LOL, Maureen, I tell ya! exercise was so not me. when I started I was so upset to only do 3 mins of walking on my skiing yeah got on got off, was my thang. lol It's so amazing how it do get better. I also had joined the Ymca, but haven't been back since. because I realized I couldn't walk on the treadmill for 5 mins, How would that look. anyhow I started slowly walking to my mailbox. I live in a apts and they have all the mailboxes in the front of the complex. I've been living here for years and have never walked up there to get my mail. I either drove or sent the kids. I tell you I was hurting by the time I returned to my door. By doing this each day, it really has helped me, now I have uped my walking distance, (DRUM ROLL PLEASE 1 MILE) which I can say Im very surprised on how far and how much energy I have. I walk 7am in the morning when people are leaving for work, kids getting dressed for school, and there is no one out but this one rabbit and the birds, and the air is so fresh. I love the it all. So girlie keep doing your exercise and it will get easier each day. Take care. hugs