Sarah B.
May 2008
This is one of the many events that made this weekend one of the best I have had in a long long time!
I thought it was time to post so here it is..
Things here are going great! I did have to have surgery last wednesday... nothing related to my bypass. Anyway, surgery went well and I went back to work just 5 days later.
I am missing my family though.. Jane and Mimi. Every one is just so busy we dont have the time to hang out and talk like we used to. Hopefully we can get together soon by the pool when summer gets here.
Chris and I have been spending a lot of time together... and I enjoy every second of it. In the past I feel like I rushed into things... not this time...I realized theres no need to rush... take it slow and see where it goes. On the other hand I am a bit giddy about it lol so heres a pic... its a bit fuzzy.
This pic was taken in Nashville 5/18/08
This past Saturday was my 29th birthday and my 2 year surgiversary!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didnt post then because I wasnt anywhere near a computer.. so where was I?? I was out having an amazing time with some very important people. I had a wonderful dinner with Chris (yes, in fact he does have a name lol)
We then met up with my mom and the crew that she works with to watch a live band. After that... we went to Argosy. This without a doubt was one of the best birthday's I have ever had! For one, I was healthy enough to go out and do as much as we did... 2... I spent it with people that I care about!
April 2008
Things are going well here for the first time in a while. It seems the dark cloud that once followed me is now drifting away. My new job is awesome as I knew it would be. I am just trying to adjust to the hours (I wake up at 2:30am) and the paperwork. When I worked at the hospital there was little to no paperwork involved in my duties... this time around its all about the paperwork. I am getting used to it though. Due to rising gas prices I purchased an old toyota camry from a friend of mine to help out with my driving expenses for work (I drive approx. 100+ miles per day) I will say that so far it definately gets beter gas mileage than my beautiful envoy lol. So, I will be driving the camry to work and driving the envoy with my family.
My 29th birthday is creeping up on me .... I'm not really dreading it like I once thought I would. I have made plans......going to dinner and going out with mom and the crew she works with! It should be a blast.
As far as my weight goes... Everything is better, I have found that I am back to making good choices with foods now that I am back to doing the things I love. It sounds kinda stupid but I happen to love my job a great deal and I feel like a little kid at Christmas with being back in the field... so more happy, less depression lol always a bonus and that means I eat better!
Now to the fun stuff... My kiddo's
The divorce has been hard but they are coping well. They now see that mommy is fun since I can run around and play with them. My 7 yr old and I race all the time and now my oldest has gotten in on the fun. My daughter and my youngest son both think its fun to try to chase mommy... and it is!!! Football season is also approaching and all 3 of my boys will be playing, my daughter on the other hand isnt thrilled because she's too young to play... and yes I said play. She can hold her own with the boys and she's just going crazy wanting to play football!
I need to get to I will post more later
I Love you guys (you know who you are)
Its about time!!!!!!!!! I start my new job tomorrow morning! I FINALLY was able to obtain a position drawing blood again! I am so excited I cant wait to see what the morning holds for me... full time phlebot position things are starting to look up for me again! I also have my truck back from my ex... the kids are fantastic, my weight is where it should be... and at this moment I dont think I could be happier! The love life isnt too shabby but I am keeping details secret for the moment...
yup April is here... I was able to lose the 5 lbs I was stressing over... nothing new to report at the moment. blah
My neice Anna... she loves her aunt Sarah!
She thinks im hilarious lol
This is what we do when we are bored... we take pics lol
1st pic is my son Mitchell and I
2nd pic is my son Maxwell and I
3rd pic is my son Mason and I ... he wasnt feeling good so he was grumpy lol
4th pic is my daughter Markenna (aka Roo) and myself.
March 2008
March is here! Things here are still crazy as usual. I am attempting to lose approx 5 lbs eventhough everyone says I look fine the way I am. We will see!
I did get a new job... in home care for seniors. I am still searching for a phlebot job though. Hopefully soon I will have one and a dozen less things to worry about. I am also excited over my upcoming court date which is this Monday. We will FINALLY get the child support issues taken care of and the visitation. I could rant and complain all day about this but I will spare the readers. lol
February 2008
Wow! its Valentines day already!! Time seems to be flying by so quickly... so where the heck is summer at lol
Anyway things seem to be looking up for a change. I just got a new job doing home care for the elderly... its not drawing blood but its doing the next best thing in my opinion. I love taking care of people...
January 2008
Just thought i'd post. Weight is still the same so nothing new on that front. Dating still blows lol and so does the search for a lab job! I think its insane with my experience and education that I cant even get a call back. I happen to be damn good at what I do... just ask my family and friends that I have drawn blood on.. ok so my rant is over lol
Nothing new to report... I am back to trying to get more water in but that damn diet mtn dew is addictive!
So its been forever since I have posted. I weigh 140 ish.. I fluctuate between 140 and 145. My sister had my neice on 12/28/07 and she's gorgeous! No complications at all thank god! Everything here is about the same. Dealing with child support or lack there of and then the divorce which I cant wait for it to be finalized... I will keep em updated!
October 2007
Ok so October is here and I am moving next week. I am nervous but I think its a good decision for me and my munchkins at the moment. I am working on several things and hopefully things will start looking up for me soon. I am just about sick of this black cloud that feels the need to follow me. My ex is out of town for a total of 4 weeks so im having to explain to the kids constantly why daddy isnt around right now. I understand he's doing it for his career but my only thought is... if its going to last.. and with his track record... i dont think its going to last long. Anyway my weight is where it should be... I do think I need to up my water and protein intake so I will be working on that. I think thats all I have for the moment... I will post more when I have time.
September 2007
Ok so this will probably be my last post for September. Lots of things going on here. Bill has moved out and eventhough it was rough for me the day he was leaving... I havent missed him at all which is very odd.
I will also be moving very soon. I need to get my sh*t straightened out and get back on my feet again. Every day this week something has gone wrong in my life and I know at some point things have to get better but at this time its pretty depressing.
On a wonderful note though... my older 2 boys both play football. I found out today that my 6 yr old Max is captain of his part of the team!!! He had his game today and they won! Tomorrow my 8 yr old Mitchell has his game and if they win they will be division champs!! I am so proud of them!
My daughter is almost completely potty trained and my youngest son is coming out of his shy shell... mom came over last night and it was so fun to watch her wrestle around and play with them. I know they had a blast!
So eventhough things are kinda crappy for me ... atleast I have my munchkins and family to help me keep my chin up.
Now onto the weight... blah. I have been totally off track and I know it. Im not gaining but if I dont get back on track im going to kick myself later.. So this week I have started behaving with food like i should have been doing all along.
So as of this afternoon its over and he's gone. He moved all of his stuff out and just left. I'm kind of relieved and heart broken at the same time.... I feel lost
The only good thing right now is that My ex hubby brought the kids here for a 3 week visit. Usually we share custody equally... but I am totally looking forward to having them here all the time.... and my daughter doesnt know it yet... but we will be working on the potty training full force. She does a really good job with it while she's with me but when she comes back from her dads house she's wearing diapers.... so 3 weeks should be more than enough time to get potty trained! yay
Ok so 2 posts in less than 24 hrs... damn im on the ball this month.
I probably shouldnt be putting this on here but I dont really care at the moment. It seems that I manage to screw up everything I get myself into. I was so excited over getting back in school but with everything else going on its hard to be excited over anything. I dont think Bill and I are going to stay together. Its for the best really but damn it still hurts. I thought I would be ok if things didnt work out with us because I have been so stressed but I was wrong. I do love him... and I know whats wrong... we dont talk when we need to... for some reason I cant tell him how I feel about certain issues. Basically we barely talk unless its about tattoos or work. When the kids are here we are both so busy we havent learned how to make time for us. It is a new and young relationship and I think we are both still burnt from our past relationships. I am feeling like im a failure at everything... failed marriage, failed relationship, failed job.... among a dozen other failures. Does it ever get any better?????? Is it possible that I will ever catch a break from the bullshit that I live???
So things arent as they seem. I'm not near the person I thought I was but on a better note, I enrolled my butt back into school. I start in Oct. and I cant freaking wait. I am a very busy girl but this will keep my mind on the right track and stay focused on the good things. So many things are going wrong in my life right now... I wish I knew how to deal with it better. I have changed my opinions on a few things and I have several people that support me and my many issues lol. I dont blame the surgery on my problems... I blame other things and it doesnt matter if im right or wrong either way its just my thoughts. When I become more brave i'm sure I will be able to post about it on here but right now im just not ready to do so. My family knows exactly what i'm talking about and at this point thats all that matters. Anyway... hopefully things will start looking up and this dark black cloud that seems to surround me will go away and allow me to be the happy person I once was.
Once again I am on here talking about another funeral. A few weeks ago Bill's dad passed at the young age of 53... the day before his funeral, a cousin of mine passed and now my grandfather. Grandpa had been sick and he was ready but that still doesnt keep him here with us. I am thankful that he's not hurting anymore and maybe I am selfish but I want him here. He was such an awesome man and his marriage to my grandmother showed me that real true love does exist. I miss him greatly. At one point in the hospital, grandpa didnt know anyone but when I walked in the door he made it a point to razz me and ask me why I wasnt the one drawing HIS blood every morning. It made me feel good and of course from that day on..... I was the one that drew his blood.
On another note, with all of this going on, I quit my job. Probably not the smartest thing I have ever done but there were many reasons for doing so. For one my mental health was at risk by staying there. My physical health was also at risk by only getting 2 hrs or less of sleep a day. I had all I could take when my boss lied to me for the last time. I am thinking about writing a letter (in addition to the dozens of nurses that have already done so) to HR to see what can be done if anything. I loved my job but it was so detrimental to me... I did what I had to do. I feel bad though, I have put my Bill in such a position with our bills. I will find employment this week... I am a damn good phlebotomist and I shouldnt have a problem even if I dont go for a phlebot job.
August 2007
Ok so I think im just going totally nuts here. The past 2 weeks have been so busy. Bills dad passed away last sunday. We were expecting it but nothing could ever prepare you for the loss of a family member. I know exactly what he was feeling and going through and I'd like to think that helped out.
The past 3 days have been a bit different, I have been super light headed and I cant figure out why. I am eating and drinking... I just dont get it. I got up earlier to open the front door and woke up on the floor... then my son had a football game and I almost passed out there. So of course I am at work and I had one of my co workers draw some blood to see what if anything was going on. Everything looks good except for my blood sugar... it was 65. So whats wrong with me??? I havent the slightest clue I just wish this crap would stop.
I got on my scale at home today and it said 130 and I just about freaked... so of course when I got to work I hopped on the scale here and it said 142... thats one hell of a difference but I think i trust the scale at work more than the one i have at home. I only weigh myself once or twice a week which is way better than before... atleast im not getting on it daily like i used to.
Anyway thats all I have for now... If I find time I will post again before the end of the month.
Busy busy busy!!! I am horrible with updating this thing.... Things here are going well with the exception of this freaking cold I cant seem to get rid of.
I am trying really hard to not be as obsessed with everything... mostly cleaning. Up until about a week ago, all I ever worried about was keeping my house spotless which is impossible when you have 5 kids here 2 full weeks out of a month. Its getting easier to let things go. I have also noticed that I have obtained an "i dont give a sh*t" attitude about everything that used to bother me. I am starting to feel back to my old self again... the goofy giddy girl.
Bill and I are doing great... we are still adjusting to having 5 kids in the house at one time but with each week it gets better. I have found that it is very difficult to get used to how he treats me... I am not used to a man that wants to spend time with me... that is proud to hold my hand in public, someone that actually cares and shows it! I have only had one other major relationship in my life and I now realize that my marriage wasn't as good as I once thought it was. Bill respects me which is so important and of course I have all the respect in the world for him. He is also having a hard time adjusting to how I treat him.... but we are working on it TOGETHER... what a concept! lol
Ok lets talk weightloss... I am hearing almost daily that I need to stop losing weight that I look anorexic... funny thing is... I havent lost any weight in months. I am below goal and very happy with myself and my weightloss. These people never told me I was too fat... so why do they seem to think its ok to tell me im too thin? It sounds just as crappy either way. If I get overwhelmed with the comments... I ask Bill what he thinks... he didnt know me when I was big and he gives me his honest opinion which is usually something like... Babe, you are healthy... you look healthy dont worry about what others think... you are not too thin...
its soo sweet... I will keep his opinions :D
ok my little ramble fest is over for now... hopefully I will be able to update more soon.
July 2007
I figured i'd give an update here eventhough I really don't have much lol. My grandpa is still in the hospital and I am a horrible granddaughter because eventhough I work there, I havent been able to get up there to see him because its been so busy here with work and the kids and such.
Theres no new news as far as the weightloss goes... I am beyond thrilled with my results! But the fun of hopping on the scale and seeing a dramatic change is gone!
This week Bill and I don't have the kids hoping to get inked up FINALLY! If I do, I will be sure to post some pics. I already have a butterfly so I havent decided exactly what im going to get yet... but he is creative and im sure we can come up with an amazing tat!
Ok, so July is here... where is the time going??? I think all I do is work and sleep! well... try to sleep. As far as my weight goes, I am for the most part maintaining... I fluctuate approx 5-7 lbs... If I still had my monthly cycle i'd blame it on that but I dont have that as an excuse anymore lol. Today I weigh 135.
Things here are pretty good but of course totally chaotic! I obviously have some major OCD issues and its making me insane. I thought about going to the doc about it but I have issues taking meds for things like this. I guess being a total clean freak can't be all that bad right?
Things with Bill are great, we are still adjusting to our lives together which can be rough at times especially with the kids but we are working on it. He's definately a great guy! I need to get more pics of us but he is a bit camera shy lol and of course im totally opposite.
My little bro came over the other day and told me I was tiny lol thats hilarious! I still see a big girl in the mirror... just not as big as I used to be. I am contemplating getting my belly button pierced though.......My belly is totally flat when I lay down and its cheesy as hell but I catch myself looking at it all the time.......standing up well thats another story lol I still see a "gut" whats up with the mind games on this anyway?
Also... I guess im going public... if anyone has a myspace page and wants to chat... you can do a search on tatgoddess or [email protected]
June 2007
Lets see lets see... so much crap going on, so little time to sort it all out. I weigh 135... and I am somewhat comfortable with that. I do think its a bit on the low side for me though... I am trying to eat more but with everything going on, I tend to forget to eat. I have met someone though... that is making each day easier to live with. He is so good to me! I am definately thinking he's an angel of some sort. He's very supportive and makes sure I eat and get my protein in... Its so weird to have someone that actually cares about that stuff with me. Anyway... my family has met him and it has been an amazing past few weeks... I think it will only get better!