The beginning

Aug 27, 2007

Well here goes! I am about 21 days to go before my surgery, and I am starting to get really anxious. I'm not really scared, just nervous that I'm going to screw this up like every other diet I've been on. None of my family supports it, they all think that if I'm going to do it, that I need to do the band. I keep telling them that it's just not enough of a weight loss possibility going that route. You would think that people who were so down on me for my weight, would be happy that I'm finally making a change.

My husband is very supportive. Thank GOD! Couldn't do it without him! He just wants me to be happy with myself! All I'm doing now is waiting on the byopsy to come back from my thyroid tumor. Wish me luck on that one!

09/14/2007 Okay now, I guess I just need to breathe! I am having surgery on Monday and it's kinda FREAKIN me out a little! I guess I look pretty calm on the outside, but on the inside I am a nightmare! Also, I am having all these HUGE urges to binge eat! Don't want to do that, I know. I have been really good on my diet the last week and 1/2. I've lost like 12 pounds! Well, I guess the next time I'll post I'll be one Skinny Sexy B*&tch. Just Kidding!

About Me
Tucumcari, NM
Surgery Date
Jul 10, 2007
Member Since

Friends 16

Latest Blog 11
1 Year B-Day!
Hello Size 10!
Nine Months and Counting.....
Sixth Months Down the Road.....
Five Months Out.........
Size 16!!!
Four Months Out............
3 Months Out
1 month out..........
1 week out from surgery....
