
Aug 27, 2011

Well I had my Endoscopy done yesterday and everything went well. Dr. says it looks like the Endoscopy is a green light for the surgery. I thought I would be a little sick afterwards but I wasn't just a little tired. I have my approval for my nutrition appointment and psych eval and I go to my exercise in nutrition class Monday. Its all going so fast and I'm soo excited.

Things are moving quickly!!!!!

Aug 17, 2011

I have my appointment for my endoscopy and my nutrition and exercise class. I'm soooo excited. All I have remaining is my Psych evaluation and I'm done. Hopefull within the next two weeks I will have a date. I am claiming December 17th or 22nd in Jesus name its already done. I can't believe how efficient they are at Alta Bates hands down the best Bariatic Center ever.


Aug 11, 2011

Well I had my consultation on the 9th and my surgeon asked me loss......drum roll please.....15 pounds. Can you believe it no were near what I thought. Thank you Jesus!!!! I went to my support group meeting today and it was very informative and I feel better about my insurance now, I'm so glad. God is awesome its working out in my favor. I'd like to have surgery in December  because that will be during winter break from school. December it will be in Jesus Name.

Surgeon requires 10% loss before surgery....oh boy!

Aug 05, 2011


I'm So Excited!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 04, 2011

I have an appointment with my surgeon Dr. Kim on Tuesday. Thank You Jesus! This process has been a breeze so fair. Alta Bates is the best.

God Is Good All The Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 02, 2011

Well yesterday I said that I had to wait until end of August. Well I called for cancellations this morning and guess what. I got in to see my new doctor today and he gave me my referral right away. I just have to wait for new insurance card and information will be off in the mail to Alta Bates for Surgeon Consultation. Thank You Jesus!!!


Aug 01, 2011

I have to wait until the end of August to see my new doctor. This will delay process by a whole month.  UGH! They said I can call in for cancellations. Im so annoyed.

Just got records from previous weight loss programs

Jul 29, 2011

Gathering all my documents to meet with new Doctor.....my goal is to have a surgery date by January.

Seminar Meeting at Alta Bates on Saturday

Jul 21, 2011

I'm excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it may be a while before I get my surgery. But the very fact that I know its going to happen I don't even know what to do with myself. I've been fat ever since I can remember and I'm just ready to normal for once in my life. I'd like to get on a roller coaster with my kids and slide down the water slide without getting call Raspusha.  


I'm Getting My Mind Right!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 20, 2011

What I have realized from tons of research on the pros and cons of WLS is that if your not mentally healthy your going to fail. So I want to began to re-evaluate some issues now so that past experiences won't be the result of backsliding after the surgery. I decree and declare this will be my last weight loss attempt and it will be successful.    165LBS HERE I COME!!!!!AND I'M FEELING GOOD!!!!!!

About Me
Pittsburg, CA
Surgery Date
Jul 09, 2011
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 21
