Nosey Kitty
March 2004
Mar 01, 2004
Hi all in the Oh family! I thought I would share a bit of my journey again. The last post that I made in my profile- I had just lost 8 lbs... well let me tell you it was nothing after that...zilch, zero, nada, nunca- until about 2 weeks later. I finally decided to step onto the scale just to be curious because I was so frustrated. And I was down 5 lbs!! I felt like shouting it from the roof tops! I was so happy! I go on the scale and off again three times, just to make sure that it wasn't lying. I even made my fiance come verify it on the scale for me!! Well, I stepped on the scale again last night and I had lost another 5 lbs!!! I am so happy! That is a total weight loss of 40 lbs in 7 weeks. I never thought I would lose weight again after that plateau..! Last week I ate salad pretty much all week- had my protein for breakfast- yogurt and some fruit, then I would have salad with 1/4 cup cheese (9g protein) and bacon bits 1 1/2 tblsp.(4 g protein)- then I would eat dinner- either chicken, hamburger, pork, fish... whatever I decided I was hungry to eat. And you know what the funny thing is.. the salad fills me up. I also bring cucumbers and carrots with dip in case I get hungry and feel the urge to snack... I can only eat a couple, but it helps. I also discovered Diet Snapple- of which I love! In the Peach Tea- 0 grams of sugar and no calories. I have apple at my desk with only 3 grams of sugar and 15 calories.... mmmm... nummy! I burnt myself out on Crystal Lite. So I have been drinking just water- but looking for something different. I can't drink diet pop- it upsets my tummy... so I am stuck. But that's okay with me! Anyway.. thanks for the chance to update my profile...!
you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You
adorable, but a little out there. It's alright,
you might not have it all, but there are worse
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I took this quiz off of someone else's profile only because I love those bunnies...
I am so excited!!! I am now down 45 lbs (maybe more- I haven't looked recently) and I am at 2 months post-op! It seems like it has been such a quick breeze. The time just flies!! I went and bought a new pair of jeans this weekend and I should have bought a size smaller than what I picked up. I am wearing a 24 right now, but a 22 fit and was workable. It just wasn't what I was used to when I tried it on. It seemed a little more defining than what I am used to.. I have such a belly at the bottom that I am afraid of what people might see. But I am wearing a 22/24 shirt.. and even that seems too big. But man does it feel good! I haven't worn that size for years!!! I love it!!! I am in total shock.. It feels so good! And my boyfriend absolutely loves it too! He is always telling me that I look good, never a bad comment at all! He has been so supportive of the weight loss thing.. no matter how obsessed I get! Its so great!!! Anyway, I just thought I would share my joy with the rest of the family here at OH!! WOO- HOO!!!
February 2004
Feb 10, 2004
I am finally on the losing side!!! I am a loser!! I have lost 20 lbs since my surgery. I had the Lap RNY w/Tubal Ligation on 01/27/04 with Dr. Howard Lederer at HCMC in Minneapolis, MN. Everything went beautifully with no complications!!! I have never felt so alive!! I have to say the best dinner I have had so far is my Tilapia filets with some mashed potatoes! They were so nummy!!! I can't wait to experience more! I think I have been one of the lucky ones to have had such a good experience. I arrived at the hospital at about 6:35-6:40 am and checked it. They were getting me ready in the little room and finally let Jay and my mom in to see me before I went to prep for surgery. Finally we walked over to get ready for surgery and they went to the waiting room and I went to the prep area with a lot of other people waiting for surgery. After much preparation, they wheeled me into the OR and playing on the stereo was Toto... how cool is that? They strapped my arms down and I see a nurse above my head who told me, we are going to give you your happy shot now............. the next thing I know, they are making me wake up. I told them that I had heart burn, but they just kept telling me that I just had surgery. They were giving me morphine- which didn't do so well with my system. (let me tell ya- throwing up right after surgery was not fun!!)... so in my little pump thing- they gave me something else. I never caught up with my pain using that thing- I could press the button every 6 minutes- but who remembers to do that when they are sleeping. I finally caught up with it- when I was getting ready to go home and they gave me Percocet to take for my pain. I was able to go home on Thursday afternoon... what a treat that was.. it was -15 below outside. (That's Minnesota for you...) Everything was fine after that.. until...
I spent Tuesday, February 3, in the Emergency Room at HCMC. I had eaten apple sauce and thought that's what was making my heart race... so I called the nurse and she wanted me to come in right away. I spent 8 hours in the Emergency Room to find out that I was dehydrated. How unpleasant was that.... my kids were getting aggitated, Jay wasn't helping the matters any... and to top it all off the meanies (ER staff) made me so mad I had to cry. But I still got to go home! That night I took my kids and Jay out to eat at Denny's (kids eat free you know)...it was quite the long day!!
My brother is getting married this weekend, my son and daughter will be in the wedding- it will be so much fun! I can't believe my brother is getting married before I am. I have been with Jay for almost 9 years off and on. We are talking about it though....
I am now back to work today for the first time in 2 weeks and I feel great. But I understand what everyone means about the things that people say and how tired you get of it. Its nice that they notice.. but damn....!!! Anyway.. I think that we are going to get ready to carpool on home! See Ya when I write again.!!!
Well, I am back for another update on my journey. I stepped on my scale at home-mind you this is not an official dr weigh in- but I am down to 285- 8 lbs since 02/13/04, when I stepped on the scale last! I am so excited! This whole process is an amazing learning experience! I did a lot around the house this weekend. I cleaned my living room and dining room floors with a carpet cleaner, got some dishes done.. and some other miscellaneous house cleaning done. Now today I am sitting at work eating my mandarin oranges and updating my profile. Last week was a really tiring week for me at work. I just felt physically exhausted all week. So I called the nurse and asked some questions, because I didn't know if it was normal for me to feel that tired. So when she called me back... she said that it was normal... but I am doing much better on the drinking part. I have figured out that if I drink out of a smaller bottle of water, I drink a lot faster, so I fill up more often... makes me feel better. (Literally). But I am tolerating foods really good. I haven't had any problems with anything getting stuck lately. However, I had an incident last Wednesday. We went to the Grand Casino in Hinckley for dinner. I ordered my most favorite soup- Chicken Wild Rice Soup!! It is the bomb. Jay ordered the Chicken Quesadillas. When the food came, I took a small bite of Jay's food- chewed it really well and it tasted so nummy. I started to eat mine- and it wasn't sitting so well. Even in the soup, the chicken was dry. It was so embarrasing, I had to excuse myself from the table and throw up. Something did not agree with me. So I couldn't finish my dinner- even though it tasted really nummy- it just didn't settle right. And the worst part about it, I was exhausted from it the next day!! That's the only episode I have had in a long time. Anyway, I will post after my doctor's appointment on Friday!!!
HI all.. I am back for another update. I just wanted to say how great this surgery has been for me. I am so glad that I have decided to do this. Everything has gone so smoothly- everything that has happened that hasn't been "right"- has been strictly operator error. Not chewing properly, drinking while I was eating...
I put on an outfit that I had in my closet- actually just a shirt (I wore black pants with it) that is more of a fitted shirt. And I discovered something- I HAVE A FIGURE... some where under me.. there is a figure, a shape. I almost cried this morning when I was looking in the mirror. I had thought that I should have been losing at a higher rate- but now that I think about it... I am 4 weeks out, I have lost 31 lbs by my scale that means an average of 7.75 lbs per week. And last week I lost 8 lbs alone... (Yes, I am amazed by this!!). I have also been completely in awe at the fact that I can fit into some of the bras that I had bought when my boyfriend and I had split up. I had lost some weight because of being very distraught... so I bought new bras... needless to say- we got back together (and are happy), but as I got more comfortable- I gained my weight back and they didn't fit... now I am just all around excited!!!!
Just thought I would share my excitement with my family here at OH... have a great day!
January 2004
Jan 01, 2004
I have just had my mom take my measurements last night. WOW!! I can't believe those numbers. But shortly I will be on the losing side. I am trying to make sure that I am watching what I am eating and drinking before my surgery to prepare myself. I don't drink any soda or calorie containing beverages- which kinda sucks- because I was a PEPSI junkie. That was the hardest thing for me to give up.
I will give an update on how I got started on my journey. Originally I started looking into this surgery about 2 years ago. I ended up postponing my surgery due to personal family problems and financial troubles. I had two children that I had to look after, my relationship wasn't the greatest and we were looking at breaking up. So everything was set aside. I just recently started the process again. I would say sometime in July 2003, I started the referral process from my PCP to Hennepin County Medical Center for the gastric bypass surgery. I went through the genergal overview class and was able to get an appointment with Dr. Hartley the same day to get the process started. He went through my medical history and my background with me and ordered all kinds of blood work to review for abnormal hormone levels and all that other stuff. In that same time, I took the MMPI and was setting up appointment with the general nutrition class and for my individual appointment with the nutrionist- Amy (she's awesome!!). After a few more appointments and waiting for Dr. Lederer to get approved by my insurance, HealthPartners, to be able to do surgery- I just sat and waited in the wings. I finally got the call that he was approved by my insurance company- so I could go through with setting up the appointment to meet with him. I was finally able to meet my doctor in November 2003 and go over the criteria for the Laparascopic RNY and complications and all that jazz. I absolutely loved his bubbly personality and his enthusiasm towards helping morbidly obese patients. After I met with him.. it was the waiting game to hear for approval from my insurance. I got the call from Dr. Lederer's nurse in December about setting up the appointment for surgery. OMG- I was so elated about this... it was a feeling that I can never describe. (And I am positive- everyone on this board has felt that feeling). I was able to negotiate a surgery date (because he was still so new within HCMC- that was possible) and we were able to get 01/27/04. Now I just wait patiently for that date to come... only 15 more days.. AND IT FEELS LIKE AN ETERNITY.
Again, I find myself here wanting to type what I feel and am unsure of what to write, I have so many thoughts running through my head. I had my mom take my measurements..here they are:
Neck- 17 1/4"
Arms- (Upper): 19 1/4"
(Lower): 12 1/2"
Bust- 54 1/2"
Stomach- 55 1/2"
Hips- 61"
Thighs- 29 1/3"
Calves- 22"
I figured it was best to compare my weight loss to inches in the beginning. I spoke to my friend, Melissa, today. She just had surgery yesterday- but she is doing good. I was glad to hear that!
Today I am feeling kinda needy and not all here. I don't want to be at work really at all... yet I still find myself here. I feel like the blood in my legs and arms are flowing really, really thick and I am drinking my water like I should...I think the anticipation of my surgery is getting to me. Only 13 more days and 7 working days!
Well that's all for now.. I think I have whined enough for today.
About Me
Before & After
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