psych eval

Nov 18, 2008

I just have an updated psych eval yesterday.  He said he will send his clearance or recommendation by the end of the week to Mercy center for weight reduction.  I already had it done before last year and it went well. so I can't see why it would be different this time.  

I am back

Nov 05, 2008

I am back and ready to try this thing again.  As you may remember, I was approved and had a surgery date set up in November 2007.  Needless to say I chickened out and go scared so I never went through with the surgery.  I told myself that I could do it on my own and gave it one last try.  I worked out at work. joined weight watchers and still nothing. Now a year later I am still at the same weight plus about 5 lbs or so.  So I went to the free seminar on 11/01/08 because the Mercy center for weight reduction said I have to start the whole process over again for as their program is concerned.  I am filling out my packet now so I can mail it in tomorrow.  But I just wanted to say hello to everyone and please wish me luck this time around.

One step closer

May 06, 2007

Well I had my exercise & pre-op class on 04/24/07. And I finally got my surgeon visit on 05/02/07.  All went well and I really like Dr. Smolik.  He told me I was a perfect candidate for surgery because I am still fairly young and my Diabetes has not had time to damage any of my other organs.  He also said that all of my co-morbidities would resolve after I lost weight from the surgery.  He really made me feel comfortable about the surgery.  But he did say something that bothered me quite a bit.  You all don't know this but I am a top heavy person and big breasts which I have always thought of as my focal point.  Sounds funny but everyone probably has one thing that they like about their body...well at least I did.  But back to what I was saying....I asked the Dr. Smolik based on his professional opinion did he think that I would have a lot of excess skin hanging skin.  He of course said he couldn't say how I would loose weight because everyone is different and it depends on a lot of various factors.  But then he said that he could guarantee me that my breast will be the first to go and that they will hang down to my stomach like a pair of old socks!!!  I didn't even ask him about that but he was pretty adamit about that.  I had my best friend with me (she is my support person) and she busted out laughing (not to hurt my feelings) but because she knows how I am about that part of my body.  Well enough of that.  I thought I'd share that as I thought it was a funny story.

Anyway, Melony the insurance lady at Mercy told me that she was going to submit everything to my insurance company that friday which was the 4th or this monday the 7th.  So I am just playing the waiting game now.  I am praying and keeping my finger crossed.  Please all keep me in your prayers that I get an approval.  well good by for now until I have a further update.

Sleep study and abg test

Apr 20, 2007

I haven't posted in a while with my progress but I have been reading everyone else's updates and posts daily.  

I had my ABG test and sleep study and it turned out that I have sleep apnea along with all of my other co-morbidities (type II diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, pcos and the list continues).  So anyway, I already been using my cpap machine for 30 days.  I really do not like that thing although as time went on I did get a little more used to sleeping with it but I had to change masks though.   I turned in my download for my usage on 04/19/07 and today I rec'd a message from Dr Flegle's nurse at the Mercy sleep center and she said that she faxed the clearance to the Mercy center for weight reduction for me to have surgery.  I am getting very excited but also scared too.  I am sure everyone goes through these various emotions based on all of the posts I've seen so I don't feel so bad.  

I have my exercise and pre-op class on 04/24/07.  Things are starting to move along now. 

New to site

Mar 30, 2007

Hello everyone.  My name is sheena and I am kind of in the middle of the Bariatric program process.  I am currently going through the Mercy Capital program and my surgeon is going to be Dr. Smolik.  I haven't actually gotten to meet with him yet but I have already done a lot of the testing.  I have my first nurse visit on 04/04/07.  I found out about this website through a relative who had the surgery about 3 years ago.

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 30, 2007
Member Since

Friends 27

Latest Blog 15
one step closer
Sleep Study follow-up
