25 Week update!! :(

Mar 05, 2009

This has been the first week that I actually gained.  I gained 3 lbs.  Am I upset yes a little bit but it is totally my fault.  I have been listening to everyone around me telling me not to lose anymore weight and that I look fantastic just where I am.  So like an idiot I started a little maintenace program.  Not to great of an idea.  I started eating more carbs and bad ones at that.  I started eating more sweets, taking sips of soda, eating fritos and sunchips.  I also stopped going to the gym with my boss and started walking with my coworkers instead.  Well serves me right to gain 3 lbs.  This is just a wake up call that tell me to get my ass back on track.

Today I ate some lunchmeat w/ cheese and 6 wheat thins for breakfast. A protein shake for snack.  Lunch will be 6 shrimp.  I really don't know what dinner will be but I think I might have another shake.  This weeks goal is to lose 5 lbs and I will work hard to do that.  I have to get those 3 lbs back off and 2 more for this week and next week.

I am not sure if any of you feel this way but sometimes I feel guilty for losing all this weight so fast.  Many people say that this is not the easy way out and get upset when people say this.  I have to admit I did take the easy way out.  I wanted something that would help me this was my last resort and I ran with it.  Yes this is the easy way out however you have to follow all the rules and exercise. 

At almost 6 months out.  I am feeling really good.  I have never felt better in my life.  I actually love taking the vitamins.  They are like my candy.  Whenever I want to suck on something I just pop a vitamin.  Water is still the hardest for me but I try and drink as much as I can.  I can drink a 20oz bottle of water in 15 minutes so yes I can drink its just I forget to. 

Thanks for stopping by.


Great Night for a Fundraiser!!

Mar 02, 2009

One of my classmate in intermediate got into an accident 2 months ago.  She was in a comma for 6 weeks and finally got out.  Family and Friends got together to do this fundraiser for her at the bar.  It was a great night and raised plenty of money for her medical bills.  She is doing better.  Here are some pictures.



24 Week up date - 147 lbs (I'm Normal)

Feb 26, 2009

I had a couple of WOWS yesterday.  Well the first one was that I went to Macy's to get some exercise pants.  Well I went to the Miss. section and asked if they have any pants that will come to my knees.  Well she told me that I have to go to the petites I was like OK!!! So I went there and grabbed a large of the rack.  Another lady came to help me and told me. "Are those for you" I said yes then she said "those are to big you need a small"  OMG I was like OK grabbed the small and they fit to the T.  I was so so excited.  You can't even imagine.  Of course I had to buy it.

The second wow moment was when I went to exercise class.  As usual I take off my shoes and socks and we walk to the scale.  Well guess what It read that I am 147 lbs and my BMI is normal at 24.8.  Wow I am normal.  This was a great day.  I know my goal is to be 140 however that is so in reach that I am thinking of 130 would be better.  We will see when I get to 140.  

I do have a not of excess skin on my thighs and stomach.  I am hoping to get my panni removed.  I can't afford the full TT.  Anyway my kids wouldn't want mommy walking on the beach with a bikini.  I just bought a tankini and they were like "Mom you are going to wear shorts right?" Kids!! I would love to get a boob job but I really have more problems with the panni than with the boobs so that will wait.  My dh don't want me to get the boob job.  He said I had the boobs before and that I gave them up to be skinny. 

I also love that when he gets mad at me he don't call me names like "Lazy Fat Ass" now he calls me Slim or Skinny when mad and I just turn to him and say Thank You.  Killing him with kindness.  I don't even remember being this small.  I think maybe in 4th grade?? I mean I weighed less than 147 7th grade but I was much shorter and round.

This is one hell of a ride.

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Picture Update

Feb 23, 2009

Well I am 5 months and 1 week out.  I am always so late on doing these pictures.  Well here are some.

                 9/9/08 - 240 lbs Morning of Surgery                                                 2/16/09 - 149  5 months out




After taking these pictures I was like wow this is totally awesome.  I have 10 more pounds to reach my goal.  I can't wait!


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23 Weeks and 149 lbs

Feb 19, 2009

Well yesterday was my weekly weigh in at the Weightloss Center and I weighed in at 149.8!!!! I couldn't believe it!!! This is how my TANITA Report read.

Gender: Female
Age: 35
Height: 5 ft 4.5 in
Weight: 149.8 lbs
BMI: 25.3
BMR: 6053 kj / 1447 kcal
Impedance 467
Fat%: 29.8%
Fat Mass: 44.6 lbs
FFM: 105.2 lbs
TBW: 77.0 lbs

Desirable Range
Fat% 21-33% (I am with in this!!!!)
Fat Mass 28.0 - 51.8 lbs (I am totally in this!!)

It was a great day!!!

I do need to eat better and watch the carbs.  I can see myself slipping back into all the bad habits again starting with the cheesecake and chocolate.

Bad Day of Eating (Nobody is Perfect)

Feb 17, 2009

This is what I wrote on my Menu and Miles today.  I need to be accountable and show that everyone does have bad days.

OMG!!! This was a bad day but I better post this so that I can get the spanking!!!!

B: 3 oz of Kalua Pig and Cabbage w/ a peanut butter cookie.
S: 3 pieces of Beef Jerky
L: 3 oz of Kalua Pig and Cabbage w/ another peanut butter cookie
D: Pico Salad from Taco Bell
Late Nite just finishing work: 1/2 of a soft taco and 1/2 of an empanada

I got on the scale this morning and you know what was really bad.  I lose 2 more pounds.  Goodies are suppose to be bad.  I snacked like this all weekend because it was potlucks and I wanted to show people at the park that I can eat just like them.  I had blueberry cheesecake and a banana cream pie this weekend also.  Man I been so bad. 

Ok back on track this week and watch I won't lose nothing.  So Ironic!!!!

Vitamins all in.
Water all in.
Exercise Nothing

5 months out!!! What a ride.

Feb 09, 2009

OMG I just looked at the calendar and realized I had surgery 5 months ago and what a difference.  I would can't believe how fast the weight is coming off.  I know I wrote this earlier but at 5'4" my surgeon's goal for me was to be 140 which will make my BMI 24.9 which is normal.  His goal for me at my 6 month check up is 158.  This morning I am 153 lbs (not the doctors scale.) At my last appointment that was on 3/09 I was at 185 or something like that.  This is totally amazing. 

I have been bad.  I have been drinking with my friends lately.  I just went to the bar with them on Saturday and drank toooooo much.  This is my blog and I will confess.  I had 3 shots, 2 martinis, 2 vodka cran, 2 shave ice drinks (bars special).  I was feeling really good but didn't get sick.  I am glad that I can start having fun with the girls now.  The only thing different when I go partying now is that I don't eat while I drink.  I think that is where I gained all the weight.  THE FOOD!!!

I have 13 more pounds to lose to reach my surgeons goal.  I really think I am going to change my personal goal to 130 or even 125.  I am loving the RNY.


21 weeks out and at 156 lbs.

Feb 05, 2009

Well this is week 21 I am almost 5 months out.  I started out at 240 and now I am 156 that is 84 lbs lost.  I am so greatful that I did this for myself.  It is the best thing I did for myself emotionally and physically.  Just to feel better about yourself.  I love to be the center of attention and that is what I am now without even trying.  Before I would make fun of myself and feel sad about me but no more.  I love myself more than ever.  Let me tell you if you love yourself you can love everyone else more.

I have been uping my exercise lately.  I don't know how much longer I am going to do it but for now its what I am doing.  I normally run for 2 miles on the treadmill and I walk another 2 miles.  I still go to exercise class once a week.  I am out there with my daughters soccer team coaching.  I should be running with them but most times it is wet and cold and I ain't in the mode.  Ok more excuses.  I should quit that.

My eating is about the same.  I love my beef jerky.  I can eat this breakfast, lunch and dinner.  It is so easy.  I notice that I am just lazy when it comes to cooking for me.  If I am hungry I will reach for the jerky or some poke (raw fish)  in the fridge.  I eat protein first and then vegs.

I try really hard to stick to the rules however on weekends I have a hard time.  I found that I love wine and it don't take to much for me to get tipsy.   What a cheap date I am now. 

Me and my husband are getting along much better.  He is my bestfriend and love me through fat and thin.


I just love going out.

Jan 26, 2009

Ok well Saturday Nite was the first time that I actually drank a lot.  I mean I was pretty drunk and had so much fun.  I think I drank about 4 drinks.  Here are some pictures.

We had so much fun.

Me and my husband

One more picture of us.

Me and my good friend Alis.  See not everyone in Hawaii has a tan.


19 Weeks Out - 158lbs.

Jan 22, 2009

Yesterday was a great day.  I am down to 158lbs.  I was giving Hi5's to everyone.  Dr. Fowler told me that my next appointment I should be 158 lbs.  My appointment is not for another 2 more months.  I reached his 6 month goal at 4 months.  What a feeling.  I only have 18 more pounds to get to my personal goal.  The trainer at the weightloss clinic asked me my goal and I told her 140.  She told me that she expects me to get to 125 and we will see from there.  I started going to gym again I think that is what kick started me.

My dad has been in the hospital so I have been stressing.  I went back to smoking after quitting for 1.5 years.  Today will be my last day of smoking and I am going to promise myself no more.  I only been smoking since last week Thursday.  Smoking is an addiction just like alcohol and eating.  When we get off the band wagon we have to get back on the horse.  I will do this.  I promise.  I can just see Kanani reading this and shaking her head.  No Kanani you can not have a cig.  You are doing just fine.

Eating has been ok.  I been drinking 2 protein shakes a day and eating 3 times.  I love the protein coffee that is my fav.  Drinking water has been going down hill I need to keep up with that.  Oatmeal in the morning is my fav with 2 splenda and my benefiber.  I refuse to get constipated again.  I am tired of giving birth to bricks. 

Well everyone thanks for stopping by have a great day.



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vancouver, WA
May 13, 2008
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