Living Life Like It's Golden!

Oct 13, 2009

God is Good!  This journey is outstanding!  Everyday is a new adventure!  I feel like a different person with the same personality.  I am loving my new life  This week I am 7 months 13 days post-op from my lap band weight loss surgery. The band and I are  friends most of the time. This month I dropped another 5 pounds and weigh-in at 154 pounds for a total of (81 lbs). People say how good I look all the time and that I don't need to lose any more weight. The fact is that I am still considered overweight, but not for long (4 more lbs) to go I will no longer be over weight I will have a normal BMI ( Wow! )
My rate of weight loss is  to the point that my surgeon believes it should be. A good loss is 3 lbs a month since I'm so close to goal. The last two months, I have been averaging 4 to 5 lbs a month. Today I had my  surgeon visit where we discuss my fill level and need for an adjustment. ( and once again I do not need a fill ) still having good restriction.  I am so anxious to reach 150 pounds. My goal is to make it happen before Thanksgiving. Wish me luck!   Also here is an Update on my 6 months post/op lab results everything was great I was only a little low in Potassium I was 3.4 and the range  is (3.5-5.4) so I was so elated about that . just need to up my Potassium a lil... but everything else is on point! calcium perfect... protein perfect.... and so on... so a lot has changed in the last 7 months. Now if only i can figure out how to stop myself from buying so many new clothes!   

I do encourage everyone I meet to get this surgery.  I do encourage you to do your research, find a good surgeon, and pray and think about it really hard.  Nothing is easy...especially not this. If you want the surgery, prepare to change your life, not just your eating habits.

Would I do it again?  In a heartbeat!  One of the best decisions I have EVER made in my life.  It has been well worth it to me!
 154 lbs.
235 lbs

The Celebration Continues!

Sep 13, 2009

WOW! WOW! WOW!  I can't believe it!  , I hit the mark and broke my plateau I WEIGH 159 lbs. 76 pounds lost!  Woo hoooo!!!  I am so happy!!!  , I am so thankful for my band.  It's been six months, and 13 days since my surgery, but every single step has been worth it.

My Fill Appt was Friday Sept 11,2009.  I still have some restriction, So once again no fill keep in mind I have only had 2 fills. My first was 4cc's and my second fill 6 cc's. I'm 9 lbs away from my goal weight of 150 lbs. My Doctor said I'm doing great, and he is so Proud of me. He also suggested I start Challenge myself, I plan on doing my first 5k run next month, and also doing some rock climbing. By the way I rewarded myself for reaching 159 lbs, not with food. I got a second earring per icing in my ear.
.  I could go on and on about the benefits that this surgery has had in my life.  They just seem endless!!!  I have more energy, and a new zest for life.  I am very thankful that I had surgery I love my band and cannot imagine my life without it.
So for today, I'm going to enjoy being Ms. One-Fifty-Nine Hottie :-) 
I've LOST OVER 75 friggin pounds! Wow, never thought I'd see the day. Encourage yourself in your own quest for greater fitness. Become your own best cheeleader! 
235 lbs
159 lbs

6 months post/op/ Photos

Aug 30, 2009

Hi everyone , On Aug 26 was my official 6 month surgiversary! I can't believe its been 6 months already. As I reflect ..My most recent personal goal has been reached... I weigh 160......for a total of 75 lbs weight loss. I wanted to mark the milestone. What a Journey it has been I'm so Thankful for my many blessings and each plateau, the hard work the sweat and never giving, not to mention the support from each of you on OH, your encouraging words have made all the difference. 

I still have 10 lbs to go according to my doctor. But my first personal goal for myself has been reached. who knows I may decide to push it and get down to 145 lbs. But today I celebrate my 6 months Surgiversary.

Check out my Before and after Photos below:

5 months before Surgery.




6 month post op

10 more pounds untill I reach 150 lbs!! I have lost a Total of 75 lbs !


5 1/2 months Post/Op and 5th Fill

Aug 11, 2009

Hi everyone its that time again I'm 5 1/2 months Post/Op. Had My 5th Fill Appt with Dr Cywes this morning, and once again I did not have a fill, as a reminder I've only had 2 fills since my surgery on Feb 26.

My first fill was 4 cc and my second fill was 6cc's in my 8 cc band. Dr Cywes ask me if I would like a fill and I said no I'm fine so hey this might be my (Sweet Spot) .

Now on a Personal note.

We went on Vacation Sept 14-21 to Chicago Our Daughter Got married on July 18, and it was Beautiful we had a blast! And yes I had some wedding cake it was delicious! but I would only allow myself a bite and I push the rest away, but it was tempting, I also had some champagne and white wine ( about half of glass, and also the Garrett popcorn that was on ( Oprahs Favorite things) was one of the wedding favors, I ate a half of bag. All this to say I weighed myself before I left and when I returned a week later I had lost 2 lbs.I was elated.

NOW! Time For My WOW!! MOMENT!

My Weight Loss as of today Aug 11, 2009 ! 165 POUNDS! I lost another 10 lbs For a Total of 70 lbs Since my Surgery on Feb 26, 2009. I'm 15 lbs From My Goal Weight of 150 lbs! I must Toot! my horn.

 I Thank God that I'm Conquering food Challenges and changing habits everyday. I use weight loss days as opportunities for Thanks and Praise. And when my weight stays the same for days, I ask God for renewed strength to with stand temptation.

I'm Thankful for this Group having regular checkpoints for accountability to a friend, family or group can make the critical difference. Some people can do it alone, but most of us find that it's extremly helpful to know someone special is watching with interest as I weigh in.

This Group can be a calm voice of reason and sometimes a kick in the butt ! is usually all I really need to stay on course.



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4 Months Post Op/ 4th Fill Appt

Jul 07, 2009

Hello everyone today was my Appt with Dr Cywes for my 4th fill. And once again I did not need a fill. So Far I have had only 2 fills, I'm at 6cc and my band size is 8. So far no fills for my 3rd and 4th.

And my weight loss for today (Drum roll please!)   I loss another 10 lbs. I now weigh 175 lbs. I also found out today that my starting weight was 235 lbs, I thought it was 232 lbs. So that is a Total of 60 lbs weight loss since my surgery which was Feb 26, 2009. I'm now 25 lbs from my goal weight which is 150 lbs.

I plan to acheive this goal by my 6 month Surgi-versary which is August 26, 2009.

I'm amazed I can wear a size 10 misses in dress, pants and also a size 8. That is a long way from 18 woman and 2 x shirts. I 'm livin and Lovin Lapband. And I hope you are too





No Fill Today

Jun 09, 2009

Hello everyone today was my Appt for my third fill. And my doctor felt that I can do without one this time. I'm not hungry in between meals either. And once again he was extremly elated with my weight loss of 12 lbs, I normally average 10 lbs .  It has been 3 months and 2 weeks for me since my surgery. As of today I weigh 185 lbs.  Dr Cywes said I have 35 lbs to go to reach my Goal weight of 150 lbs.

So If my weight loss  continues to average 10 to 12 lbs I should be at my goal weight in  6 months. My  Surgi-versary I'm stoked!

So I just had to share with everyone.




3 Months Post Op / Pictures

May 27, 2009

Hi everyone as of today I'm 3 months post op. My Starting weight  was 232 lbs. As of this morning I weight 188.4 lbs. I have lost a total of 44 lbs and Have had 2 fills so far. My next Appt is June 9th.

I learned thus far that neither rome, nor a healthy lifestyle, can be built in a day... Developing a healthy lifestyle requires consistency, not perfection. To lose weight  you must Gain Control.



BEFORE picture A month before surgery

AFTER PICTURE Taken sunday at home on 5/26 after church.




Weight Loss Benefits of Drinking Water

May 19, 2009

Why Drinking Water Is the Way to Go

Drinking water and losing weight!

"Drink 8 glasses of water each day" is what we hear all the time but what weight loss benefits do we get from drinking water?

All functions within the body require the presence of water. A well hydrated body enables these functions to occur quickly and efficiently. All chemical processes involve energy metabolism and drinking plenty of water will make us feel more energetic and boost our metabolic rate

Water makes your metabolism burn calories 3% faster.

Drinking water is important if you're trying to lose weight, some studies have shown that thirst and hunger sensations are triggered together. If there is a slight dehydration the thirst mechanism may be mistaken for hunger and one may eat when the body is actually craving fluid. As most food contains some water, if one doesn't drink much they may be subconsciously driven to eat more to gain the necessary water supply however, you also gain the undesired effects of increased calorie consumption. Drinking more water can help to prevent overeating and benefit weight loss.

 Health benefits of drinking water

  • regulate appetite                                     

    Glass of Water -

    Drinking water is important for good health.

  • increase metabolism

  • boost energy levels

  • less water retention

  • alleviate some headaches

  • help reduce blood pressure

  • help reduce high cholesterol

  • ease joint pain

  • decrease in risk of some cancers

  • less chance developing kidney stones

  • release toxic waste products

  • improves skin

Cautions to consider

People with kidney problems or other conditions were fluid intake needs to be limited should follow their doctor’s recommendations with correct sodium intake.  One potential but rare side effect of fluid intake can be hypoatremia in which electrolytes become imbalanced. Always seek advice from your doctor before trying any new diet or changing eating / drinking habits!


Water Tip:

On feeling hungry

drink some water

15 minutes before



Wow My Second Fill

May 12, 2009

Today I had my Second Fill and once again it was a breeze My weight is now 196 lbs. I lost a total of 11lbs, since my first fill. My doctor was extremly pleased and said that I'm truly understanding it is your mind set. I also found out that my band size is not a 10cc , it's a 8cc band, last time I got 4cc on my first fill , this time I'm at 6cc. My doctor said since I'm doing so great I only have to do clear liquids for 1 day only , and tommorrow I can start on soft foods.

Curious not sure if anyone else has experience this but I notice my appetite decreasing, like yesterday I had a protein shake for breakfast , and lunch, but no appetite for dinner, and I don't have those cravings for sweets  at all, Not sure if it's the 64 ounces of water I drink a day and sometimes more, or if it's the increase in my workout, I walk 2 miles in 40 min in  the morning, and 2 more miles in the evening everyday. Plus I do Aerobics and strength training 3 days a week and Ab workout everyday for 10 min.

Anyway I'm Living and Loving Lapband.



