Becoming a new me..

Aug 03, 2008

So after the first month I lost 26 pounds! So awesome! All my clothes are fitting either so much better or not at all!! So, I'll have to buy a couple new things soon. I already feel so much better physically and how I feel about myself. My confidence has already got so high.. it feels good. There are going to be so many ups and downs coming, but I feel like this is the best thing I could have ever done for myself.

I hope all is well with everyone.... :)


Jul 23, 2008

I'm down 22 pounds AND a shirt and pant size!!!!! YAY!!!

I never thought I'd say that... I never have. This is simply wonderful. :)

...and I got my front teeth bonded.. no more gap! I'm on my way to stardom!! hahahahaha

Soft Foods.. mmm

Jul 19, 2008

So.. I've been on soft foods for the last two days and everything is going well with that.  It's nice being off the carnation, but I still drink the Simply Smart milk just for the 10g protein per cup. They gave me a long list of things I can have, with the serving size and grams of protein per serving... so helpful!! I went to BJs Wholesale today and found so much in the correct serving size so that I don't have to measure EVERYTHING! Love it! I've been out walking everyday, and I'm going 30-60 minutes. I think this is helping alot in my weight loss.
And guess what?!?!?! 19 pounds down!!!!!! I'm hoping to hit 30 pounds by the end of the month, it could possibly happen. YAY!!!

Well the hot sun is down... TO THE TRACK!!

PS - If anyone wants brands names or help with the food, let me know.. I found some good stuff. :)


You know what grinds my gears...

Jul 15, 2008

Well... I HATE all those stupid commercials on TV... Pizza Hut, Burger King and all the rest of them!! It's sad that I miss food. Food kinda controlled me, I loved to eat and that love made me fat. Boy I loved pasta. I talked to my dietition the other day about it and she said it is normal but you have to stay on course and realize I don't need that stuff. Ahhhh... easlier said than done! I think I will do fine, it is just frustrating and GOD I CAN'T WAIT TILL THURSDAY... COTTAGE CHEESE!! WHOOP WHOOP!!!! LOL I'll make it through......

AND ANOTHER THING........ so today I was standing in the driveway with my friend. She is a skinny and very pretty girl. This guy rolled up and asked for directions on to the highway and whenever I even said anything.. he still stared at her or didn't even look at me. Am I chopped liver? I actually knew the best way for him but he acted like I was the plague.. WTF? See... I would have loved to smack him... HARD... but being ladylike I helped and walked away. I bet 5 months from now he'd treat me like a HUMAN BEING because I would be all visually stimulating fo him. #$#%$^%$..... lol People in this world are messed up... it's sad really.


Much love... <3

Follow-up Appointments.. and more.....

Jul 14, 2008

So I had two appointments today, one with the Dr's NP and one with my dietition. I got my STICHES OUT!! She asked me alot of questions about how I was feeling and she said I was doing awesome. Then I met with the dietition and  she said I could start my soft foods diet this coming weekend... yay! About time I can have some semi-real food! She went over alot about different kinds of foods and how the stomach after surgery can digest them. She really helpful and supportive.

I've been out walking alot everyday. I go for about 30 minutes, today I did almost 2 miles. I don't go crazy and go really fast but I keep up a good pace. The nurse cleared me for TANNING and swimming... YAY! I'm excited! Swimming is such good exercise, and my friend just got a pool... so you know where I will be!! So then tomorrow I have to go pick up a vitamin E ointment for my scars... there's one at GNC by Basic Organics that's suppost to be great. Well, I have two more weeks left home, and hopefully I will be able to change my sleep pattern around.. going to bed every night around 1-3 isn't that great. 

Ok... so off to watch more trashy TV and movies........ :)

Not so bad at all...

Jul 07, 2008

I'm feeling good and everything is working as it should. I have very little to no pain at all. I'm am ready to meet with my doctor to get these stiches out, they kind of poke at me sometimes. I went on a walk yesterday and it made me so tired.. but it felt good. I lost 13 pounds as of today... LOVE IT!! I really need to get out of the house though, I'm am starting to go nuts.. there is only so much talk shows, movies and Maury you can watch. But it is nice though, because for a while I could never get comfortable and sleep... now I am sleeping like a baby! My friend and I are going to look at gyms to join this week. Of course I won't be starting for a little while... I was walking like a Granny on my walk! hahaha Lastly, it is amazing how fast your
day goes by when you keep track of your intake every hour!


Jul 03, 2008

Well, I am home. They actually let me out a day early which was nice, but I do miss the hospital for one reason... the hospital beds were sooo nice on my back!! But the surgery was good. They had me wait forever and then they brought me upstairs and took my glasses away. So then I got nervous and cried. lol They told me someone called and cancelled this morning, then I was thinking to myself I wonder if it's still too late??! lol So they gave me my happy juice and I talked to Dr McDreamy and his other guys. I really don't remember much after till I woke up.. which was only for like 10 mins then  I passed out for the whole day. The pressure from the gas they put in was the only thing that really bothered me. The nurses were really nice, I actually had one scare me half to death! Everyday it got better and better and still is. My roomy in there was a lady who got the bypass done too. She was really nice and we talked alot. They had me up and walking around which was good. It was too funny because my doctor said he was going to let me out early but he was worried the day before because my heart rate went down.. I was like yeah exactly.. it went down because you left! lol ;) Oh he's a god! So anyways things are well today besides the fact I almost killed my mom because she made she laugh and it HURT SO BAD!! I was like balling my eyes out!! If you know anyone that is funny... don't ask them to see you!!

Well now I just have to keep track of all my intakes of CIB and what not. Not always easy, but going ok.

That's all for now FOLKS!

Clear Liquids....... Last day!

Jun 29, 2008

One thing I have to get off my chest... drinking just clear liquids... SUCKS! lol

So, my last day before surgery. I am trying not to think about the whole surgery part... I never did do well with blood and the like so it makes me a little uneasy. Last night I watched the fireworks with my family and told them what I was doing... they were happy. One of my cousins goes.. 'but you're not even BIG!' lol I told her she was my new bestfriend! lol Then I was talking about it and thinking about it so much when I was driving home I thought to myself.. 'wtf ARE you doing???' I think that was the fear and nerves talking. haha But now I am just getting my things together for the hospital, cleaning and just relaxing. I just can't believe it is finally here... I've been waiting soooo long for this!!

Well.... wish me luck!


My "Last Supper"

Jun 24, 2008

So people from work and I went out to eat, it was alot of fun. I am so glad they are supportive because things like this make me happy and worry less about what is to come. Even one girl I work with said some really nice things to me that put a smile on my face. People see me as such a great person an I am happy about that, they said I hope I don't change. I really don't think I will. I think I will be more confident but I know what it's like to be picked on and judged by my exterior rather than the inside.  It makes you realize how much the world is unfair. But I am glad I have them, my friends and my family - most of all my mom - that are behind me. 

6 days............. 

Pre-surgical Testing

Jun 23, 2008

So.. everything went well with the testing and I'm cleared for sugery! The people there were pleasant, but I wish they had more of a personality. I'm serious when I need to be but I am also witty and funny (so I thought!). They just like 'ah, ok and moving on', I'm like have a coffee and take a happy pill, I wouldn't want to see them at the end of the day! But hey, as long as I am all set things are good. So I had lots of paperwork, things to read, and I think I am good.
People from work are taking me out for my "Last Supper" tomorrow which should be fun. It's funny because I haven't been as good as I should because I am like hey, I won't be able to eat anything good for a while so screw it... but I still have been losing weight, weird! But great!

7 days........... !!!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me
Webster, MA
Surgery Date
Aug 12, 2007
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Friends 32

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