One on One

Sep 25, 2006

Brandy called this morning. I will be having my one on one with Dr. Waldrep on October 4th. *woot*


Sep 24, 2006

Well, my bloodwork came back with some things that needed to be addressed; high white count, low potassium and very high triglycerides. My PCP called me and consulted me via phone.

Also, my insurance was in limbo for 1 1/2 weeks due to switching over to COBRA, but that's all taken care of now.

My white count is high due to an autoimmune skin disorder I have. It's been high for at least 15 years now. He prescribed me banana's to take care of the low potassium thing (it's due to a blood pressure med I take) and I am now on Tricor for my high cholesterol.

Talked with Brandy at Dr. Waldrep's office via e-mail, stated I need to have my PCP fax them another clearance. It was done middle of last week and I still haven't heard back from Dr. Waldrep's office.

Sent an email to Brandy today, asking when my one on one could finally be scheduled. It's taking such a long time to get this surgery scheduled!!
But honestly, I have my 11 month old grandson while my DD is away for training for 6 weeks so it's better that way. She come's back on the 7th of October and I'll be free and clear to have the surgery after that.

Until next time...........


Aug 31, 2006

I checked my tracker on my surgeon's website, they have everything in except for my PCP's Medical Clearance letter. I'll fax it myself to Dr. Waldrep's office in the morning, since I've already called my doctor's office twice about it. *sigh*
Once that happens, they'll submit everything to Health Net and
schedule my one on one appointment!!! I'm so excited! :)

Testing is finished!!

Aug 28, 2006

Went to my local hospital and had my EKG, Chest X-ray & another UA done. Stopped by the Nutritionist's office and she wasn't there today, so I'll go back tomorrow to speak with her about the report.

ALL of my testing is DONE!!!! I just need the reports to get to Dr. Waldrep's office.

The Nutritionist...

Aug 27, 2006

I never heard back from my nutritionist, so I'm going to her office tomorrow. Grrr...makes me a bit mad that I have to physically go in there in order to take care of business. I have to say that I love this site. I've recieved so much information and it has really lifted my spirits to see how well everyone is doing. LOVE the Before/After pic's!! :)

I'm not crazy after all.

Aug 21, 2006

I received a copy of the psych report in the mail today. She has approved me mentally fit to have the surgery. My nutritionist still needs to send her report in. Called and left a message yesterday, and tried to get a hold of her today, but I haven't heard from her as of yet.

I ran into my cousin Janet, at the pharmacy yesterday. She had her surgery in May and she looks GREAT!! 73 pounds lost already!!
I can't wait for that to be me!! :)

Group Consultation

Aug 20, 2006

I attended the group consultation had a few questions I had, answered. I have decided on the RNY, not the Lapband for a few reasons.

I was able to get my blood work done while I was there, too.
I also had my before picture taken and was weighed. Seem's I've lost a few pounds, around 10 I think. I don't need to lose anymore prior to surgery, which makes me happy. :)

My PCP is faxing my 6 month of supervised diet info and my medical clearance tomorrow.

All I need now is my chest x-ray and EKG, which I will be doing this week. Once Dr. Waldrep's office receives these, everything will be submitted to Health Net for approval. My surgery date won't be scheduled until Health Net approves.

I'm no longer scared. I'm excited and a wee bit nervous, but I can deal with that!

It's getting closer!!!!!!!!

The Nutritionist Appointment

Aug 03, 2006

My appointment with the Nutritionist today. I feel as though she was a bit confused at first. She didn't know this was for bariatric surgery, but it went okay.
My gallbladder ultrasound, EKG & chest x-ray is on Friday the 11th.

I received a letter of confirmation for my group consultation with Dr. Waldrep for August 16th. It states that there are 3 components to this appointment.
The 1st being Dr. Waldrep going over the surgical aspect of surgery, part 2 is the Physician's Assistant going over the after care and what to expect at my appointments.
The 3rd and final part is the office staff going over paperwork and answering questions. I can take one support person with me, but it's not required.


Aug 02, 2006

Talked with Brandy @ Dr. Waldrep's office, they didn't get the fax, even though I was showed the receipt that they did by Stacy at my PCP's office. Stacy sent it again yesterday, I'll call later to make sure they got it this time.
I had my "yearly" yesterday. Went well. Doctor put me on HRT. These hot flashes are killing me. During the exam, he told me my ovaries are shriveling and that he could hardly feel them. It's official! I'm old. :(
I'm "only" 45, so this surprised me a bit.

I also had my psych exam yesterday. We talked for about 30 minutes, then I took a 2 hour test. My hand was killing me when I left, lol. I passed with flying colors!

Tomorrow is my appt. with the Nutritionist. I had to reschedule due to me catching some sort of stomach bug that's still bothering me a bit.

The Ball Is Rolling

Aug 01, 2006

I had my psych evaluation today. I think it went great. It took 2.5 hours. After talking to me and asking questions, I had to fill out a very long questionnaire narly 600 questions long, lol. My hand was hurting when I left, lol.
I have my appointment with the Nurtitionist on Friday.

I have YET to hear from my doctors office. I think I'll give them a call this afternoon. I did send an email to ask if they received my faxed copy of my insurance card, but nobody answered me. That was at least 3 weeks ago. :( I hope they answer the phone!

About Me
Colusa, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 10, 2006
Member Since

Friends 64

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I love Spring!
100 Pounds GONE!!!
90 lbs GONE!!!!!!!
I'm firmly planted in the 160's!!!!
Clothes Shopping
Seventy one pounds down!!!
Comparison- so far.
Merry Christmas!!!!!!
5 Weeks....
4 Weeks!!
