Updated Ticker!

Dec 28, 2006

Lost another 5 lbs and have 55 more to go! I'm getting there slowly but surely.


It's official I'm in a size 12 jeans!

Dec 26, 2006

So I hope everybody had a great holiday! I had so much fun this weekend. I think maybe I drank a little too much. I wasn't drunk or anything but probably had a little more than I should have. It was alot more calories and carbs then i needed.

But now on to some great news. Today I am 6mo out and down 84lbs. I am proud to say I am fitting very comfortably in a size 12 jeans! I can't believe it but here I am wearing them and still am able to breath. lol! They are a little tight around my legs and I was telling my trainer that my waist has been shrinking but everytime I get new smaller jeans they are getting tighter around the legs. So he had me doing some exercises that focus on my outter thighs so hopefully when it's time to move to 10's they will fit great around my waist and legs.

uh-oh I'm in troble LOL!

Dec 18, 2006

So for the past two weeks I've had it really easy at the gym. My trainer was in China playing basketball for two weeks. I've been going to the gym but not really working too hard. I know I know i totally should have been pushing myself. Well today was his first day back and believe me he did not take it easy on me. I'm almost positive my abs are gonna be sore tomorrow :-(. I'm kinda glad he's back I'm ready to get back to work. I've got 59 more lbs to go

6 mo Post op

Dec 15, 2006

I can not express in words how grateful I am to have such a wonderful Doctor. Yesterday was my 6 month post op visit. He was very happy with my progress and said that I was on track. He even said that i was one of his favorite patients and he always enjoys seeing me. LOL! Yes! I won't see him again until June for my 1 yr post op and I'm hoping to be at goal by that time. So as of right now i'm 199lbs and have 59lbs to go. It's so close I can taste it! LOL! I kno that the honeymoon period is just about over so I'm gonna have to push myself extra hard in the gym to reach my goal.


Dec 13, 2006

I jumped on the scale and guess what it read? 199Lbs! Yay I'm so excited. 59 more lbs to go!

Reached my mini goal!

Dec 10, 2006

Finally 200lbs!! That's a total of 80lbs lost Well I don't have to tell you  check the ticker yo! I wanted to be @ 200 or below it by the time I go see the Doc. I see him in a couple days so I'm glad I was able to reach my mini goal!

small update!

Dec 08, 2006

My appt with the Doc got pushed up to next week. I wanted to be at the 200lb mark or maybe even in onderland by the time I go see him. So this morning I jumped on the scale to see if I lost anything these past 6 days and guess what! I am 1 lb away from being 200 and 2 lbs away from onderland! I think I can lose a couple lbs before next thursday well I'm gonna try really hard too. I just got to remember not to eat like crap. It's that time in the semester where things are crazy and sometimes you just eat what ever is easier so you can get back to the books. two more finals to go! I'm ready for one but I'm a little nervous about my accounting final.

Finally a new ticker!

Dec 01, 2006

That's another 5 lbs as of today! I want to lose 5 more before I go see the Doc on the 20th.


Nov 27, 2006

11/27/06-I know you guys are wanting to see some before pics. SO I went through some of my old pictures and found one that was taken in late 2004. Ugh i really don't know how i feel about posting it but whatev!


Ok now this was taken this morning. What a difference


Another Update & in a much better mood

Nov 27, 2006

11/27/06-I CANNOT get warm!! I'm so stinkin cold I can Barely stand it! Ugh and I left my gloves in my TIas car! my poor little nose is cold and my fingers feel numb and I got goosbumps on my arms and legs. (Why do they call them GooseBumps? what if a goose gets cold do they just call them bumps? something to ponder) I totally need to buy a parka yo! I have been so cold these past couple weeks. I'm not used to this at all. i usually love this time of the year because of the weather but now that I lost most of my insulation (aka my fat) I hate it. Well I hate the feeling of being cold and not being able to warm up. I could not imagine living some where, where it actually snowed. I would Die!!!

Anywho... This Weekend was awesome! It was filled with lots of eating (well not as much as last year but it felt like a lot), dancing and of Course Shopping!!!! Also I'm finally over my Plateau. Last week I stepped on the scale and was soo excited to see that I lost another 2 lbs! I'm very happy to finally see the scale move.

I totally owned on Black Friday!!! I was up @ 2:30 and left the last store @ 11. I didnt have the need to bite anybody but I did feel the need to smack some very rude people. THe people in Target were being soooo mean to this guy in the electronics department. Everybody was screaming at him and not even listening to any of his instructions. He couldnt have been any older than 18 yrs old and he actually handeled himself very well. God bless his little heart for being so patient cuz the lord knows I would have totally been yellin back at those people and would have refused to give them anything til they got in a line. But thats why i don't work in retail i can't handle that mess.

It was a great day tho. Most of my xmas shopping is done! Thank you baby Jesus for Black Friday!!!... Oh and thank you for my wonderful family and Friends!

About Me
phoenix, AZ
Surgery Date
Mar 20, 2006
Member Since

Friends 20

Latest Blog 26
New Year
Just an update on this thing I call My LIFE!!!
Alright let's get back to business
Random Thoughts of a fat person
Size 10 Woohoo!
2/19/07 update!
No update here
Small Update
What a great month!!!
