Ballroom Dancing

Oct 23, 2007

Bill and I have been learning the Fox Trot the past few weeks. Chad, Tiffaney's husband is up and he joined us last night. He didn't want to go but found out it was fun. Tiffaney loves ballroom dance so, it would be a great thing they could do as a couple. Bill and I are looking for  together time that will replace eating out for our entertainment. This is something that we can work on at home too. It is really good exercize and one that puts us in each others arms. Who could ask for a better way to be together.  
(I'm talking PG here guys) 

 Well, we got our OH magazines in and will be handing them out to everyone who makes it to the Nov. 3 support group. We have several samples, recipies and resources as well.  I hope you will plan on coming. Until then, eat to live instead of living to eat.

Nana Gayle, OH support leader

Fall temps. great for walking

Oct 10, 2007

Thank God for cooler temps. It makes me want to walk more. And I need to do more walking. I also have taken up ballroom dancing as an exercize. My daughters are so adventuresome.  Tiffaney talked me into going with her. It only cost $8.00 for an hour and you pay as you go, when you want to come.  This last week I learned the waltz.. You can go alone or with a partner but everyone rotates. People of all sizes come and you just wear regular clothes with a pair of hard sole shoes, or you can buy shoes there.  Stephanie just started working part time at 24 hour fitness so she and her family could get free membership. Maybe I'll take a water exercize class there this winter. I think doing different stuff keeps you moving and it keeps things interesting, which for me is important.   Now, if I can just figure out how to get in more water each day.  Eating to live - Not living to eat. 

We have a new web page for our Achievers Support Group

Sep 30, 2007

The achievers webpage is    

I had a really big WOW this weekend. I went to buy me a pair of jeans, (the kind that doesn't have elastic in the waist or spandex in the fabric)  I am in a size 20.  I haven't been in a size 20 for several years and in June I was wearing stretchy jeans in size 28. That was 3 months ago. I am so proud of myself for having the courage to make a change in my life. What a difference. I am feeling more like the me I remember.   PRAISE GOD for my answer to weight loss.

Kay Bailey's 5 Day Pouch Test

Sep 17, 2007

This is a good way for us all to get back on track or to jump start our lossing, if we are at a stand still. For me, I think I sometimes put more on my plate than I should, eat to many slider foods, drink before I should and snack on non-protien items to often.  This works. If we fail it is because we don't use the tool correctly. A tread-mill only works if we use it.  A tool does not work for us if we do not use it properly. Same is true with our pouch.  

Days 1 & 2:  Liquids Only-at least 6-  8oz. 
                    glasses of water and carb protien   
Day 3:         Soft Protiens- Tuna, egg's 
                    (4-6 oz only) eat only until full Not   
                    over full.   Water 30 min before or 
                    after PLUS 62oz. per day.
Day 4:         Firm Protiens- Ground meat  Water
                   30 min. before and after plus to  
                   equal 62 oz. min. per day. 

If we will eat only 4-6 oz. a meal, focus on Protein, stay away from Carbs., drink no less than 62 oz of water a day  and keep moving, we will be ACHIEVERS.

How are you this wonderful day of the Lords!

Aug 31, 2007

Today I am having a yard sale to get rid of the last of my largest size clothing! I am celebrating, because it won't be long and I will be down another size!  

She and my other daughter have applied to be on the Biggest Loser Show. They don't want to get as big as their mom; But I think a little compatition can be a good thing. Any thing to get you moving and eating less is a step in the right dirrection. I know they do not want to be canadates for WLS in the future if they can help it.  Weight does have a way of slipping up on you, if your not careful, as we all have experianced.  I thank God for making away for me to be approved for this life changing surgery. I have a ways to go but what a difference it has made already. I feel better, move easier and look better. I was past the point of being comfortable in my body. Disease was consuming my body and it would have snuffed out my life before I could see my  grand kids grow up.  If you have tried everything and don't see and end to the weight, WLS may be the tool that will help you make the changes needed to be sucessful. You still have  to make smart choices and get your body moving, but this can help you to achieve the goals you set for yourself.  I am so glad I took the risk to a better me.

Wow, I'm so behind on my posts!

Aug 17, 2007

I have had no time lately to post with School starting, my working to get my OH leadership cert. and  starting a support group for WLS, in St. Louis County .  Amanda,  a really great gal I met through the OH boards is my partner.  We both had our WLS through New Start in St. Louis this year. 

We are presently looking for a free place to meet. This is turning out to be a tall order. I have contacted many community centers, churches, and hotels; All want a fee or have no space available.  If you know of a place in central St. Louis County, please let me know.  We are looking for a small meeting place where  10-20  could meet once a month. It would be great if there were a room where a setter could sit with children, if needed. And we would like to occasionally bring in healthy dishes to share and we would always need to have our water with us.  The St. Louis County Library would be an option, with a small hourly fee, but we could not even have water there.   

I have lost 58 pounds since I begain this journey. That includes the weight I lost in the two weeks before my Lap. RNY.  I am focusing on eating 3 healthy protien packed meals a day, drinking as much water as possible and taking all my vitimins.  I hope everyone out their is doing great. 

Thursday, Aug. 23rd,  I will have completed my OH leadership training!  

God bless!

Just past my two week post op

Jul 04, 2007

Starting to resume some of my daily duties. Started watching the grandbabies, 6 weeks and 23 months. They aren't too bad. Just taking it easy. Have my husbands help when needed. I have started eating some soft foods. Drinking a little better. Trying to get in enough protien and suppliments is a chore. Miss not having meat some. Not hungry. I am at 283. Down almost 30 pounds since starting my pre-op diet one month ago. Cant wait to see how I look in another month!

8 days post op

Jun 27, 2007

Well, I have been recooperating from my RNY surgery this past week. Today is day 8 post op. I started at 310 and today I weighed in at 289 this mornng. I have been on clear liquids only the past week. Yesterday I was able to start full liquids. It's a good thing, I was really getting tired of broth, sugar-free jello and juice. Now I can add creamed soups, sugar-free yogart and ice cream, protien drinks and thin cream or wheat. Next week I get cottage cheese, cheese, some crackers, mashed potatoes, pudding, eggs and peanut butter. Always watching my fat and sugar intake. Paying close attention not to eat more than the 4 oz max on any one meal  and waiting to drink anything for 30-60 mins. after eating. I am finding it hardest to get in 64oz. of water each day or even half that amount. I have always gulped my water intake and now I am learning to sip. I am not hungry and have not had any problem as of yet with my diet. I do crave somethings with more texture, but i know that will come in time. I am eating to live now, instead of living to eat.

Made it through surgery and home!

Jun 21, 2007

Well, that was rough!   I always feel so bad after being put out and I hate taking Moriphin as well, But that part is over and now I just have to heal. 

My daughter who in part had come from OK City, Ok to help me after surgery, broke her right ankle the day of my surgery while taking the kids to the park afterwards. She has a new born, a 22 month old and a 7 year old.    So keep us in your prayers and hopefully I will remember not to lift those little ones.
             Be blessed! 

In the begining

Jan 01, 2007

I have decided I have no choice -- other than surgery. I am ashamed of how I look and can hardly let my husband see or touch me, since I have ate myself into this mess. I was put on a cpap last year and now I have been put on diabetist meds. 

About Me
Gray Summit, MO
Surgery Date
Dec 28, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Before Surgery
14 months post op

Friends 31

Latest Blog 20
Do you find yourself wanting to eat anytime?
People say I am looking thinner.
Scale is moving slowly
Stuck again
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it SNOW!
Thankful for WOW moments.
Made it through Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
