Everyday I question, "did I do the right thing?"

Sep 28, 2008

And most days right now I'm regretting it.

I can't stand the SMELL of food, or THINKING about food.  It all makes me want to gag.

I'm gettin my liquids in but that is about it.  Maybe a bite or 2 of something but not much, no wonder I'm so weak and emotional.

Tomorrow is my 2 week post-op appt.

Sep 25, 2008

Hope all goes well.  I get to move onto the next phase too!  YAY!!!  Phase 3 foods.  I hope I can get this food down the gullet, lol

Today was a potluck at work and I TRIED to stay out of it, I didn't want to be tempted.  But it was our office managers birthday so I joined.  I had a few spoons of refreind beans, a little rice and tiny bit of carne asada.  chewed, chewed and chewed some more, lol  And I had a few bites of a oreo icecream cake and did ok. 

I've lost 25 lbs since June 24th

Sep 23, 2008

Which was my first consult!

I'm very excited!

I've had a terrible last few days, not wanting to eat at all.  So, have been very weak and emotional.

Finally got some pain meds today so I can be at work now sitting without pain.  And so far, so good today.  :)

I'm trying to remain positive, but it's hard sometimes.  I never thought in my live I'd have to FORCE myself to eat!!!  And the food is nasty, can't wait to move to phase 3 on Friday!!!  YAY!!!

2 week post-op on Friday and we'll see what Doctor says.

Thanks to everyone for listening to me cry and helping in any way possible, it means a lot :)

I made it!!

Sep 15, 2008

I am happily a LOSER!!  YAY!!!

Been home since Saturday, so 2 days.  Had a really rough first day out of surgery.  The pain was so bad and the morphine wasn't helping at all, even with the anti-nausea medication.  Wasn't touching the pain but made me have the biggest headache, ever!  lol

But things simmered down on Satruday, I started feeling a bit better.  They forced me up and out of bed which was the hardest thing I ever had to do!!  Man, that hurt.

But once I was up and the nausea and dizzyness passed I could sit and try to eat something.  I was really scared to try for fear of puking but all went well.  :)  I still must have my stomach of steel!!!  YAY!!

OH and just a note to everyone going in, TAKE EARPLUGS!!!! The lady next to me was a sweet OLD hispanic woman who had about 10 of her rude famiy members in at one time, talking really loud, watching TV, talking on cell phones etc.  I was getting so irritated and I couldn't get a nurse to say something!  People just suck, absolutely no consideration for others, for chrissake it was a HOSPITAL!!!  Whatever, she ended up being very nice and I met her daughter as I was getting ready to leave.  She was a RN and had been also working at temp-sites for the Chatsworth train crash.  She was really sweet, how commendable  :)

Anyways I feel a nap coming on  Night everyone! 

Oh boy!

Sep 11, 2008

Tomorrow is the big day.  And I'm kinda freaking out.  Been thinking about a lot of things, the hamster in my brain won't relax.  Not sure if I can take my ativan or not, but I need one now.  :(  Barry is really scared for me and I feel so bad about it!!  He and my best friend will be there waiting for me and that makes me happy.  :)  I wish he can stay the night, I'm scared to stay in the hospital by myself.  But they said he can't b/c he's a man and my "roomie" may be offended by having him there.

Ok, well best get my stuff together and wipe myself down.  I wish this MOM would STOP working now, I think my intestines are falling out, lol

Till later........ 

It's over.....

Sep 09, 2008

 I'm CLEARED for surgery on Friday!!!! 
I'm so relieved, to say the least.  I came home and slept for a few hours, lol  And I NEVER nap!!!

So, now to get in "surgery" mode!!  Dang, it's right around the corner, LITERALLY!!!

Ok, I won't freak out! 

Breathe, Crysti, Breathe!!!

Thanks for everyones well wishes and finger crossings, it must have done the trick!!!  

Oh and I must mention that the staff at USC is the BEST!!!  Everyone has been absolutely WONDERFUL!! 

You guys ROCK!!!! 

Weekend from hell....

Sep 07, 2008

OR girlfriend from hell?  lol!!

I'm on the starvation diet of 700-800 cals AND PMSing majorly so I'm in a pretty shitty mood, lol  Me and my BF have been snapping at each other all weekend and all I've wanted is QUIET and to be alone.

I'm anxious about Tuesday, I have to do a 2 hour stress test and I'm not sure what it consists of.  Dr. K's office is hoping that I can be given the verdict then for Friday.  If not, guess we reschedule?  I dunno.  

Ok, well I'm off to watch True Blood!!!  YAY!!! 

Got my letter yesterday....

Sep 03, 2008

From HealthNet for my approval.. but odd thing.  Says my doctor isn't in the network!!  I looked him up on their website, now wouldn't that mean he's in the network???  I hope this doesn't cause problems and more importantly, more $ out of my pocket!!!  I'm strapped as it is!

Also started the 2 protein shakes and 1 meal since I haven't lost weight.  I just cannot believe how fast this is happening!!!  My surgery is 9 days away!!!!  YIKES!

Tomorrow is the Cardiologist too.

Thursday August 28th - I'm APPROVED!!!

Aug 28, 2008

Yippie Kay Yay!!!!!!  I'm approved, I'm so excited!!

Now the scared part kicks in, this is REAL!!! 



Aug 22, 2008

Feeling kinda icky today.

My insurance stuff is still being reviewed so she said contact her next week.  It's going to be so last minute, I just know it.  Oh well.

I've been very tired lately and cannot sleep.  Stressing b/c of bills etc.  Worried about $ lost while I'm home recovering.  It will work out, it always does I suppose.

Just happy it's Friday :)  YAY!

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