ERIN_AK 20 years, 4 months ago

CONGRATS, you will soon be one of the "loosers club". Get back soon and let us know how your doing..

Kelly B. 20 years, 4 months ago

Best of luck to you as you begin a journey to making all of your dreams come true!

katharinetorosian 20 years, 4 months ago

Congrats Sherri! I will be adding you to my prayer list for a smooth surgery and easy sailing! How exciting!! Kat Warrior Princess LOL

Dana F. 20 years, 4 months ago

Sherry, Praying for you girl! I know you will be just fine. I pray that all goes smoothly and that you have a speedy recovery! God bless!

hagler 20 years, 4 months ago

Hey Sherri, SteelRod here. Hope you feeling better real soon sweetie. See you on the losing side.

Michelle M. 20 years, 4 months ago

(((((((((Sherri))))) as i sit here i am doing angel duty for ya and thinking 24 hrs and u will be on the looser side and prayers are with u and david as u take this journey so hang in there @)----`-----

Margaret M. 20 years, 4 months ago

Sherri, Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. May God continue to bless you with an uneventful surgery, speedy recovery, and a fantastic weight loss. See you on the "losing side." Make certain you hurry back to chat. margaret@goal

Darlilly1313 20 years, 4 months ago

Sherri, congratulations on being able to have surgery.Its been a long haul for you, you deserve all the best.I hope that you are soon out shopping for clothes in a smaller size. At K-mart.

tiggheart 20 years, 4 months ago

Congrats and best wishes...... you will soon be a real loser!!!!!

Margaret G. 20 years, 4 months ago

Hi Sherri, You don't know me but I have heard you talk @ some of the meetings. My date is June 8th. My mind and emotions have been working overtime, since I heard my date last Friday. My b-day is June 9th; this year my b-day promise to myself to lose weight will not be a passing thought only! I am excited, afraid, and prayful. Sherri try and get lots of physical rest this week. You are in my prayers! Margaret Green
About Me
port richey, FL
Surgery Date
Jan 18, 2001
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Life is too short to live it in a world of Obesity.
