Working it out

May 13, 2009

I went to step aerobics today, boy if that dog gone step doesnt put it on your a**.  My legs are sore my hip flexors are sore I'm just sore period.  I had almost a whole bottle of water today which is a lot better than usual its a sip here or there out of 3 or 4 bottles.  I had some wheat thin crackers today I thought they were going to be hard to get down but it went a lot smotthier than I thought.  Anyhow I am finished for today but I think I might do some weights to get my back and those sides straightened out.  I have some skin in my bra area that is horrible that needs to be fixed asap.Till next time.

Later, B.

1 comment

Taking the slow road.

May 12, 2009

I am following the advice of some folks that I spoke with, that fast is not always best or possible.  I didnt get into this to lose as much weight as fast as possible, but to lose a lot of weight over a period of time.  I have accepted that I'm not losing as fast as other for one because I havent had a fill due to my work situation.  However, I got into this to be healthy and to make it as effective as possible, and that I will never be anybody but me and I have to deal with my set backs ( None losing days).  I will keep my eye on the prize and count my blessings that I was given a chance to better myself and learn how to better take care of me and my body.  All the support that I have gotten I hope continues and if anybody has any words of encouragement, ideas or best practices that they think would be beneficial please share.

Later, B.

Back into the swing of things

May 11, 2009

I just finished step aerobics classIt kicked my butt but I only stopped once, one work out the way another 45 minutes to go and maybe some weights to strart toning and to burn some more calories and build some muscle.  The crazy thing I got an email for the repaire of my hernia  the whole procedure cost more than my band did.  Thank you lord for health insurance instead of the 21,000 they charged I only have to pay 6,000.  I had no idea that surgery cost that much.  Anyhow I am having a pretty good start for today with the work out.  I dont want to weigh myself just yet I'm crossing my fingers for at least another two pounds and no weight gain.  Being that I havent had a fill or any of that stuff I think if I can lose a steady two pounds a week until I go home then I should be okay.  I'm making a promise to not let weight and my old habits beat me at this.  I hope everybody is doing well.

Later, B.

Work on it

May 10, 2009

Well I'm new to this and have never really talked about my weight to anybody except my family and close friends.  I had my surgery on Feb 18, 2009 and it was the scariest, but most satisfying thing I have ever done in my life.  My little sister went with me when I had my surgery and I was so scared I cried, she cried and the young lady name betrice white also cried.  I knew I was making a decision to let somebody cut on my skin.  Althoug I was nervous I pulled my boot straps tight and said lets do it.  I came out on the other side fine and sore.  I was so tired out of surgery and boy I had some much gas pumped in me during surgery that when it wanted to come back out I was looking a mess.  I know I was probably scaring the rest of the people in the recovery room but hey I had no control at that point... sorry about that guys.  Anyhow after about a week I felt okay to try to eat something for the most part it was sugar free popcicles (i think i spelled that right) jello and chicken broth.  On the 26th of February I flew back to Iraq for my job.  Dr. Hollis was a lil worried it wasnt that bad it was just trying to get used to being comfortable witht he band.  I was so excited when I got back to Iraq so I could start working out and go home looking just fly and fantastic.  I was so tired once I got back here and I had no motivation so lets just say I was a lazy bum for almost the whole month of March.  During the end of March I decided to jump back on the trail I wasnt doing to much because I was so out of breath which I was told would happen when I started to work out.  They told me to start out with 15 minutes but trying to even do that was hard, I didnt know I was that out of shape, but I pushed myself and got to doing 15 minutes faithfully.  I didnt want to weigh myself but I knew I was making progress because my clothes were getting loose.  After about two weeks of working out every other day for 15 to 20 minutes I decided to try step aerobics??  Well I got into the step aerobics class in the begining week of april I think on a wednesday.  Lets just say their was alot more stopping then there was steppingbut I stuck with it.  I eventually got the whole begining portion down which is 1 hour with a few stops along the way.  Feeling that I was still losing but I could do some extra and wanted to make sure none of the flabbie skin thing happen I did 45 minutes on the elliptical and this was every MWF and then just 45 minutes on T-Thur.  I finally decided to weight myself at the end of April and all I have lost in all that time is a CRAPPIE 15 pounds which puts me at 258 pounds.  I never really ate to much but being in Iraq where your food is already prepared for you, your kind of limited with your choices.  I try to stick to chicken breast and salade with black olives and eggs.  I dont do any bread as I was told that the doctors are finding bread to be one of the leading causes of obesity so as you might guess your girl does not eat any bread anymore, I tried it when I got back here to Iraq but it got stuck and that was the first and last time I ate a piece of bread.  Although I struggle with my food sometimes for the most part I do really well, and I cant figure out why I'm not losing.  I know I can take in more food which probably means I need a fill but I'm aware of it and I'm being concious of it.  I guess I figured I did all this working out and all I've lost was 15 pounds and then it discouraging to read other peoples post and they have lost so much.  I didnt work out the last 4 days but I guess the times when I feel like giving up is the time that I really need to push myself even more.  I plan on adding some pictures of myself so I can see my on differences and get some feed back from others so they tell me if there is a difference.  I've been on the weight rollercoaster before and got down to 205 pounds but I still felt like I was the 230 pound girl I started out as.  I mean my body looked different outside of clothes but I felt like there was no difference when I was in them.  I know I have ran my mouth a lot I'm just glad that this site is here so I can share my ups and my downs with people who understand what I am going through and I in return understand them.  In the mean time I will be back in the gym this monday to start over again and making sure I'm working on me.

LAter, B.

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May 10, 2009
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