TammyNVA 18 years, 3 months ago

Congratulations on this big day. I wish you all the best today and all the days to come. Some will be good days... lots of WOW moments. Some will NOT be good days... just remember you are in charge of YOU! Take care and once again, Congratulations!!

Kathleen L. 18 years, 3 months ago

Good luck with your surgery.

Shanana 18 years, 3 months ago

Will be praying for you today!! Be blessed!! Shannon C.

Tinkerbelle ..I Do Believe ! 18 years, 3 months ago

Wow .. today is the day .. the day you take back your life . I am so glad to have met you .. and I adore you .. you get it .. you know what to do and are so ready for this . I love your dedication to all of this . Please know that I am here for you .. and that a year from now .. Me and you kiddo .. up there in the air .. Jumping from that plane .. Free.. Free like birds ... Keep this real .. Stay positive and know that YOU are what matters from this day forward . See you real soon on the loosing side .. Hugs.. Tink ...

Tinkerbelle ..I Do Believe ! 18 years, 3 months ago

Wow .. today is the day .. the day you take back your life . I am so glad to have met you .. and I adore you .. you get it .. you know what to do and are so ready for this . I love your dedication to all of this . Please know that I am here for you .. and that a year from now .. Me and you kiddo .. up there in the air .. Jumping from that plane .. Free.. Free like birds ... Keep this real .. Stay positive and know that YOU are what matters from this day forward . See you real soon on the loosing side .. Hugs.. Tink ...

Andrea N. 18 years, 3 months ago

Just wanted to stop by and wish you the best! I will be thinking about you and know my prayers are with you and Steph! Hugs, Andrea

Andrea N. 18 years, 3 months ago

Just wanted to stop by and wish you the best! I will be thinking about you and know my prayers are with you and Steph! Hugs, Andrea

Cyndi M. 18 years, 3 months ago

~~~~~~CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR UPCOMING SURGERY~~~~~~ (Everything in our lives happens for a purpose and that purpose is to prepare us) May God give you courage, strength and guidance throughout your new journey. You are about to embark on the most amazing transformation of you mind, body and soul. Your big day is almost here, this is the day, your new life will begin, I cant promise it will be easy, cant say it will be hard, I can say that with all the complications and everything I had to go through, It was well worth it. I have never felt better in yearsss, I’m off all medications, have sooooo much more energy. So if you hit a bump in the road, hang in there and remember it will alll be worth it in the long run. Sending Prayers your way that the Lord will guide your surgeon’s hands. May the guardian angels wrap their loving arms of protection around you during your surgery and recovery . Remember your not alone in this journey, many of us have been down this road, we are here to offer love and support. Looking forward to hearing from you on the loosing side. Huggs and Prayers Link to my profile 8-19-04 surgery date weight 297.5 height 5f 2 -113.5 weight losss http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/profile.php?N=M1087435160

Tin K. 18 years, 3 months ago

Will, Good luck with your surgery! Congratulations on the beginning of your new life, and may your surgery be complication free and your healing speedy! Can't wait to hear all about it when you're back!! K - from the June board

Ro Ro 18 years, 3 months ago

Good Luck, best wishes, sending prayers, hope all goes well....you get the point. Thinking about you on your date
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Surgery Date
Apr 22, 2006
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