Rebecca J. 19 years, 10 months ago

Dear Sara - Praying for a safe and successful journey for you this week. I pray that all goes smoothly and you recover quickly. Psalm 16:1 "Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge." God's blessings upon you to keep you from harm. Love - Rebecca

Cyndi M. 19 years, 10 months ago

~~~~CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR UPCOMING SURGERY. ~~~~ Prayers that the Lord will guide your surgeons hands, and you have a speedy recovery. You are about to start an amazing journey. Some days will be good some will be bad, but the results in the long run are worth it all. Looking forward to hearing from you on the loosing side. Huggs and Prayers ~~Cyndi M~~

Lisa C. 19 years, 10 months ago

Congratulations Sara! I just wanted to say "Thank You" again for the lovely scripture that you wrote on my surgery support page. I have posted the quote on my profile page so that I can remember it each time I look at it. That quote gave me a lot of inspiration and calmness as I was getting ready for my surgery. I hope that in return you will feel the same way and know that we are thinking of you and praying for you. I hope you have a very safe surgery and a speedy recovery. With best wishes, Lisa

fancy902 19 years, 10 months ago

Hi Sara, Oh you are so close now to that seat on the losers bench. I am wishing you great success with your surgery and a very speedy recovery. My prayers and thoughts are with you on your wonderful journey. Hugs Pam

Frvsnt O. 19 years, 10 months ago

Congratulations on your surgery date! I have some Zen Wisdom for you - Nothing exists but momentarily...One thing flows into another...observe things as they are, let everything go as it goes. This is to put everything under control in its widest sense. --- May God keep you close to his side as you travel your new journey. You will have ups and downs. You can always turn to us, your AMOS family, we will give support, comfort and encouragement. You will find this will be the best thing you could ever have done for yourself as well as your family. I know that was true for me. Keep us posted when you reach the "other" side. I pray for a speedy and easy recovery for you. Don’t forget to update your profile at least monthly. We all like to see how we are doing!!! Make sure you take pictures. It’s great to see the new you emerge!!! Not to mention the look on YOUR face when you look at those pictures and compare them in a few months! It’ll be a BIG WOW!!! Please remember too, that this is a *tool* to use. Make sure you use it wisely. The first year it’s pretty easy, after that I’ve been hearing (I’m not speaking from experience as I’m not a year out yet) that it gets increasingly difficult. Choose the right foods and measurements wisely! Good luck and God Bless!!! RNY 10/31/03 257/133 I’M AT GOAL!!! Posted in Loving Memory of Paula – Momma Angel who passed away 6/10/04 (Note Momma did not pass away from anything related to WLS – she had not had it) - btw nice profile!

Summer 19 years, 10 months ago

Sara, The time is coming near...6 more days! I will be there 11-04 and I hope to stop by and see you before I have surgery if not I'll see you walking the halls. Praying for a sucessful and easy surgery! Thanks you emails

Blessed2day 19 years, 10 months ago

Hi Sara, my surgery buddy! We'll be walking the halls together soon! May the peace of God be with you, my friend. Praying for your successful surgery and uncomplicated recovery. xoxoxo

deserthoneybee 19 years, 10 months ago

Hi Sara- Best of luck on your surgery- I'm sure you'll come through great and be a fabulous "loser" in no time. I know this has been a long wait for you- I can imagine how excited you are. Just a few more days and you'll be on your way!

Sheri-G. 19 years, 10 months ago

Good luck and best wishes to you have always been such a positive source of inspiration on this's your turn. Take Care

sally N. 19 years, 10 months ago

hi sara, know that my prayers are with u and ur family for a speedy recovery and exciting new life. ((((((((((hugs)))))))))
About Me
Brentwood, CA
Surgery Date
Apr 15, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
My highest weight (Oct. 2004)
Almost 4 years post-op Sept. 2008

Friends 44
