Jeremy and Roberta,
I am a fairly new member of the AMOS/OH family. Just tonight I discovered your story. WOW!! This is the only word I can utter at this moment. What a story. What an inspiration!!
Jeremy, I found it amazing that at the beginning of your journey you were feeling down and discouraged, yet through all that, you were able to leave words of encouragement for others. What a wonderful and kind spirit you have.
Roberta, what a courageous and strong woman you are. I am sure there are those who would've cracked by now. You are amazing and should never ever underestimate the power of love.
To both of you , I will be adding you to my prayer list as well the one at my church. (There is no such thing as too many prayers) You are both an inspiration for all of us. Jeremy, you need to get up out of that bed(just a little kidding here, but I know it will happen soon) I would love to see you and your wife on the talk show circuit (or just to bariatric centers around the world) someday letting all the world know that even with the risks and the hell you endured, with love, prayers and great teams of doctors, anything is possible.
I will keep you both close in my heart and in my prayers. As I read through all the posts I kept thinking, besides my love and prayers, what can I do for these wonderful, love filled people? I am still asking myself this now. Unfortunately I am not close enough to visit, or I would. Please, if there is anything I can do, at all, and it is in my power, I would love to help. In the meantime, prayers and love are all I have.
You two stay strong, you are going to go soooooooo far together, and live a wonderful long and happy life.
My deepest admiration to you both.
With love,
~Donna~ :wave: