MeliT wrote a blog post 13 years, 11 months ago
Thank you OH for listening to us!!!! -  Did you guys notice the comments are no longer cut off after 150 characters? They did it!! We can leave long comments now!! Woohoo!!! I wanted to thank the IT team and the creator...

MeliT wrote a blog post 13 years, 11 months ago
Cruise recap -  i have sooooo much to tell you! ok well first of all our cabin was the shizzle. we splurged on a ocean view room and it was on the top floor. we only had to go up a short stair...

MeliT uploaded a photo 13 years, 11 months ago

MeliT uploaded a photo 13 years, 11 months ago

MeliT posted a comment 13 years, 11 months ago
oof thats way too far for me. lol. oh well i'm sure someone else will...

MeliT posted a comment 13 years, 11 months ago
@casee everyone is different. the bruising was due to the trauma....

MeliT wrote a blog post 13 years, 11 months ago
Happy Anniversary to me! -  Today is my 5yr wedding anniversary. My husband and i met 12 yrs ago and married 5yrs ago. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. We're leaving to go on a cruise in a few h...

MeliT posted a comment 13 years, 12 months ago
hey mari! i'm in miami (coral gables). i'm not there yet. still...

MeliT uploaded a photo 14 years ago

MeliT uploaded a photo 14 years ago

MeliT uploaded a photo 14 years ago

MeliT wrote a blog post 14 years ago
7 months out, 80lbs down -  finally the scale moved today. i have officially lost 80lbs! woohoo! and i'm finally out of the 180s and into the 170s. this month has been tough for me. i've only lost 3lbs. that...

MeliT wrote a blog post 14 years ago
Got my new banana protein! -  Guess what? its a good batch! MMMMMmmmmmm so yummy! in heaven!! :) i've missed you so much banana protein. i know a lot of you guys are going to ask me what protein i'm talking...

MeliT wrote a blog post 14 years ago
HEY OBESITYHELP.COM, LISTEN UP!! -  We want to leave longer comments! Why are we restricted to 150 characters? This isn't twitter. Give us a break! Make the comments longeR!! If you agree leave a comment!

MeliT wrote a blog post 14 years ago
Just discovered Chai Tea -  how lame is it that when i go on a grocery run the thing i'm most excited about is the different teas i got for myself. i love my sleepytime tea. tension tamer, all that stuff....

MeliT wrote a blog post 14 years ago
What my nutritionist said about Jack3d -  "Hi Melissa, Sorry I was unable to get back to you sooner but I had been out for a few days and coming back was a little crazy. About this product. To be honest, I normally ...

MeliT wrote a blog post 14 years ago
Your body will let you know when something is off -  I figured it out. Someone had said on one of my earlier blog posts that my body could be going into starvation mode from too little calories. which when i thought about it, made s...

MeliT wrote a blog post 14 years ago
My experience with vitamin b12 -  So I'm a VSGer and my doctor has me taking vitamin b12 along with a mutli and an iron. i also take Vitamin D because i have a defficiency since before surgery.  Well since taki...

MeliT wrote a blog post 14 years ago
Bad batch of protein -  So I ordered another bottle of Banana cream pudding protein powder from BSN and i was sooooo excited because I had run out of my other bottle and was drinking flavors i wasn't so ...

MeliT wrote a blog post 14 years ago
wow! -  I'm just really overwhelmed at the support i'm getting from everyone. You guys are really helping me keep things in perspective. Love the positive support. :)  thank you all so mu...

MeliT wrote a blog post 14 years ago
Stalling sucks -  I just wanted to thank you guys for the comments you left on my last post. For those of you experiencing the same thing at least I know i'm not alone. This must be normal. Lord kn...

MeliT wrote a blog post 14 years ago
sigh... -  Another week....another disappointing weigh in. I'm really worried that my weightloss has slowed to a crawl. i was sooo close. I really hope this stall breaks. even if it lasts a ...

MeliT wrote a blog post 14 years ago
Artificial sweeteners. my thoughts. -  I'm a splenda girl. always have been. probably always will be. i hear soooo much crap about omg thats poison and bla bla bla. well i looked into it. splenda doesn't harm your body...

MeliT wrote a blog post 14 years ago
Stalled -  nothing new to report. i was so excited to weigh myself today only to find i'm stalled. i really want to get to the 170s. i wanna reach my goal of being 175 by my anniversary on m...

MeliT wrote a blog post 14 years ago
Hello everyone! -  I don't know why my posts keep making it to the homepage but i felt very popular this morning when i awoke to all these comments and such. I'm getting a lot of friends requests...
About Me
Miami, FL
Surgery Date
Jun 17, 2010
Member Since

Friends 159

Latest Blog 123
