nice month


Jan 19, 2008

Hello all it's  Jan 18th and I'm in a rut I think I have dropped almost 53 pounds but for now I have been at one wgt for a week now and I hope I can get back to losing soon It is hard not to see the scale move. I'm only 9 and hafe weeks out and I feel it would be more ff of me by know but my dr's office told me it happens that you take a break from losing then all of sudden it will drop a large amount at once and not to worry but then your mind plays tricks on you and you think I'm scared and want this wgt off now lol well I guess i have to be patient which is far from my strong part . well take care and have a nice new yerar.. but my dr was thrilled how much I have lost so far . cathy

hello all

Jan 07, 2008

Hello all , it is been 2 months and I see my dr on the 9th for his wgt and all but from my own scales I'm down 48 pounds and my measurements are as follow's started:                               Two months out
Breast: 53.1/2                                     Breast: 48 1/4            down 5.25
waist : 50                                             waist : 46                     down 4 in.
hips were 60                                       Hips : 54.1/4              Down 5.75in.
r/l arms 15 inches                             R/L arm 14 in.            Down 1 inch both
R/L wrist:7in. and 8 inch                   R/L Wrist 61/2           Down 1.50 both
r/ankle 12                                            R/L Ankle 10.1/2         Down 2.25 both
L ankle 11 
R thigh/l thigh 32                             R/L Thigh : 29.5 and 28.5 Down 6 inches
Un real down total 26.5 inches all over Unreal .... I'm so Happy I think I'll do a happy dance doda doda doda dayyyyyy.... take care all

Happy New Year..

Dec 31, 2007

  May your Dreams and Wishes come to you as our new year is here.. Never Give Up! Keep your Smile close for a friend that may just need to laugh on a bad day.. Be the ear someone may need,to hear there hurts and woes..  When you feel bad go Do something for someone that doesn't have much it will give you the Blessings.. Love your Family and kiss some babys they are our future..                       
   Be Good to Yourself.....Have a wonderful New Year.. 2008

Happy Holidays

Dec 23, 2007

I feel like this pony but I'm feeling pretty good with christmas here on top of us I made a lot of goodies to take to my daughters and then just getting the wraping and all the other stuff together its been a little crazy. the good think is I'm starting to work out everyday at the hosp gym about 25 mins and then walking to and from work if weather permit's but its not to bad only about 4 blocks I have been going for walks on break and just trying to get in the exerciseing in as I can. food has been a little tricky I have to slow down and eat slowerrrrrrr and chew chew chew old habits are terrable to break.. well I am down 40 pounds and Very Excited that I'm 6 weeks out and already seeing a move like that on the scale. my husband tell's me he can see it in my face and over all but I don't quit see it but It feels good to know It is comming off.. write more later take care

still losing..

Dec 16, 2007

Hello All,,   I went to see my surgeon Fri I kept feeling like thing were getting stuck and I'm almost 6 weeks out the 20th will be 6 weeks well I did a swollow test and everything is just fine he told me to go back to full liquids and slow down my eating also to chew better because it probley not well enoi\ugh but all in all I'm doing ok I wieghed in and have lost 36 pounds at 5 weeks thats wonderful the dr told me I was dancing WEEEEEEEEEEEE well we will see another wiegh in in jan at two months on the 9th it will be two months and two days.. when I go back to check in with the dietition and dr.. write more later Have a wonderful holiday.. I will try and get some pictures downloaded from  christmas.. ina few weeks..

well 5 weeks out almost ...

Dec 11, 2007

well  its 12/11/07 so I'm close to 5 weeks out and my wgt is 252
I took measurements and could not believe it..
start wgt 285          Now 252     down 33 pounds wow!!
breast to start 53 1/2    Now 50 1/4 down       2.3/4 inches
waist 50 inches              Now 46 inches down 4 inches unreal!! 
hips 60 inches                 Now 56 3/4        down 3 1/4 inches
l/r arms were 15 1/2      Now 15 and 1/4      down 1/2 inch
r/ wrist 7  L wrist 8        Now R 6 1/2      L 7inches   down 1 1/2
Thighs were 32 inches each  Now R 29 3/4    L 31 1/2     down 3 1/2 inches
Ankles were R 12  L11            Now R 10 1/2  L 10        Down 2 1/2  so a total of 18 inches gone and 33 pounds in 5 weeks Super I'm excited to see that much gone... take care all

still doing ok...

Dec 02, 2007

Happy Holidays!!!! I have been baking and getting ready for the holidays.. I am going on a month out in a few days and as of today I'm down to 255 so 30 pounds gone forever... take care I'll write more later..

the wgt is comming off....

Nov 26, 2007

Hello all well its almost three weeks out from surgery and I had permission to try to get back to wrok on partial hrs it was ok today I'm ready to be back but I get tired quick. I recieved a wonderful christmas gift early and last night after my shower I got to try it out I recieved a Tayor's scale and it has BMI and Hydration levels to cool but my wgt was down to 259 I have been fighting to get to 250'sss for a while it was so cool I wanted to cry and yes I know its a long ways to go but I feel pretty good at 2 weeks out I wieghed at the dr's at 263 I do need to start walking more though to keep the wgt comming off. I have had so much head hungrer this week but I have been trying to drink water or milk(skim) to keep it under control. other wise its all good.. I'll write more later

It was rough today ...

Nov 21, 2007

Hello all well I did get my staples out, it wasn't to bad and there were over 40 but now that tube in my tummy it hurt like well unreal I screamed !! It was caught in my tummy and they jerked it out no pain meds I should have taken something before but I had no clue it would hurt so baddddddddddd. but I had a good vist with the dr and I had great results my blood work was good my blood pressure was 106/63 perfect and My wgt was down 22 lbs I think thats great for two weeks .. and tonight I'm feeling better and tommorrow is thankksgiving and I get to see my grand babys for turkey how wonderful !!!  take care have a nice holiday....

About Me
Miller, SD
Surgery Date
Sep 16, 2007
Member Since

Friends 36

Latest Blog 43
Happy Birthday To Meeee!
Getting close to a Year Out...
its Mid JUNE wow
May is almost here
March already!!
Having a rough time ...
im was soooooo excited...
feb check in with wgt and measurements
