Everyday gets better.......8/18/07

Aug 18, 2007

Well it's been 1 week and 2 days and today I am a bit sore on my left side. I feel as if I might have pulled something and it burns.  Other than that I am doing much better, and I am down 20lbs.    I am finally getting at least 1/2 cup of food down when I eat at each meal, and still trying to get all the liquids in as well.  I went walking around our mall yesterday twice and went to Wal-Mart later in the afternoon to pick up a few things and all of theat activity just wore me out!! I was done for the rest of the day and did nothing.  

Today we are going out to my In-laws to see all of them and then hopefully just the rest of the weekend I can kinda relax. (maybe that is just what my left side is needing.)  Ya'll have a blessed day and I will talking a gain soon.

Love ya!!

Well I am a loser now!!!!!...........8/15/07

Aug 15, 2007

First let me say that I am sorry for not oising in so long just trying to get ready for the surgery and then having it stare me in the face was abit much for me since I have never faced anything like this before in my life. 

But I had my surgery on Aug. 9, 2007 at Parkway Medical Center in Decatur Alabama. I went inat 6:30 am but my surgery didn't get started until around 10:00am and it was over in 1 hr 20 mins. (this surgery usually take 2-3 hours) the surgeon said that it went GREAT!!.  I really don't remember a whole lot until later that evening.  I had alot of visitors that night and it was great to see my family and friends and to get the phone calls as well. I also was up and walked 2 times up and down the hall way.

The next morning they did a "Leak Test" to make sure that everything was fine. They had me drink something that was like really bad soapy dish water and watched it go down and then had the nerve to have me drink down some barium and watch that too.  So glad that was over with.  Took a couple of walks around the 2nd floor and took a nap in a chair.  Well when I woke up I noticed that my left arm where my IV was, was big and it hurt. I got the nurse and guess what my vein blew.  Well ya'll after 9 sticks and 2 1/2 hours of trying to get another vein and 1 REALLY BAD anexiety (sp?) attack, they got a vein gave me a shot of adavan, toradol and morphine I was off to sleep and they pretty much kept me that way for the evening. And I was very glad that they did.

The next dat was better but I was really sore and they started giving me my liquid hydrocodone and I must say this is not great tasting but boy did it make me feel alot better as in I didn't care anymore.  The dotor came in and look at me took out my drain tube (really glad I had  had my pain meds) becuase it was a bit uncomfortable and then they sent me home.

Danny went and got my meds and some liquid Tylenol because after being home for a little bit I woke up with a 101.5 fever and was in alot of pain.  I called and talked to the doctor and I took the Tylenol and pain meds and kept that up all of Sunday and by Monday I was doing alot better.  Everyday gets a little bit better.

I saw my doctor today for my Post-Op visit and he said the I am 14 pounds down and healing well, to keep up the good work and he will see me again on Sept. 12th.   I promise as I start to feel better I will do better to update my blog.   I thanks you all for your well wishes, cards, phone calls, flowers and prayers.  I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!  and THANKS!!!!!

In 1 Week........8/2/07

Aug 02, 2007

Well in 1 week excatly I will have my surgery.....WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!  I must admit that I am very excited and yet I am a bit nervous too.  I have been very busy at work trying to get things in order so that i can be off work for 3 weeks.  And I am trying to get things in order around the house before my surgery as well and I am just pooped out from everything. 

I did go yesterday for my Pre-Op testing at the hospital and signed all of my paper work.  I have to be at the hospital on Aug. 9th at 6:30am.   Please continue to keep me in any prayers and I will try to post again soon.

Love to all and Be Blessed!!

I HAVE A DATE!!!!!!........7/25/07

Jul 25, 2007

Wooo Hooo!!!    I saw my surgeon today and we have scheduled my surgery for Aug.9th  Oh my goodness I am so excited and scared (alittle bit) at the same time.    Please contine to pray for me.  Gotta run   I will post again soon.

GREAT !!!! News today.......7/23/07

Jul 23, 2007

I got a phone call from Dr. Sugg's office and they informed me that BC/BS has "APPROVED" me for my surgery!!!     I am soooo very happy!! I have an appointment to see the surgeon on Wednesday and we will schedule my surgery at that time.  So stay tuned..........

A little good news........7/16/07

Jul 16, 2007

Well, I got a phone call from Rosie at Dr. Sugg's office this morning and she informed me that Dr. Moss's office sent the infomation that has been needed late Friday afternoon.  So I am very happy  because now Kathy can file my paperwork with BC/BS hopefully this week and we can get this train a rolling.   Let's continue praying that all goes well and I get my surgery date soon.  I see Rosie on July 26th so maybe I will know more then.  All I can say is "Thank you God for all that you do"!!!!!

As Time Goes By.........7/13/07

Jul 13, 2007

Well I spoke with my doctor's office and they have yet to send the info to the surgeons office.  I spoke with Rosie and they are going to try to file my paperwork to BC/BS next week and see if we can get my approval.  I in the mean time will be in Dr. Moss's office on Monday and will not leave until I get the stupid little piece of paper that Rosie needs.  Please pray with me about this please.  (Starting to get bummed out)

Wanting to get ugly ........7/11/07

Jul 11, 2007

Well I just spoke with Dr. Moss's office about getting the medical record that Rosie has requested faxed to her and I have been informed that my file is sitting on his desk waiting for him to update it but that he has not gotten to it yet. 

I ask when he would and all they say is "Well we will ask him to". I explained that it has now been a three weeks and I realize that Dr. Moss's office was on vacation and the Rosie was the next week but she (Rosie) requested this info on Monday 7/9/07 and it is now Wednesday and still nothing.  I told them that this was holding me up from getting my surgery and still I get "Well we will ask him"  This whole thing can't take 5 minutes to complete.

I am trying to be nice about this because I am told I need this file for Kathy at Dr. Sugg's office to complete my file and send it in to BC/BS.  But I am growing angry and I really don't want the ugly side to come out.    I am praying that God will make a way for all of this to work out.  However if I do not get my record sent to Dr. Sugg's office then I will be in Dr. Moss's office on Monday and won't leave until I see him and get this taken care of. 

Please pray with me on this...........Thanks

NOT a Happy Camper.....7/9/07

Jul 09, 2007

Well Rosie finally called me back to let me know that she went back through my files and found some of the paper work from Dr. Moss's office that she thinks she over looked 2 weeks ago.  

She did mention that Dr. Moss did not send them any info for my last appt with him on 6/12/07.  So Rosie requested that they fax her the info and she apologized for not getting back to me soon but that she has been on vacation.  I told her that I will call her in the morning to find out if Dr. Moss has sent the info needed for Kathy to hopefully file my paperwork with BC/BS.  

This is now going on week 3 and still no paperwork filed with BC/BS and I am starting to get chapped about the hole situation.  I should be having my surgery around now but this now puts be behind and it is looking like Aug/Sept time frame.  But from what I gather this is happening to some other patients as well. (NOT that it makes it right.) 

I pray that tomorrow is a better day for me and that I get the answers that I want and need.

Still Waiting.......7/5/07

Jul 05, 2007

Well, I really don't have much news on my surgery date. I have been leaving messages for Rosie to call me (Dr's Office) to make sure that all the paper work is ok and that they have sent it off to BC/BS.   I have so much to do before my surgery so maybe this waiting period is just what I need. Well lets just keep praying and God will work it all out.   Chow for now.

About Me
Decatur, AL
Surgery Date
Jun 06, 2007
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 23
A new WOW moment....
100 LBS Gone forever!!!!!!!
It's been a long time....
Going Down........11/16/07
Happy Happy Joy Joy........10/17/07
2 Months Post-Op.......10/8/07
Anoher Bad Day........ 9/18/07
Had a Rough Day........9/15/07
1 Month Post-Op.........9/9/07
2 Weeks out.........8/23/07
