Naes Wls J. 21 years, 3 months ago

WOW!!! you have surly used your tool great. You look wonderful. ongratulations on doing a great job. Hang in there and always stay focused. ~*~Hugs~*~

Sharon Neva 21 years, 3 months ago

STACIE~~ Nice to see your post today, It's always good to come on the message board and see your smiling face....~~May the light always find you on a dreary day.....When you need to be home, may you find your way....... May you always have courage to take a chance, and never find frogs in your underpants.

de 21 years, 3 months ago

Hi Stacie, Thanks for at least letting me know you read my post!! Thats all I wanted, I have posted many times asking for a little encouragment to get me thru a rough spot but most of the time, no one even bothered to answer me. I am not whining- its just that this is supposed to be a help group and where else can you turn to for support if not here?? No one I know has ever had this operation and most wont even try to let me educate them on it. I need some support and I just am at the end of my rope trying to reach out to get it here. Thanks for listening to me Stacie- oh by the way- You look GREAT!!! CONGRATS on your weight loss.De

1800Bev 21 years, 4 months ago

Ohhhh Stacie, your new pic is great! I don't like KK now, they're too greasy and sweet yuch! My weakness is Starbucks Javachip icecream, hehehe. Hugz to ya g/f.

kysunshine 21 years, 4 months ago

Stacie, I'll be 1 year out next Tues. and I sometimes forget that I need to think twice before I eat something or eat to fast but my new pouch gently reminds me. I dumped recently on cottage cheese, something that I've eaten for months, so we learn as we go along even at this stage. Take care and keep the faith.God Bless.

Debbie M. 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi Stacie - Just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you and will be praying that you feel better soon!! Best wishes

Kendra S. 21 years, 5 months ago

Hi Stacie, I am sorry to hear about your flaming e-mail. Mista Caldwell sounds like an unhappy person. Please keep on with your posts. I really enjoy reading them!

Karen Wyatt 21 years, 5 months ago

Stacie, I just have to tell you, I really love reading your posts daily.. you are like a familiar face here... I dont post much but I sure do eadthe boards daily....please keep up your wonderful support to others.... and you truley are an inspiration to us all..... :)

WLS_Deb 21 years, 5 months ago

so sorry someone sent you that email. I don't like posting on message board much for fear of someone sending me something like that... grrrr hope you continue posting tho .. you have a lot to share and as you see many enjoy your posting as I do. Great job and keep that head up and hands on the keys *hugs*

deanaferrari 21 years, 5 months ago

Stacie, you keep right on posting, honey. As a pre-op, I love reading the boards and look for all the post-ops so I can keep track of all the progresses, worries, concerns, etc. I will want to know, if I encounter anything unusual as a post-op, that I am not alone. I believe that is the purpose of the "support" we get from the message boards. I mean, new surgery announcements are wonderful, but we need to know what we're going to be dealing with later, you know? Also, perhaps Mista is going through a really bad time right now and just lashed out at the first (second, third) person she "saw". Please don't take it personally and you stay here where we need you, OK? Love, hugs and many, many thank yous.
About Me
the bottom of a long ass state, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 05, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Left: 2-2002 Beginning of my journey/Right 17 mo post op -106
December 2003-post pannicultectomy

Friends 103

Latest Blog 4
6 years... wow time flies
5 year surgiversary
There Comes a Time..Decisions
Someone Died Today from Denial
