Andrea S. 21 years, 6 months ago

<img src=""></a> <p> Welcome back Nancy!! I am so happy to hear from you. Now a new journey begins!! {{hugs}}

nani68 21 years, 6 months ago

Thank you everyone for all your prayers,love and support. I arrived home today....My husbands best birthday gift be home and sleep in his own bed. I am doing well. It was very scary.....I spent 2 nights in ICU after being told a CT scan of my chest to test for fluid in my lungs showed a "crack" in the artery of my heart....A cardiatric surgeon prepared for open heart surgery but I was not stable enough after just having the bypass surgery. 3 days later in ICU Another CT scan was unable to detect what the first test showed and then another test was taken where a long probe was put down my throat to veiw my heart and it was still not detected....The power of prayer. Thank you God! Now I am home w/ my children...eager to recover and catch up....My surgery was 6 days ago, but I am on my 2nd day of post op .....clears only till 7/6/03....Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers....tomorrow I will update my profile w/ details.

Jiminy 21 years, 6 months ago

Well, I talked to the girl herself!!! I sent her a teddy bear today, and she called to thank me. (From her non-ICU room, Yea!) She really sounded good, it was so good to hear her voice. She said she's feeling pretty good, making progress, and best of all -- after more testing the doctors are now saying that maybe there is no heart problem after all. Thanks, God! So hopefully one more day, then transfer to the hotel, and then home. Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers...

Jiminy 21 years, 6 months ago

MINI-UPDATE: Although I have not talked to Nancy or her family, I did call the hospital today to check on her and she has been transferred out of I.C.U. to a regular room. In my book, that is PROGRESS! Phew... Will post again when I hear anything new.

Jiminy 21 years, 6 months ago

Hi -- I have an update on Nancy's progress. Just got a call from her hubby Mike. It seems she's had some problems and has been in ICU since yesterday (Friday). It started with a drop in her blood pressure, and at some point they discovered an abnormality in an artery leading to her heart. It is likely that this problem existed before she even thought of wls, but it's just coming to light now. She also had some pneumonia, so all of this was enough to land her in the ICU. Her blood pressure and other vital signs are now stable, and Mike expects her to be moved back to a regular room tomorrow. He did say that she is not in much if any pain. That's a good thing! I guess they will continue to monitor the heart problem and at some point in the future she may require surgery to correct it. Right now Mike's pretty overwhelmed but all of them are hanging in there thru this. Please remember Nancy and her family in your prayers. I will update again as soon as I hear anything. Thanks all.

Jiminy 21 years, 6 months ago

OK! I just got a call from Nancy's husband Mike. He confirmed that Nancy is doing well -- I was SO glad to hear directly from him! He said everything went very smoothly, and that she was being a real "trooper". She has already been up once to walk the halls (as he followed with a wheelchair!). Continue to pray for her safe recovery. Until the next update... Gayle

Justin F. 21 years, 6 months ago

Congrats, you made it to the losing side. I hope you have a speedy and painless recovery andbest wishes on the rest of your journey.

Jiminy 21 years, 6 months ago

Hi all... Well, Nancy had her surgery today! I have tried to keep the phone lines clear all day, but it's 4:00pm and nobody has called me. I was getting so concerned I finally called the hospital and the nurse told me she came through the surgery fine and is sleeping. Yea!!! I'll post anything new I hear as soon as I hear it.

Becca K. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hello Nancy~~“Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” William Jennings Bryan. I am wishing you all the best for the next chapter of the rest of your life. Take care, Becca...AGB 9/16/02 -107

Melissa S. 21 years, 6 months ago

My prayers will be with you as you go through the surgery and recovery. May your strength be restored; your recovery be swift and your tender heart be renewed.
About Me
Concord, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 19, 2003
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