Judy, thanks for your words of encouragement. I am very nervous right now and the closer it get the more I seem to keep crying. Please continue to pray for me I've got 4 more days and counting. Thank You and God Bless You!
Judy, Thanks for the words of encouragement! I read you page and I am very impressed with you will and determination. Congratulations on your lose thus far and I wish you and your daughter the best! tammy
Hi Judy,Thanks so much for your continued support,it has truly helped me along the way of my journey.I appreciate your well wishes.I hope that you continue to do well in weightloss and every thing else you may set forth to do.God bless you....hugs
Thank you for your kind words! I see that your daughter also has surgery today like myself! I will pray for her to have a safe & uneventful surgery also! God Bless You :-)
Thanks for your kind and encouraging words Judy.
I wish you well in your journey to a new and improved life. I hope you can have the problem resolved quickley without an extra trip to Fresno.
These messages really help as we approach surgery.
Pat in PA