Vickie C. 23 years ago

Dennise, Congratulations on your surgery! I am glad it went well and I wish you good luck and good health with your recovery. It gets a little better everyday! A WLS friend,

Kimberly B. 23 years ago

I have wonderful news to share. Dennise has officially joined the Losers' Club! Her surgery went well. I'll have more to report after I see her tomorrow.

twla71 23 years ago

May GOD bless and protect you through surgery....Have a successful day today & get well soon!!!

Michelle R. 23 years ago

Best wishes on your journey to a new and improved life! I had my surgery one year ago, August 21, 2000 and I don't regret a single moment of it. Before you know it, it'll be your 1 yr. "Re"Birthday and a totally new person! X's & O's Michelle

Deborah W. 23 years ago

Good luck and cant wait to see you on the other side. You are in my prayers. Deborah Worlton

Sandra L. 23 years ago

Dear Dennise...After all you went through with your insurance, you really deserve this. Sorry that you had to struggle so much for your wls. I know that you're gonna do great. I'll keep a special place in my heart for you and I will pray for you. Love You...Momma Sandy

lissapayne 23 years ago

Hello...I just wanted to wish you all the luck in the world with your surgery and I will pray that you have a safe and speedy recovery. God Bless you!

tonitreadway 23 years ago

Best wishes to you for a complication-free procedure, a speedu recovery, successful weight loss, and life long good health and happiness! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Damian D. 23 years ago

OK I am a moron but that is ok because now I am posting a message for you. I want you to have the most speedy recovery possible and one day I hope to see you on the other side. congratulations

Kimberly B. 23 years ago

<Donning angel wings> I'm so honored Dennise asked me to be her angel. She is a very special person in mine and a lot of peoples' lives. Today Dennise is undergoing an angiogram. Last week's stress test showed an abnormality of some sort and they want to rule out any problems prior to Tuesday's WLS. I'm praying there is nothing to keep her from having RNY next week.
About Me
Rochester, IL
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2001
Member Since
