Dr.'s visit and food...

Mar 26, 2013

Yesterday was my first visit with my new primary care physician since my surgery. I'm not to sure about this doctor . I hate that my old doctor left, but as soon as she finds another location I'm there.

Meanwhile, this new doctor took too long to see me. My appointment was at 3:15 I wasn't seen until 4:45blush...When I finally got called into the room I had to wait another 20 minutes until she came in. The CNA or whoever she was took all my vitals. My blood pressure was up a little it was 156 over something.  My weight was 242...I can't remember what my weight was the day of the surgery. It was 250 something...But my starting weight from the day I started seeing the surgeon was 275...So she recommended that I continue taking my blood pressure pills for the next 30 days take my pressure at least 3 days out of the week keep track then we'll go over the numbers when I come back. 

I don't think I can eat bread. Over the weekend I tried to eat a little square of pizza and boy was that uncomfortable. I made myself throw up so I can get some kind of relief. I had a taco and that was ok...I also had a couple of alcoholic beverages...wooooweee...I had a good weekend. Today I ate oatmeal for breakfast,  peanut butter and jelly sandwich for my mid morning snack, I did ok but I noticed the crust of the bread is really different now. I had to pull it off. For lunch I ate banana creme light yogurt (half of it). Small portion of popcorn, a roast beef sandwich with light mayo and spinach instead of lettuce (3/4 of it).  for my snack I had some teddy grahams, I drank water throughout the day. I must admit, I'm not taking my vitamins like I should...When I got home from work I was starving again. I ate a hot dog, and a slice of mango...I felt uncomfortable and tried to make myself throw up again, but it didn't work... So I just sat in my bed watching TV and now I feel better. 


I gotta do better with this eating thing. 


bad eating

Mar 24, 2013

So today I had my first experience of vomiting up my food. I did not eat breakfast before I went to church and by the time church got out, I was STAARRRRRRVVVVVIINNGGG....As soon as I got home I at some left over pizza and ate too fast and didn't chew enough...That food sat right in the middle of my chest and it hurt  like hell.  I went right to the bathroom and made myself throw up. That was the only way I could get any relief.

I am getting so frustrated with myself because I feel I am not doing this eating thing the right way. I eat very little when I eat but I think my bite sizes are too big, my drinking the same thing...especially after working out...I am so thirsty that I take big gulps and it hurts my chest as well...***sighing*** I think I should eat as soon as I feel the slightest hunger pain or stomach growl, instead of waiting until I feel like "OMG, I"m so hungry" uuugghhh...I didn't think this was going to be this difficult.

Ok now to make this positive, enough complaining...This is a learning experience Roxy, you have never had this surgery before. Everything is new learn from your mistakes and start over again. This experience has taught you to eat more, slower and smaller bits or you'll be vomiting again.




4 weeks post op

Mar 20, 2013

Nothing new has changed.... I am back at work. I can tell in my pants that my thighs have gone down. People see the weight loss in my face but I don't see much of any weight loss.  I need to start working out because I really don't see a weight loss. 





Mar 12, 2013

So as I browse around this site, I see people keeping up with the ounces of food and drinks that they consume. I don't do any of that. I just eat when I get hungry and drink when I am thirsty. I didn't get any extensive rules or anything like that before I left the hospital. Of course they gave me sample menus but wow some of these people are ummm....I don't know...geesh...I tried tortilla soup yesterday, it was okay. I will probably do a potato soup next,


2 week post op update

Mar 11, 2013

Well, to be honest, I don't think I am doing well with this post op stuff. I think I am eating too fast or too much. Too much meaning, I didn't give myself enough time to get back to solid foods. What I have learned is that, my eyes and mind are not in agreement with my stomach. In my mind I still think I can eat the way I was eating before I had the surgery. I get full so fast. I try to eat oatmeal and I can' only eat about two tablespoons..lol.. Smoothies are good for me. I am ready to eat regular food though...this is rough...lol.. I gotta get it together. 

I went to the gym yesterday and I think I over did it. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes at and 2.0 incline at a 2.2 pace...now I am sore out of my mind. Also Saturday I worked in the salon. I did 5 heads and think I may have over did it that way as well. So tomorrow I plan to stay in the bed all damn day. I was taking ibuprofen and that seemed to work but I didn't get doctors clearance to do so but it worked better than Tylenol with codeine which does absolutely nothing for me. 

I also haven't been keeping up with my weight progress like I should, so I started yesterday. I weighed myself at 242...I think I was 249 the day of the surgery, but when I first started the entire progress I was at 275. 

It makes me smile when people say woooooow!!!  I can see your weight loss. I can't tell though. But I also haven't had on any work clothes since the day of my surgery, only sweats.


Sleeved up and back home

Feb 28, 2013

So I had my surgery on Monday and I'm back home today. I think on my blog I will talk about the things that other people aren't talking about. Well the stuff I don't see.

So before they did the surgery they noticed that I had scar tissue which needed to be removed. That is the incision that is hurting the most. The laparoscopic incisions doesn't hurt that bad at all. I am really really sore. Instead of the 5 incisions I have 7.. As far as eating I am still on the liquid diet. All I have been consuming is popsicles (sugar free) of course, diet ocean spray cranberry juice and sugar free jello..Which after about 2 tablespoons  I was done. When I woke up today I cracked up laughing because  I couldn't believe that I couldn't finish a cup of jello

 I have to crush up my blood pressure pills to take them, I have chewable vitamins. Oh one thing that's bothering me is my ulva is hanging and it's irritating. I don't know how to make it go back to it's regular size. Then I have bruises from the shots they gave me. The breathing treatments suck as well but they are very necessary.  I find that I am coughing a lot which irritates my incisions. But I don't want to develop pneumonia so I will continue my breathing treatments and coughing until there is no more phlegm. 

So now I just have to follow my  diet plan, but I am so ready to eat regular food.


This is it

Feb 25, 2013

Today is the say. I can't believe I'm doing this..wow!!!! Weight loss surgery. Gotta be at the hospital in an hour and a half. My next update will be...I DID IT.


Feb 23, 2013

Tomorow I get sleeved!!! I am so excitedangry. I am ready to eat some real food!!! I'm tired of drinking shakes and eating jello, I CAN'T WAIT I CAN'T WAIT!!!

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I cheated

Feb 21, 2013

Day 11 of my liquid diet and I cheated. I was soooooo hungry, nothing seemed to fill me up like the other days. So I had one cookie then I had a can of chicken noodle soup...I hope I haven't messed up so bad that the surgery can't  be performed.



Feb 20, 2013

I know I am supposed to be speaking positive but my Lord I am HUNGRY, and irritated. I am so tired of jello, and slim fast, broth is extremely salty and makes me sick (yes low sodium)....Come on February 25th!!

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