October 2007

Oct 28, 2007

October was so so for me . I didn't do so well with the Halloween chalange . 
September 3rd -
highest = 319
current = 180
Goal = 169 , also my personal goal .
Today I was at 177 . Earlier in the week I was up to 180 , after being at 175 for several weeks . I was PMSing & probably retaining water . So , up 5 , down 3 . Total loss since Sept 3rd = 3 pounds . That sucks . Still better than 344.7 from 10 years ago , or 319.7 in 7/2006 
I need to step up on exercise , which would entail actually getting some exercise . Need to eat less carbs .
 Hopefully The New Years challenge will be better . One thing i've noticed since surgery , that I didn't think I would notice is how many overweight people there are . I don't look down on anyone heavier than I am , I just feel so much empathy . I know how they are being treated , how alone they feel . When I was at my top weight I was sure I was the heaviest person wherever I went . I felt everyone looked down on me . I still feel awkward , like I don't fit in my own skin . Which is funny since there is so much of it . lol .

September 2007

9-29-07 - Yesterday was my 1 year surgeversary & I missed it  !  I thought about it earlier in the week , but spaced yesterday . lol . In one year I have lost 142 pounds (8 pounds to goal) , gone from size 4x top to L / XL , pants 24 to 16 . Sometimes it seems unreal . At times I feel awkward when I shop . Sizes are so non-uniform . My cholesterol has gone way down & my labs are great  . Of course I take a ton of supplements . The only downsides are : #1 - my bank acct is taking a major hit from buying all new clothes . #2 I'm majorly fighting head hunger & grazing . #3 I'll be deep in debt for many years to come (self pay) . All of these things are worth it . !00 % . xoxox Kathy

9-16-07 I went to my almost 12 month check up . Dr. Harai was very pleased . Encouraged me to get started on the tummy tuck process . I'm not sure if I will have he & Dr. Oh do it , or The Avalon clinic . The scale has finally moved again . 9 more pounds to my personal goal . My next appt is December 14th & I want to be a little below goal , by then , for bounce back purposes . I also went for my 6 month recheck mammo . We'll see if the Dr. thinks it's anthing . I'm not worried . My moms a survivor .

9-02-07 Wow , I didn't even post in August . No wonder , it was crazy . I didn't lose much weight to speak of . I think 3 pounds , maybe . Big maybe , because I was on a stall for 3 weeks & then another for two weeks . I know part of it is my fault . I snack at night , not a ton . But , have started eating things I shouldn't . I have been better the last few days . I dread when the good fruit is gone . I love summer foods . My 46th birthday was on August 24th . Mom made some really good sugar free cheesecake . I really appreciated it . It was yummy . My family are all cheesecake nuts , even the kids . My former daughter-in-law had never had cheesecake until marrying Anthony . I couldn't believe it . Our wonderful friend Becky (anewbechoo) is having some serious health issues . I pray that they rectify themselves & she continues on her giddy passage to skinnyhood . The Labor day challenge ends tomorrow . My goals were :
July 1st 2007 -
highest = 319
current = 193
    goal = 170

I didn't reach my goal , but lost 13 pounds , which is nothing to scoff at . My Halloween goal will be :

September 3rd -
highest = 319
current = 180
Goal = 169 , also my personal goal .

* Also I want to go back to weighing 1 time a week . With the scale moving so slowly , everyday is nuts . TTFN .

July 2007

July 22 2007 - I went to my almost 10 month doctors visit . Everything is great . I need to reduce my B-12 , it is high . My liver enzyms are a little high , but nothing to worry about , he said . He said it may be because I haven't recovered from a fatty liver . I wasn't told post-op if my liver was fatty , but it probably was . Some peoples get so bad they end up with cirrosis (sp) . Their scale only showed a 3 pound difference in weight from my scale , so that was good to know . I weigh 188 w/ a BMI of 27.7 . I haven't weighed this since I was 16 . Unbelievable . I do notice I am eating more snacks , so I need to nix that . Granted , they are healthy snacks . But , I don't want to start grazing . TTFN .

July 16 2007 - Well at this rate I won't make my goal by Labor day . Last month I did pretty good . So far , July is super slow . I've lost 3 pounds in three weeks . Saturday I went shopping with my best friend , Lin . We went to Macy's . I wanted to see if they had any solid color blouses . They had a really nice blue one , so I grabbed an 18 . I decided just for fun , i'd try on a 16 , too . They didn't have a 16 in blue , so I picked up a raspberry colored one . The 18 was kind of baggy & the 16 fit good ! I tried another 16 in a different brand & it fit good , too . I couldn't believe it . And I don't even like clothes shopping . Or , I didn't like clothes shopping . lol .

July 1st 2007 -
My labor day challenge goal :
highest = 319
current = 193
    goal = 170

This is also my initial ultimate goal .

June 2007

Jun 01, 2007

In June I lost 12 pounds . That was a great month for me . I met my July 4th mini challenge , in June . My goal was 199 pounds , & I reached 193 . Woo Hoo . 

6-24-07 I have had the week from hell this week . I get hormonal migraines , every month . One day my best friend stopped by after having told me that she would be stopping by the next night . She wanted me to help her with something on the computer . Normally I would be mildly irritated , maybe amused (she's blond) . No , I was really angry . I thought to myself "It isn't even close to the 1st" . That's when I get premenstral . I'm at that wonderful age (45) where my hormones fluctuate , so it's getting unpredictable . Last month when I went to get my migraine medicine refilled , they (Target) were out of the generic . They gave me the name brand , no biggee . So , I go to refill it again (sat) & they have none ! Target calls me (sun) , the generics are no longer being manufactured & the company that makes Midrin is out . I am so screwed . The pharmacy faxes my Dr. (mon) I said I didn't want Imitrex . It's too expensive & doesn't work well . My Dr. calls in Imitrex . Agh!!! I talk to his nurse , she calls in Tramadal (tues) , not a migraine med . By this time I had a migraine . Weds , I call & tell the nurse that the Tramadal didn't work . They call in Davocet , not a migraine med . By friday , I am nuts . I posted on OH about migraines & got many really helpful posts & lots of sympathy . That's what I love about OH . You know someone is going to try to help you . I made a list of migraine meds (Axert , Zomig , Amerge , Maxalt , Fioricet , & Topomax) . Plus advice to get Feverfew , to prevent them . I did pick up the Feverfew . I will be making an appt to see my Dr. & go over my RX list . Good news - I lost two more pounds , for a 126 pound loss . Woo Hoo . TTFN . 

- I measured myself , today . Since 9-27-06 , I have lost a total of 71 1/4 inches . I can't believe it . I wish i'd measured in July after my consultation . Oh well . Friday (6-08-07) was the 6th anniversary of the munchkins coming to live with me . I can't believe it's been 6 years . Today we went for a picnic at a park , sort of . lol . The weather was crappy . We ate in the car , they played , I stayed in the car most of the time reading . We got ice cream from B&R . It was pouring down rain . I got SF thin mint . It was good . TTFN

6-6-07 -Hey . I had a Medial RNY on September 28th 2006 & as of today I have lost 121 pounds & weigh 198 pounds  . The past couple months have been so slow (6 pounds a month) , that I was using 199 as my mini 4th of July goal . I wondered if i would even meet that goal . For some reason my weight has speeded up the last two weeks (7 pounds) . I am not complaining .  lol . I haven't weighed 198 since I was pregnant with my second son , when I was 17 . My Thyroid went bad , I gained 90 pounds during the pregnancy & didn't see 198 again for 28 years  . This is the first time in my life that I weigh less than my sons , ages 28 & 30 . Now , they are way bigger than me , which is as it should be . lol . Sorry to be going on & on , i'm just so excited !!! xoxox Kathy

6-01-07   OMG !!! Today I weighed 200 pounds . Woo Hoo !!! I am now OVERWEIGHT !!! I never thought i'd be happy to be overweight  , lol . I haven't weighed this since I was 16 . Isn't that sad ? I am feeling so much better . My grandaughter (Kati) is driving me nuts ! She wants me to write down what is happening right now . She put a flower on me , just to see me post it . lol .  TTFN

May 2007

May 16, 2007

May 16th 2007 - I haven't been posting too well lately . I have now lost 112 pounds , depending on which stupid scale you use . I made the mistake (like a fool) & bought a scale . My loss is going as slow as molassas . But , at least it's going . I went back to my regular job on May 5th . I'm glad i'm back . As much as I love the maintenance guys , the job was boring . My job as an ATS2 goes a lot quicker . For two nights i've been fixing the kids' fort . My arms & legs are so sore . Shows how out of shape my muscles are . The kids are really happy . They can use the swing again . Maddie , my cat is happy , too . She likes going in the fort . lol . TTFN .

April 2007

Apr 01, 2007

Late entry - On April (friday) the 13th , I flew to Irvine , California . I went all by myself , like a big girl . lol . Mary ann (slapper from New Mexico) picked me up at the airport . Mary Ann grew up in the area , so she knew her way around . We had a burger at the 'In & Out Burger" place . It was good . Then we went to Balboa beach , where Kim (from Oregon) , Michelle & Becky (from California) , Sally (annoying lizard from Iowa) , & Surprise girl Sarah Margaret (sarahlicious from Florida) , met us there . Sarah changed her clothes , in public , without exposing a thing . I've never seen anything like it . lol . I don't think Houdini could have pulled it off . lol . We went to Durty Nelly's , an Irish pub , for Karoake . It was fun . Saturday we met Jackie Guerra . She was awesome . What an inspirational speaker . We went to classes , which were interesting . One that I went to was with Dr. Marcy , another was Jackie's husband . He was hilarious . Saturday for dinner we went to El Torito for dinner . Willem (Fredling from Canada) came with us . Tooter , Amy & Ken (Amy's husband) met us there . I had a salad that had steak & Jicama in it . It was good . There was an 80's dance . There were a lot of Madona's there . lol . I wore a Pink Floyd T-shirt . Sunday Mary Ann took me to the coolest mall called the Block . I got souveneers for everyone at Hilo Hatties , there . That evening Sally & I took the shuttle to the airport . My flight was slightly delayed because of a bad tire . I got home really , really early monday morning & went to work monday . Man , was I beat . I had a good time though .

Happy April fools day . It's a lazy sunday . The kids are driving me crazy . they insist on playing together , when they're supposed to be cleaning , & then they fight . Typical . Only 12 more days until Irvine . I talked to Tina at Dr. Oh's office & she said she didn't have any trouble with taking her protein & vitamins on the plane . She said to have Dani send me a letter . TTFN

March 2007

Mar 19, 2007

Well , I haven't been too good about updating . I went back to work on March 5th , light duty . I work at a large institution for the Develoementally Disabled . I'm a Vocational trainer . While i'm on light duty I am working in the Maintenance department . I worked there a few years ago , too . I love those guys . The work is boring , but the people great . They think i'm nuts , I don't know why ? lol . 

March 19th - I weighed myself at my friends on saturday & her scale said 217 , which would be a 102 lb loss . I didn't post about it because I didn't trust her scale . Today I went to the hospital for a mammogram . I asked to use their scale & weighed 220 . 99 pounds lost . I was bummed . I called my friend & she said their scale could be off . It is true . It's an old fashioned scale in the triage area . So I said okay i'm saying 219 & 100 pound loss . I go to the doctors on 3-30 & the scale should say at least a few pounds less . I hate scales . In less than a month I will be going to Irvine for the convetion . It'll be a lot of fun . Of course i'm nervouse because I can be a wall flower if I feel like I don't fit in .  TTFN

3-31-07 - I had to have a repeat mammogram & an ultrasound on my right breast on 3-39-07 . They came out okay , but I have to have another mammo in six months . 3-30-07 was my six month check-up at Dr. Oh's office , with Dr. Hurai . He is very nice . He was pleased with my protein intake & weight loss . My weight loss has been very slow . I had been having a 20 oz. sf latte daily (m-s) for two weeks , which could be the culprit . It couldn't have been from food . I quit doing that over a week ago (except 1x a week on saturday) & just add a pkt of instant coffee to my shake in the Morning . So hopefully the loss will pick up . I had been having horrible problems with going to the bathroom . Milk of Magnesia didn't help alot . The Dr. told me to take colace 3x a day & Metamucil . Things have gotten way better .  

February 2007

2-02-07 I went for my 4 month check up . I have lost 84 pounds , I'll take it . I was lectured about my protein intake , so I need to be more diligent . I saw Dr. Oh's new partner , Dr. Huri . He is very nice . He was good natured & unhurried . I liked him . I had to have bloodwork . They took 12 vials . That's a lot of blood . lol I've got a headache TTFN .

January 2007

Jan 02, 2007

1-19-07 I had my knee surgery , today . They repaired my torn meniscus . The surgery was done at a surgery center . I had my shoulder repair done at the same place . It is way nicer than any of the hospitals i've had surgery at . I started collecting autographs , again . I han't sent out since June . It is an expensive hobby . I weighed 239 , woo hoo ! I'm having trouble staying awake , because of the meds . TTFN

1-15-07  Today was my pre-op for my knee surgery . I weighed 242 . Woo Hoo ! 77 pounds gone . Surgery is on friday

1-13-07 My family & I were in Orting for my cousins 25th wedding anniversary , which was held at the Orting Eagles . We had a good time socializing . My mom was going to go with me to Dr. Oh's banquet . My son & I went out to transfer her extra oxygen tank , she has Emphesema . I went back in & a few minutes later my sons girlfriend said my mom went outside looking for me . I went out there & she had fallen in the icy parking lot . Her oxygen tank had come undone , her hands were bleeding , her knee was hurt , her belongings were scattered everywhere , & her shoes had fallen off . I hurried to her . My son stuck his head out the door & I yelled for him . He ran & fell . We got help in getting my mom in my car , once we knew she hadn't hit her head . My cousin is a physical therapist assistant & checked her carefully & cleaned her wounds . I wanted to take her to the hospital . She kept saying she was fine & we should still go to the dinner . All l she could think about was disappointing me , i'm sure . I knew she would be miserable , so there was no way I was going to the dinner . Poor mom . She said if she's known she wasn't going , she would have eaten more at the family shin dig . lol . I really felt bad about mom getting hurt . Doggone this weather . I had a cute outfit on , too .

January 2 2007 - Happy New Year !!! Today is my grand munchkins 11th birthday . Actually Christopher (who i'm raising & my grandaughter Courtney are both 11 today . Their dads , are both my sons & they were born on the same day , 11 hours apart . They were the 1st & 2nd babies of the New Year for Auburn general hospital that year . I was in the delivery room both times . Boy was I tired at the end of that day . lol . I finally weighed myself since Dec 7th , & I weighed 249 on my mom's scale . Woo Hoo ! That's 70 pounds since mid August . Tomorrow is my B-I-L B.D. , Saturday is my oldest son's wedding reception , & sunday is my youngest son Chris' 28th B.D . Whew , i'm tired just thinking about it . TTFN

December 2006

Dec 07, 2006

12-07-06  I went to see my new Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Bulley . He is such a sweetheart . He is the same one who did my shoulder repair . I originally didn't go to him for my knee because Dr. Moore was alot closer . But Dr. Moore decided he no longer wants L&I pateints . If I had known that , I would have never gone to see him in the first place . So , I went to who I should have gone to in the first place . It is more of a drive , but worth it . I will probably have the surgery in mid January . I weighed myself while there & have lost 62 pounds , yeah . After no loss in 3 weeks , I was getting paranoid . I know I need to get in more protein . Then i'd probably lose quicker . Plus , if I could actually get some exercize . I've been a little down . Probably the season . I know my finances are dwindeling quickly . I won't start getting L&I again until after the 28th of December . An expensive three months . I need to thank god for me not having any complications . I really am lucky . The kids are in Karate' . Last night the Sesei broke rocks with his hand . And the assistant Sensei made black belt . It was very cool . The kids are enjoying it . I'm glad . My dad was into Karate' . TTFN  xoxox

About Me
Buckley, WA
Jun 18, 2006
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