barbie12 19 years, 5 months ago

You look great !!!!

barbie12 19 years, 5 months ago

You look great !!!!

Naes Wls J. 21 years, 1 month ago

<b>Best wishes to you on your great wt loss, may you have a speedy recovery hang in there, take care**Hugs**</b>

Lettitia H. 21 years, 2 months ago

Congrats Gineen on your WL success!! I am 4 weeks postop, and even though my journey hasnt been the easiest, I dont have any regrets! May God continue to bless you and I hope your recovery is speedy!!

Pamela P. 21 years, 2 months ago

Angel not at work, but with just a few kind words to say. Gineen I am so glad that you are doing good, and that you are home. I want you to know this is going to one hell of a trip, but you see is what you get. I think what you will be getting you are going to love it. Good luck in the future in keep in touch. I want you to do me like I do you. I want to know your every weightloss, in every picture you take will be saved onto my computer. Your angel in friend Pamela Pate. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Pamela P. 21 years, 2 months ago

Angel comming in for a landing: Well First of all I would like to say thank you lord for bringing gineen through this with flying colors. Like I said without you nothing is possible. I want you all to know that gineen is doing great. She will be having her upper gi done to make sure does not have any leaks. She is so ready to have something to drink, because she was saying that her mouth is really dry. We all know that feeling now don't we. Well you guys lets get togather in get gineen's card signed. We need to let her know we got her back and that we wish her all the best. Also just to welcome her to the loosing side. Because if it was up to me I would do it again. Well I love you guys and may god continue to bless you as does for me. Isn't god good guys. Don't answer I alrady know. We love you gineen, And welcome to the loosing side. Your angel and friend Pameal Pate.

Taeya H. 21 years, 2 months ago

WOW! Its ohh a bout 5:10 am. Ginny in a few blinks you will become a "LOSER" ( which for the first time in our lives is a good thing lol). I told my baby sister earlier that now I had another little sister. Little does'nt mean smaller hearted because you have a big heart and I love you for that. I've gained a lot in last few weeks and no its not weight lol but hopefully a lifelong friend. You inspire me to look at this journey with positivity and to not complain. You were so calm when I just talked to you it was almost scary. I realize its because you are lot leaning upon your own understanding but that of God's. He is never far off from us. I will be praying for you. You can never do too much praying....Take care and I'll talk to you when you wake up on the other side.

Pamela P. 21 years, 2 months ago

(Angel comming in for a landing.) First I would like to give all the glory to god because without him there is no you nore I. Well Gineen this is it. Everyone gineen will be joining us on the loosing side tomarrow. I wish you all the best gineen. I will be praying for you. I want everyone who did not wish gineen the best of luck in their prayers please do. Thanks guys. May god bless you all. Your friend and angel Pamela Pate.

Taeya H. 21 years, 2 months ago

Hey part of my post got cut off...but (cont.)..and keep you safe. :-)

Taeya H. 21 years, 2 months ago

Well Miss Gineen with an i and 2 e's lol. Your day is almost here. You have less than 48 hours to go. Im so proud of you already. We only met a few weeks ago and I consider you a genuine friend. Everybody in my circle will definitely be praying for you. I'll be calling to harass you when you wake up on the otherside. 2004 will be our year, I can feel it cant you?... Buy cute clothes so I can take them lol. Thanks for stepping up and being my little angel...Be brave and may God bless you and keep you.....
About Me
Raleigh, NC
Surgery Date
Jan 24, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
I looked bad in the first pic!!!! I was half way looking good in the second pic!!!!!!
I look hot in my model picture!!!!

Friends 5
