MaryLouise F. 16 years, 7 months ago

Hi Denise.. congradulations on your SYSK.. I agree with Tiffany.. you need to wear that tiarra proudly and take a pic doing so. :) WOO HOO FOR YOU!!

Jodi W 16 years, 7 months ago

Hi Denise, Congratulations to you for being picked as this weeks SYSK! By the looks of your profile you have come a long way baby! You really do deserve to be SYSK this week. Wear your tiera with pride and continued success on your journey. Hugs, Jodi

ShellsBells 16 years, 7 months ago

Congrats on being this weeks SYSK! Enjoy!

Precious Dork Doll .. 16 years, 7 months ago

Denise!!! I chose you as the Someone You Should Know for this week!!!! Congratulations and I hope you have a wonderful week!!!!! Love, Tiffany

Living Life 17 years ago

Congrats on joining us on the losers bench. We are so happy you are going to be joining us soon.......

Judy J. 17 years ago

Denise congratulations on your upcoming surgery, you'll do great. Welcome to the losers bench.

Laura A. 17 years ago

Wishing you the best of everything with your upcoming surgery. Hang on tight... you're in for the ride of your life!!! Enjoy every minute of it!!! Laura A.

Crista S. 17 years ago

Sending you happy thoughts and a speedy recovery, I am Wed! I hope all goes well.

Katt M. 17 years ago

Hi Denise, I just wanted to wish you an easy surgery and a quick, painless recovery. Enjoy the ride! =)

Jodi W 17 years ago

Denise, Here's to you on your upcoming big bay.*CHEERS* Sending you a ton of positive vibes, and well wishes for a speedy and pain free recovery. we are about to dust off another losers seat for you. MUCH LOVE AND ((( BIG HUGS ))) SINCERELY, JODI
About Me
Modesto, CA
Surgery Date
May 12, 2007
Member Since

Friends 24

Latest Blog 11
Wow it's already April
The insantiy of life.
First day of school!!!!
Finally an update
This is so freaking hard!!!!
Hunger pains
Seven Days
Corky me
The season of waiting (like everyone else)
