Sharon T. 19 years, 1 month ago

Lana, congrats on your big day, and the decision for a healthier life! You'll be just fine, and make a great "Bandster!"

Tamela 19 years, 1 month ago

We have the same surgery day! Yahoo! I'll be praying for all my WLS family who's surgery day is friday as well. Can't wait to get home and see all the updates so we can compare "war stories" lol. May Gods hands guide the surgeon and angels surround you with love and protection! Hugs Tamela

Sassy Sista 19 years, 1 month ago

I wish you a successful surgery and speedy weightloss. Your in God's hands and everything will be fine. Soon we will both be on the loser's bench. Monique

Sunday Joy 19 years, 1 month ago

Wishing you all the BEST for your upcoming surgery and recovery! God Bless you! Joy!

Nancy R. 19 years, 1 month ago

Lana - Best wishes on your upcoming surgery. May God bless you with a speedy recovery. Best wishes, Nancy

Meso Thin 19 years, 1 month ago

Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I pray that God guides the hands of your surgeon and surgical staff. Have an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. God bless.

lightlyspice 19 years, 1 month ago

Your big day is coming soon, and I just want to wish you many blessings on this day. May the Lord watch over you to have a safe surgery and a speedy recovery. May he guide the hand of your surgeon, and his team. May you be able to feel the spirit of protection with you.

queen 19 years, 1 month ago

Lana, I am praying for you, asking God to watch over you while you are away from us, your family.

Cyndi M. 19 years, 1 month ago

~~~~CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR UPCOMING SURGERY. ~~~~ May God give you courage, strength and guidance throughout your new journey. Your big day is almost here, this is the day, your new life will begin, I cant promise it will be easy, cant say it will be hard, I can say that with all the complications and everything I had to go through, It was well worth it. I have never felt better in yearsss, I’m off all medications, have sooooo much more energy. So if you hit a bump in the road, hang in there and remember it will alll be worth it in the long run. Prayers that the Lord will guide your surgeon’s hands and you have a speedy recovery. . Remember your not alone in this journey, many of us have been down this road, we are here to offer love and support. Looking forward to hearing from you on the loosing side. Huggs and Prayers Link to my profile 8-19-04 surgery date 297.5 5f 2 -110.5 weight losss

Sheryl C. 19 years, 1 month ago

Lana, Thank you for your kind words. I'll be praying for you, too. I am anxious to hear how you do on your pre-op diet. Are you having protein drinks? I'll be in touch--you are on your way now! Sheryl
About Me
Children of the Corn, IL
Surgery Date
Oct 28, 2003
Member Since

Friends 1
