Mike B. 18 years, 7 months ago

Best of luck Patti. You will do fine. I know you must have the patience of a saint with all the BS you put up with to get an insurance approval. One of these days those people who gave u so much trouble will get theirs. Look forward to seeing you postop and have all that behind you. My prayers are with you sweetie. love Mike B. // Phoenix, AZ

Nancy R. 18 years, 7 months ago

Patty - With everything you have been through over the last year I know that the actual surgery is going to be a walk in the park for you! Best of luck and lots of wishes for a super speedy recovery. (((((((((((PATTY)))))))))))))))) Love, Nancy

Aunt Pam 18 years, 7 months ago

I will be thinking of you on the 1st. Sending you lots of good thoughts and hugs! hugs, Aunt Pam

nc_sweety 18 years, 7 months ago

My dear sweet Patty, I am so thrilled for you. You have fought a long and rough battle to finally have your dream come true for surgery. You are a real trooper. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I know you will do super. I'm holding you a spot on the loser's bench sweety, so Patty COME ON DOWN!!!!! Hugs, love and prayers from your friend in North Carolina the NC Perkette.

-Michael- Smith 18 years, 7 months ago

CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming surgery my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your surgery team and wishing you A speedy recovery best of luck to you

Ronna 18 years, 8 months ago

Patty dear, I am so glad that you finally have your approval. I have watched you try and try every step of the way. I know know that the time is here that it's a bit scary but just look ahead at what is in store for you. A healthier happioer Patty. Good things are ahead for you. Please feel free to email me anytime if I can help. I'm 6 months out now and down 91 pounds. You were there when I started and I would like to think that I can be there for you too. I'm wishing you an uneventful surgery and an easy recovery. Sending you best regards and many hugs, Ronna

RHONDA FROM KY 18 years, 8 months ago

You ROCK-ON sin'sationally kewl Peppermint Patty...YOU HAVE A DATE!!! The most wonderfullest fun things are in store for your future... altho.. you have always been destined for grand things.. :-).. love you and can't wait to hook-up with you again many times over!!

Mike B. 18 years, 8 months ago

Patty Dear, Now that you have a date finally and didn't give up I am so proud of you and all kinds of good things will begin to happen in your life now with an easy WLS and fast recuperation and getting skinny and healthier. I have to compliment you on not giving up. These insurance companies make it so tough in many cases they hope we will give up. That saves them money on a short term but they don't look down the road about the complications most of us run into when our weight gets out of hand. You will do great. My prayers for you and your healthy future are in here at the top of the pile. G-D Bless You and Keep You Safe. love Mike B. Arizona 20 years postop June 2006

Meghan R. 19 years, 1 month ago

Hi peppermint (don't know your real name, sorry!) I am so sorry about the crap you're going through right now. I am so glad to see your still in good spirits. I knew, just like you, that even if I get denied this time around, I am going to fight, pay for it, or find a new job. I just wanted to let you know I am in your corner, and hoping hard for you to get the approval you deserve. Good Luck and God Bless.

Ronnie 19 years, 7 months ago

Hi Patty. This is the first that I have been on the site since surgery, but it is important to me to thank you for lifting me up in prayer on my surgery date. God Bless You and thank you for your support.
About Me
Springfield, IL
Surgery Date
Jun 23, 2005
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